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User ID: 2725



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User ID: 2725

You can treat them as if they'd made an overly spicy joke, and they'll wear it as a mark of pride. Or you can put them through the wringer so they'll think better next time. I don't think the second option is more laughable.

  • -13

As always posts like this that equivocate "attraction to bloated corpses" and "making vidya game characters a bit more aggressively bland" leave me thinking that the gamergaters are not the ones with a normal scale of beauty.

The kind of people who unironically claim Zendaya is a 3/10 are the 1%ers.

  • -12

Calling a specific subsection of women unrapeable is a pretty clear implication that you consider other subsections acceptable to rape. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exception_that_proves_the_rule#Proving_the_existence_of_the_rule

It's not rocket science. Sure, it would't hold up in a decent court, but "acktchyually I said I wouldn't even rape her, why are you upset" isn't fooling anyone.

  • -11

It's really, really hard! If you'll allow me to put on my tinfoil hat, I almost feel like publishers are intentionally making it hard.

Dota 2 and CS have party play, last time I checked.

If there is, you might have to wait 30min or longer because the game forces groups of players to only play against other groups of players.

Then find 5 more people to lobby with? Was it quicker than 30 minutes to go to your local LAN club back in the day so you could play within your own small community?

Oh, and there's censorship, of course. Even innocent, casual-friendly games like Minecraft have to make sure you can't say any naughty words anymore.

Presumably you have your own voice chat app so you don't have to speak ingame at all.

Honestly? Yeah, I do want to stomp newbies. As long as it takes me dozens of hours to learn a game or map, I should be rewarded with a vastly increased win chance. Otherwise, what's the point? Why am I learning and trying to get better if the game will just become harder and harder up until I give up? This is just the Moloch problem again, btw.

You have the choice to find a group of noob friends who don't mind getting stomped. That's how any even slightly organized competition works. You want to have fun? So does everyone else. Want to have easy fun? Play vs. bots. You don't want sweaty tryhards? Don't be sweaty and sink to the rating where people who don't try as hard are. Or, again, find likeminded people. Moloch is about sweatier systems outcompeting unsweatier ones, but I don't see how public queue is "outcompeting" premades, except in games that don't have premades in the first place (and CS/Dota 2 do).

"Game gets harder as I get better" is a selling point for many, many people in many, many games, it shouldn't be unfathomable to you.

There's nothing stopping them from playing for a few dozen hours, getting better at the game and stomping newbies too. This is how WC3 works and it's great. This is how the natural world and evolution work too.

It's not fun unless you're a complete masochist, and even you don't seem to be a masochist. Instead you seem to think that newbies don't deserve fun. While also thinking that the game shouldn't be sweaty.

Also, in nature and evolution you don't get better, you just eat shit and die if you're bad. You want to appeal to evolution? The MMR model of gaming flooded out your preferred model of gaming because it's more appealing. Therefore, it's better. That's evolution for you.

"Uglier" is not the fitting word in the vast majority of such cases. It's loaded and implies the end result is below average. Going from 8 to 7, or even from 7 to 6 is hardly "uglification".

Is this going to be propped up as another example of "guesswho baiting people with bad faith" and used against him, while right-wingers say more vile shit on the regular and stay untouched just because their opponents don't flip out on them?

Few things can be more salient than shelling, and for every attempt to appeal to the Ukrainian's male pride there are 10 channels where he's called a pig and dehumanized by Russians.

Now, men who aren't conscripted yet are probably more fertile soil for such propaganda, but not by much. Ukrainian cities are getting hit as well, not just the frontline.

I think the attempts to demoralize potential Russian mobilized by telling them how their wife hopes to receive the KIAbuxx soon are more powerful.

Speaking for myself and my predicted effect of frontline life on morale - I currently want nothing but the highest humiliation upon Putin and his supporters, even at a cost to the country in general, but if I were packed to the frontline, I expect I'd hate the Khokhols more soon enough.

Words do have meanings, just not a single one for each word. And handpicking the meaning you like to imply the interlocutor is unaware of it (as opposed to "doesn't care") is the kind of pointless wordcelery that should be dismissed. It offers no new information.

Visiting brothels sounds like failing at the social role of a husband to me.

And if it's fine because husbands weren't expected to be as faithful as wives, then this is again evidence of inequality.

By that logic the serfs were the most prestigious caste of medieval society, because food, unlike swords and castles, is actually necessary for society.

That was not so and isn't so still. Neither was motherhood.

While filtering out "inadequate" suitors on the dating app (and I can bet there are many) might be easier than changing your lifestyle to adequately date, I don't believe it's no effort. Too many posters give off this "just get a good partner sis" message when they describe women's dating prospects, whereas "just clean up and be confident bro" doesn't work quite as well.

I would like us to do all we can to strengthen the weak, including the means some view as "going against God's vision" or "essentially genocide" (referring to genetic modifications). It appears that the willingness to go against God's vision takes this lesser form, for now.

Besides, most men will have the opportunity to shame, discourage, mock or halt rape. "Teaching men not to rape" also includes "teaching men to teach men not to rape", and I'd wager the impact of that second-order teaching is higher.

Yes, I've seen this cherry-picked frame before. An actual comparison doesn't quite fit that narrative.

I was talking about gab.ai, which I admittedly haven't tested as I'm not that curious about an America First Zoomer or a Christian Counselor viewpoint.

No, I don't mean "better more earlier sex education". I mean addressing the power/status disparity, atomization, pregnancy/STD risk and other factors that make teens ill-equipped to participate in society. It is not a simple task, it is not just about teens and it certainly won't amount to "better education".

If you want to argue that any imaginable president would have handled the situation in exactly the same way, you have to explain why other countries’ COVID responses varied so significantly.

I'm sure you are aware that there are many other people in the government and adjacent to it besides the president. People that don't change much between term changes in USA, but are completely different in other countries. You're also aware that other countries operate under different arrangements of those people and different laws that take various lengths of time to change, when they can be changed at all.

You know all this, so why not skip to the point and explain why you believe the president has more influence on the covid response than all the rest of that?

Once we said "switched places" it is up to argument how much of "being rich" we actually switch. A rich child of rich parents is not the same as a poor man who won 100 million in lottery.

What is this persistent fixation on trying to establish a link between progressivism and Christianity? I am progressive precisely because I am not Christian, I don't think there's any "next life" where all virtue and sin is accounted for to compensate for the unjustness of the earthly realm. You and I see sin being rewarded and virtue being punished every day, you may pick any definition of "sin" and "virtue" that aren't the circular "good behaviour is when good outcome" type.

The Russians also defined the newly captured territories as actual Russia. I somehow doubt reclaiming them would trigger nuclear use. The definition of "sovereign totally Russian historical territory" has depreciated as of late.

Note that the response to strikes at actual, 1991 borders Russian territory was not "nuke them".

patriarchal societies enact slut-shaming, which is more or less true. What is left unsaid is that there existed the parallel practice of cad-shaming.

If being a john was seen as (relatively) normal yet prostitutes were pariahs, then this parallel practice of cad-shaming wasn't as prevalent as slut-shaming, and the feminists are justified in leaving it unsaid.

Have you asked the Ukrainians how many they're willing to sacrifice?

Do they? How many parents really know what their kid is up to on Discord?

I have still not seen a satisfactory answer to "so how do the slobs stop you from competing against your peers, anyway?". Right now, slobs can actually waddle ten meters and say they won. Why does that not "ruin" running for Usains but ezmodo ruins games?

Can't splinter in the English web? How so Do you feel technically unable to do it, psychologically, or you can't find others who want a smaller community?