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User ID: 2725
I highly doubt male feminists, whether genuine or fake, are more prone to acts of sexual misconduct. Off the top of my head, even if I recall specific accounts of sexual misconduct, most of them would not mention that the perpetrator was a male feminist in any shape or form.
In addition to "it's more surprising", it seems to me that most women writing highly public pieces on their experiences of sexual misconduct are feminists, and their social circles mostly contain men who pay some lip service to feminism at least.
The particular disreputation of Hitler is not just due to his evilness, but also due to the fact Germans are Western. Communism gets to largely write Khmer Rouge off its reputation because most people don't seem to care about third-world Asians (Chinese less so, but also, owing to how numerous they are) massacring each other. As the meme goes, "emperor Ching Chuang Hong declares minor border war, 100 millions dead".
But... starting wars and forcing ideology on others is what stood the test of time. Lockdowns were also a thing, from what I heard. It's not like every time someone started a war they were smitten by lightning from on high.
And Baldur's Gate 3 shows us that people, including the white Gamers, love it as long as it's a good game.
Not terribly concerned about either all these years or today. I would expect the guy I replied to to have been concerned, though, which is why I asked.
What was "based" about Hades 1?
From what I heard, they don't let you just sit on your phone or otherwise occupy yourself. You have to stare at the screen where nothing is going on. Otherwise, I doubt it would work on the Japanese either.
Ok, but which Indians did the kid mean and which Indians are the guy's wife? If I believe the comments of our resident Indians, there are goodsmart Indians and badstupid Indians, and the former don't have a lot of ethnic solidarity with the latter.
Would you trust a leftist who extensively posts acab, protect trans kids, stale pale male etc. content to do an unbiased job in the government?
The poll could be rigged. He owns the website.
Wildbow doesn't get nearly as wild as I do.
I mean, it's kind of an outdated opinion if you're only basing it on Worm. 12 years and 5 web serials went by since then.
Somewhat unrelatedly, have you seen Wildbow's Seek? As a transhumanist the themes and setting might be up your valley. One of the protagonists is a cyborg heavily adapted for tight spaces and low-gravity maintenance work.
You highlight it neatly here: such upgrades only really seem worth it if you're working an information-intensive job, the kind where you'd ordinarily be using some sort of sensor device or array. And modding yourself for something as ephemeral as a job feels excessive/vaguely droneish.
In my books parrying is cooler than dodging because it's typically tighter timing and a greater level of counterplay.
Two different small weapons is probably the coolest-looking, but small shield + big/small weapon is the most satisfying to play.
You would prefer a society where your children are certain to face all sorts of brainwashing, and likely also mutilation and torture as adults, rather than 5% (extremely generous estimate) of them going medically trans? I believe that you have priorities, but as you express them, they look extremely skewed, to the point where it's easy to assume you're having a knee-jerk reaction to trans rather than actually thinking about the relative badness your children will experience in 2025 USA vs. 1984 Oceania.
Certainly if someone stated in plain terms they would rather their kids certainly 1984-suffer over living in a society where they have a small chance of being convinced to sterilize themselves, I would think that person is either innumerate or "hates" the concept of trans to an irrational degree. You could be framing it in terms of overall fertility rates and shit, and then, like, OK, this person values his genetic legacy, this is at least understandable. But this hyper-focus on trans is why other people think you've just overdosed on trans outrage porn.
Suppose you're in Communist Russia, and your son is getting bombarded by propaganda of Soviet martyr soldiers in school (They took this shit really seriously. Propaganda of WW2 child guerillas, too). How worried are you going to be that he, a bright-eyed patriot, enlists into the Afghanistan war immediately after finishing school and gets heroically blown up by an IED without leaving you any grandchildren?
What fertility influencing technology wasn't birth control in one way or the other?
"When a fight is about to break out, make sure to strike first. How do you tell when a fight is about to break out? Easy, it will once you've struck first" - (c) Putin according to internet memes.
The sort of person who would be the trailblazer for gene editing, maybe. And even they might be quicker to make the jump once we have artificial wombs too.
Once gene editing is easy enough to hit the mainstream, I don't doubt it will. Example: secular normies in USA circumsize their boys all the time even though this custom is mostly limited to the religious communities outside USA to my knowledge. If such an invasive thing could be popularized by a single humble cereal company owner (as the legend goes), imagine something that actually brings your kid up to the level of the Joneses.
What do you think it is?
- a way to humiliate the White House staffers
- a secret-not-secret hint that White House covers up Netanyahu's dirty business
- "free shit" syndrome, corresponding, amusingly enough, to one of the Jew stereotypes
- insert your own
As others have noted, its tastelessness seems tailored to the recipient. I would need information about Bibi's presents to other world leaders to figure out if he just does that to everyone or if it's just Trump he thinks would appreciate the "haha the exploding pagers" implication.
And yes, my objection to SS is over the "nefarious lying-but-can't-help-giving-hints Jew" proposed symbolism that's verging on the Illuminati memes, not the fact that there is a meaning beyond "a communication device that's made of gold".
Today on "nefarious insidious things Jews can't get away with": making a pager joke.
Schools in my country still have cursive last time I checked.
I simply write my name in my own brand of scrawl that's so bad even my own signatures don't look alike.
Sure, but what is Christian metaphysics rooted in, then?
I sense an implication in your words that I am less correct than you are because my belief is less coherent. But your coherency doesn't look valuable to me because from my perspective, some guy just picked a bunch of beliefs he and his acolytes had 2000 years ago and arbitrarily declared them to lie along one axis (God).
The coherency and the sense-making of religions is artificial, even if the ones that stood the test of time were the ones that tied together the beliefs that produced the most stable, desirable and powerful societies. However, that does not give them the credit for being the source and the metaphysical origin of those desirable traits humans exhibit.
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If that's the entirety of the definition, why aren't we calling them masculinists instead? It would be same difference.
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