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joined 2023 October 31 11:26:45 UTC


User ID: 2725



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User ID: 2725

Alright. In that case, if a particular venue was founded by people with views A, and they gradually accept enough people with views B that B can have sway in internal politics, the Bs are morally restricted from acting on their views, yet As are not?

"Acting on their views", in this case, being largely reduced to "which people do we want to play the game with".

Curious. In your opinion, then, people who had not been in the hobby before need explicit approval from oldies to adopt the hobby, create their own spaces for it and police those spaces as they see fit?

Again, how is gatekeeping your hobby from those gosh-darned attention whores morally different from gatekeeping your hobby from the microaggressive white creeps?

Is it not folk wisdom in the West that you gotta eat when you drink?

The invokers of the Law of Merited Impossibility rarely bother to check whether the people saying the two contradictory things are actually the same people, in my experience.

Last I checked systemic isms are isms because they affect the ismed demographic disproportionately highly, and that's the central definition of systemic isms.

Is that a rhetorical question, or do you really not understand why a ban on homosexuality qua homosexuality is taken more personally by a leftist than a ban on homosexual sex by way of banning all assembly of non-household-members, regardless of sexuality or indeed the intent to have sex, with a purpose that doesn't stem from decrying them besides?

I could say the same about the treatment pale stale males like me get in today's mainstream board gaming. As long as I'm not trying to get something out of it, I do not receive the white genocide threats. (Neither do I see those threats in general, that seems to be mostly a twitter thing.)

The Law of Merited Impossibility is usually defined as "it will never happen and it's a good thing it did" and is usually (here, at least) invoked against the Dems/Left, the Motte posters implying that the left claims there's no intention to genocide whites while cheering for reduced white percentages (for example).

I'm assuming FiveHourMarathon means to say that in a very similar way, the reactionary right claims that they do not seek to oppress women, only to restore them to their "good and natural role", while on Jim's blog they relate women to livestock.

With all due respect to small military dictatorships, I do not believe that they bring forth Einsteins nearly often enough for an arrangement with them to be "mutually beneficial", except in the most literal sense of the word where the other party gets at least a little bit of benefit.

What I've been taught in history class is that the casus belli and the reason for war are different. 99% of the time, at least.

I see one news story about a police interaction and the entire environment around it suggests that this is exactly how cops are trained to behave, that even the idea it was a bad shoot is hardly acknowledged, and instead of "your outrage is understandable, this was unbecoming of a police officer and will serve as an example for others to not act like that", people tell me "just try being a cop bro"? Yes, it changes my priors.

Trust is a continuous thing and is updated continuously.

The body cams are for scrutinizing them collectively, as a society, to be sure that the mistakes are rare, rather than "ignore and move on".

What immediately jumps out at me is that "drop the boiling water" is not the kind of an order that is easy to comply to. Seeing as, you know, dropping a pot of boiling water at your feet will predictably scald your legs.

Your mistake is assuming that "their unprovoked assault, our retaliation" is a correct take on the situation in the first place, because you once again reduce the two coalitions to monoliths. A better analogy would be Little Timmy "retaliating" by punching Kyle, who actually didn't touch him other than standing next to Brad and looking complicit. What is Kyle going to think now? Likely that if he's going to be assaulted anyway (perhaps for some verbal insult against Timmy), he might as well join in on the beatdown.

"I believe you would behave badly if you were in a position of strength, therefore I can't support your retaliation from a position of weakness in the present moment." is a solid argument against retaliation

My argument is "if you don't like the side I'm closer to, how about you start your retaliation with the people who have wronged you most, not the people who are the easiest targets, such as myself. Otherwise, you'll find me closing ranks". If you don't care and see yourself as a perpetual Little Timmy, then be my guest and flail around. I'll keep the enforced pronouns.

The right currently claims their principles are against the same actions, though. I'm explaining how being flippant about the Home Depot lady makes me disbelieve that they will act according to those stated principles if given the opportunity.

The anti-retaliation side assumes that there are more groups than the two monoliths, of which one is actively doing the titting upon all tatters and the other has only now gained a reprieve to briefly tat upon all titters.

If I'm someone who dislikes the left at their current level of cancel-happiness, yet would dislike the right more if they were in power and would be just as cancel-happy, then blind, cathartic retaliation from the right as soon as they can teaches me that I actually don't want to give them a chance to prove they'll stop canceling as soon as they get the catharsis out of their system.

Do women get charged more than men when they bring an entirely male-coded set of clothes to the dry cleaner or ask for a crewcut at the hairdresser where you live?

"So what, are you saying I'll be able to say the n-word on the Internet?"

"No. I'm saying that once you're ready, you won't have to."

Can anti-Democrats ever stop making Democrats sound cooler? Esoteric incantations? I'm voting for those.

So you still buy single-player games?

The question is, is it better to attack during night in China so Taiwan has a worse reaction time, or during night in USA so Biden has a worse reaction time.

The bulk of that man's muscle can be seen clearly enough under the layer of fat. Unless you were implying that he's weaker than he looks, your illustration isn't serving its purpose.

If that person campaigns for President, yes.