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joined 2022 September 04 22:46:13 UTC


User ID: 231



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:46:13 UTC


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User ID: 231

It's probably good for your skin if you're prone to clogged pores.

While strictly speaking 'legal' they encouraged and enabled illegal acts.

Neither the administration or users encouraged illegal acts. The admins of the site were quicker to react to rule breaking posts faster than the Facebook team could take down mass shooting livestreams. Null has cooperated with US law enforcement on every occasion and replied to takedown requests.

Also, again while not a matter of US law, doxing is the closest thing the anglophone internet has to a prohibition by law.

Doxxing is not illegal. Law enforcement has never pressed charges agaisnt KF. KF has won every single lawsuit it has been involved in.

I doubt we have anything to worry about.

The two incidents that cloudflare cites as a reason to take KF down were:

  • Obvious low effort false flag bomb threat email against US representative Marjorie Taylor Greene

  • A screencap of a post threatening violence from a user that has never posted before (taken down in 20 minutes)

It would be trivially easy for anyone to do the same to themotte or any independent forum. How can you have faith that people will critically examine the evidence if themotte is accused when nobody bothered to do so for KF? This community already gets smeared as a nazi website.

The dossier on Zoosadists led to at least a couple convictions. A lot of original research from the individual threads trickled down into mainstream coverage. It was a good place to get the news before it was reported on. Even "enemies" of KF would use the site to spread awareness on scam artists and actual serial abusers. The autistic commitment to 'not being factually wrong' and OSINT principles put them above most of the web in trustworthiness, at least when it comes to investigating very evil people† on the internet.

You were probably on the "wrong part" of the site. A&H (the "news" board) is basically /pol/ and was cloistered for being a shithole full of angry 2020 wignat users. IMO Null should have shut down A&H years ago because it didn't contribute much to the main site. There was a clear divide in moderation between the off topic boards and the on-topic boards. The userbase is a lot more diverse than it seems.

† evil is subjective but trust me, these were some bad guys.

they have the old soviet stockpiles that means even as the average equipment regresses decades, they can feed the war machine, whereas the European and even American stockpiles are getting hazardously low.

Russia will never outproduce the West.

Intent is too ambiguous. Simply make attempting to stab people a crime and harshly prosecute people stabbers so the police don't need to use their mind reading powers to pre-emptively jail people who could potentially commit a crime.

Also, a serrated knife is a bad weapon to use on a person.

Josh could just be put in jail!

But then he would have committed a crime. That's my point. There's nothing in the US Law that says you can't use the internet to laugh at the things weird people do.

I'd feel weird selling out for a browser also.

Brave users opt in to the program so anyone that sees ads chose to see them. I see it more as taking the money that's on the table from users who already use Brave to browse themotte.

I play Pistol Whip with a gun shaped peripheral I bought from etsy that lets you add quarters to add weight. Holding a weaver stance and point shooting moving targets for 30 minutes is a surprisingly ok core workout.

Beat Saber is fun but if you use the Oculus Quest 2, you'll have to do some hacking to get custom songs in. It's worth it once you have that.

What is your philosophy of which issues ought be subject to democratic control, and which ought not?

Honestly, the bare minimum needed to maintain the pretense of popular will. Ideally, issues that don't really matter too much on the macro scale like abortion, weed and American Idol are things fine to delegate to the people. Democracy is a technology for facilitating the peaceful transition of power, not a mechanism for good decision making or leadership.

New cars: one more year, maybe. Production is already ramping up

Used cars: two more years of hell-market, at least. The worst is yet to come.

Mr THut can you please do the needful and kindly revert whatever change you made to make usernames directly link to profiles instead of showing the profile card? Right now it does both (shows the card for a split second and then loads the profile page). It should be one or the other. I can't open an issue as I am banned from github. Thank you sir.

Used car supply is always 3 years behind the new car supply. Since there are very few new cars being created in 2020-2022, the used car supply will not begin to recover until 2022 cars start being sold back.

As it is now, even the yellowest of lemons (PT Cruisers) are being sold at exorbitant prices because of lack of supply, so outlook is most certainly bleak for the near future.

If we applied basic infosec sensibility (assuming the worst when seeing a obviously exploitable gaping vulnerability) to voting, almost no election can be considered legitimate.

But most people don't for some reason.

...pretty much every example of AI generated text and images I've encountered has struck me as painfully obvious.

Am I really an outlier in my ability to notice that randomly strung together words, even if they are grammatically correct, aren't conveying any meaning?

Yes. You are an outlier. A majority of people are consistently failing the reverse turing test for text and images. Literally everyone will at least have some of their time wasted reading the first couple sentences of AI generated text before realizing something is off. Nobody is immune to info-chaff.

Telemarketing and internet spam are so predictable that we generally don't have to process it to ignore it. A script is enough in most cases. AI comments show up where you expect human content. We don't have any automated way to differentiate between AI and human yet, and if we did, AI makers would just use it to become more humanlike.

Also, the less intelligent half of the population falls for telemarketing, internet spam, media manipulation and botting all the time and we all suffer the consequences of this.

Play Underrail. It's so damn good once you get in the hang of the wonky character system

I don't care that it's not fantasy, I've always believed that Animorphs would be a hit if they played it completely straight as a R rated war story aimed at the YA/tumblr audience. Maybe age everyone up to college if the child soldier thing is too violent for TV.

Also, Dark Tower needs to be done right.

The worldbuilding in Underrail is incredibly unique. At first glance it just seems like another 'slavs in a metro' STALKER clone, but it's so much weirder than that. I can't wait for the sequel to expand on the realms and cultures outside of lower Underrail that we barely got to see in the first game.

I have never seen a biological female coder outside of frontend and devops for some reason. I'm only a couple years in the industry though.

I don't have any strong opinions about learning coding other than to watch Uncle Bob's Clean Coding and fully internalize it, and to read and understand SICP.

I was fortunate enough to be mentored by a true expert in the field and had the fundamentals of pragmatic coding hammered into me. We would spend hours reviewing my code and arguing passionately about semantics and ontology. Being forced to explain my rationale and defend every single line I wrote made me a superior programmer to my peers in college.

I think a big part of being a truly good programmer is just having an appreciation for aesthetics and a sense of shame. You SHOULD FEEL BAD for writing bad code, even if it's truly nessessary. You should feel an intuitive sense of disgust seeing a function with too many side effects. Seeing awful inconsistent naming should make you cringe. These are all good things.

I'm sure people who live in areas that are in the process of being gentrified (higher expenses, higher rents) might have a lot to say on the subject.

It would be silly to complain about it if you moved there recently though.

I'll be in a country where all ADHD medication and stimulant drugs are extremely illegal, so I'll probably start smoking again to manage my spaz brain. Can't vape because nicotine juice is banned too. Any recommendations on cigs or patches?

Also, please share your experience if you've ever self medicated with nicotine or caffeine.

There are plenty of other games where Americans play well or even dominate the competetive scene. Some are even in the same genre like Dota. Extrapolating anything from LoL performance is pretty silly.

The people that draw all the shit on wikihow should be sweating right now.

Maybe shutterstock can pivot into serving their customers AI generated images they might like using a recommendation engine.

You will be living in one of the top 5 most expensive cities in the United States. The floor for rent for a studio is $1500 and is still rising rapidly. The average restaurant meal for one is $20.

People in this area are very reserved and having a social life is harder. Being open to strangers is hard when there’s a high likelihood you end up engaging with a hostile insane person.

Wokeness is the least of your problems if you move to the Seattle area without a 100k job.

Redmond in particular is pretty boring if you’re used to the big city. Having access to the top tier trails in Washington is cool though. If I lived in Redmond I would hike all the time.

Congratulations. -25lbs in 3 months is impressive progress. Don’t be disappointed if you can’t achieve that again.

I’m also looking for ways to not slip into hibernation mode in the cold winter.