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joined 2022 September 04 22:46:13 UTC


User ID: 231



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:46:13 UTC


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User ID: 231

There exists a Republican Party establishment that still firmly controls about a third of the states in the union. That is what Desantis represents. Everything he does aligns with their agenda.

Nothing is stopping me from making up bullshit and typing it out right now.

Time and effort. “More mud” is a understatement

Everyone already does this. A pacifist in a culture war is a fool.

DNF. Got bored around question 24 and quit. I wonder how some football players manage to score lower than 10/50. Maybe they get bored easily like me.

I think it's unreasonable to expect a person to love a country before they even move there. Anyone who claimed that without having first hand experience would just be the American version of a weeaboo.

Americans give immigrants at least a generation to habituate. Your Irish pappy might not care about the American Flag but you still have to stand up for the pledge of alliegence every day at school, and the children are what matters in the long term.

There are plenty of other games where Americans play well or even dominate the competetive scene. Some are even in the same genre like Dota. Extrapolating anything from LoL performance is pretty silly.

Used car supply is always 3 years behind the new car supply. Since there are very few new cars being created in 2020-2022, the used car supply will not begin to recover until 2022 cars start being sold back.

As it is now, even the yellowest of lemons (PT Cruisers) are being sold at exorbitant prices because of lack of supply, so outlook is most certainly bleak for the near future.

Mr THut can you please do the needful and kindly revert whatever change you made to make usernames directly link to profiles instead of showing the profile card? Right now it does both (shows the card for a split second and then loads the profile page). It should be one or the other. I can't open an issue as I am banned from github. Thank you sir.

Yeah the only thing holding the industry back is exorbitant licensing fees from cloud based voice synthesis services. These companies are making a killing off selling tokens while they still can before there's a open source solution.

I wonder if we will ever get emojis.

Image embeds would be nice.

Public shaming is a necessary part of a functioning society

And I'll be honest, I've had a crush on Aella for ages; she's a very attractive nerdy woman, and as a sexually confident and charismatic female Rationalist, she is a very horny unicorn among horses. But I've got to say, learning that specific factoid about her life had a similar effect on my idle long-distance lust as an F150's tires do on a small rodent

OP describes himself as one in his post.

They serve crinkle cut in prison, and prison food is designed to be awful.

It's as light and thin as Casio's digital watches but having analog hands and dual time display makes it a straight upgrade over them. They used to be impossible to get at MSRP but now there's many more models and variants including an even smaller version for women. The only thing that's missing is lume. There's a light button but it's pathetic.

Well it got me I guess. Maybe it’s time to stop reading this place forever.

I'm not sure there are any examples of a non deliberate use of asymmetrical facial expression aside from tics. It always implies one is consciously putting on a face.

it was either a rogue employee or more likely Null himself fucked up lol.

According to Null, the problem resolved itself without his intervention somehow. Liz Fong Jones did take credit for somehow making a top level provider add an exception just for kf so make of that what you will.

yeah, just countering the assertion in general.

I prefer iPhones because I don’t use my phone for anything other than calling, basic web browsing and 2fa. I need a phone that works, has repair facilities everywhere, has infrastructure everywhere, is extensively documented, has broad accessory support and has consistent quality control. When I buy a used iPhone I know exactly what I’m supposed to be getting. Any problems I encounter are guaranteed to be solved or at least documented.

Also iMessage is dominant in the US. I ain’t no green bubble loser.

Furthermore I hate Google more than Apple.

I think it’s stupid how some nerds act like there are absolutely no benefits to choosing iPhone over android. I use FOSS and Linux daily at home and I still use an iPhone because the specifics of what CIA tracking device I use when I go outside doesn’t concern me.

I've been working from a library quiet room for a couple hours a day. You really do have to isolate yourself from distractions to WFH successfully.

Also I gave a beer away from my six pack to a homeless guy in front of Walmart. Nothing makes a beggar light up more than a cold one. Not even money.

I made 1.75x on Fetterman last night. Feeling pretty good.

The easiest way to get the results you want is to get a photograph of your musicians and run it through a free online style transfer app with keywords like cubism and picasso.

I've never been to Chicago. I was comparing Bellevue and Redmond to Seattle proper.