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joined 2022 September 04 22:46:13 UTC


User ID: 231



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:46:13 UTC


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User ID: 231

I find myself somewhat enjoying the sensation of DOMS after lifting. The mild pain reminds me that I did at least one constructive thing yesterday.

The actual process of exercising is just painful and unpleasant. I have never experienced “The Pump” the way Arnie talks about though. I wish lifting was an orgasmic experience.

I disliked light cigarettes I tried because it felt like the only reason they were “light” was because the filter was too hard to draw from.

Telemarketing and internet spam are so predictable that we generally don't have to process it to ignore it. A script is enough in most cases. AI comments show up where you expect human content. We don't have any automated way to differentiate between AI and human yet, and if we did, AI makers would just use it to become more humanlike.

Also, the less intelligent half of the population falls for telemarketing, internet spam, media manipulation and botting all the time and we all suffer the consequences of this.

I don’t know if the same thing would happen if one of them had a MAGA hat on.

This feature already exists, it was just removed in a clumsy way by turning the username into a direct link to the profile (profile card still shows up for a split second).

This feature exists. Click the line to the left of any post to collapse the thread and it's children. If you can't see any lines, it's because many of the themes on this site are currently broken. The default white theme has the lines.


Because from the looks of it speed of development is rather modest given people are doing it at their own pace.

The rdrama codebase is actually quite active even if some of their "features" wont be in this heavily de-Marseyfied fork. The software has been shit-tested for a year now and the project maintainer is always top of things.

You shouldn’t divulge any personal information or use the same email you use for everything. The stakes are pretty low for a site like this. We’re more likely to just get DDOSed than anything else.

Please do, this sounds interesting.

I vaguely remember a comment here about how scientists were able to "rewire" microscopic creatures to become radically different shapes by modifying connectomes but I can't find anything about it. Can someone point me in the right direction?

we would melt together as a single consciousness and those who refused would be slaughtered.

Wearing a Casio G-SHOCK GA-2100 right now because I need dual timezone display. A great and inexpensive $100 travel watch without the size or bulk associated with G-SHOCKs. Mine is black on black like in the video, but it's legible enough. They make them in every color these days.

KF was blocked by Roskomnadzor (Russia's FCC equivalent) for hosting an meme of Santa saying "ho-ho-holocaust" in 2020.

Does SBF deserve a platform despite being presumably a major fugitive? Is this ethical on the part of Sorkin?

I don't see why not. It's not like he killed people just to get a message or manifesto out.

Give it another twenty years. Stripping is already portrayed as female empowerment in the media, falling under the umbrella of sex work, which is gradually shifting into mainstream acceptability.

The UN will be happy to help observe your election.


Blue team is on sale on the senate market. Only 21 cents. Very tempted to buy. I believe 79/21 is not realistic odds.

It does happen on occasion but it tends to be mentally ill schizos rather than any serious attempt to delegitimize the process


I feel like I have seen far less insects recently than in the past. Not even fruit flies, mosquitos, spiders. I live in a urban area but insects used to be an every day thing. I wonder if it has something to do with the global decline in insect biomass.

Mastodon is not a platform, it's a software used to interface with a wider fediverse that is an open protocol that anyone can use like email. It's unfortunate that the maintainers of Mastodon choose to market their project as a platform. It would be like hotmail calling the entire email network hotmail when other email clients exist.


Here's an incomplete node graph of the english speaking fediverse.

It's kind of sad how few people know it exists. Everything Elon talked about to Jack already existed.

is Allah really going to approve of creating a disease that kills millions of your co-religionists?

If it hurts the Great Satan more than it hurts us, Allah will understand.

Any organization or state developing biological weapons demonstrates a lack of caring about collateral damage.

The worldbuilding in Underrail is incredibly unique. At first glance it just seems like another 'slavs in a metro' STALKER clone, but it's so much weirder than that. I can't wait for the sequel to expand on the realms and cultures outside of lower Underrail that we barely got to see in the first game.

I'd feel weird selling out for a browser also.

Brave users opt in to the program so anyone that sees ads chose to see them. I see it more as taking the money that's on the table from users who already use Brave to browse themotte.

It's probably good for your skin if you're prone to clogged pores.

1911s really run the gamut between scrap metal and god tier pistols to shoot. Beautiful and timeless guns.

I'd still rather carry a baby Glock though.