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joined 2022 September 04 22:46:13 UTC


User ID: 231



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User ID: 231

Never heard of AR-15s being a status symbol. It’s just a tool to most people. I’m not sure people who customize their guns beyond optics are even red tribe. Seems more like a hobby for libertarians with disposable income.

The true red team status symbol is the Ford F150. Seems like every oil worker or other well-paid blue collar job blows their first paycheck on a down payment for a huge truck.

You shouldn’t divulge any personal information or use the same email you use for everything. The stakes are pretty low for a site like this. We’re more likely to just get DDOSed than anything else.

I wonder if we will ever get emojis.

Image embeds would be nice.

This is a nature reserve for neurodivergent folx who can’t suppress their urge to notice patterns Reddit doesn’t want them to talk about. Please be kind and do not tap the glass. 🥺

Moloch approves

You can get away with short posts here as long as you state your point clearly. Keeping things laconic takes a lot of effort and skill in language but it's hard to tell the difference at a glance between a nessessarily short post and a lazy shitpost.

I've been lost in this city builder / dwarf fortress type game called Songs of Syx. It's a game about micromanaging a city-state of diverse fantasy races that all hate each other and engineering a caste system that allows for the most racial harmony. Races are all biologically different and have different lifestyles that need to be catered to.

Dorfs really like to be buried in nice tombs while ant people are cannibals that just eat their corpses and don't care.

Elves like circular buildings but dorfs like square buildings.

Pig men are mostly vegetarian while Amazons will only eat meat.

Humans are high intelligence but also prone to criminality.

There is a race of 3m tall blue humanoids that are stronger than ten men, are 1.5x smarter than humans and live for centirues but they complain a lot and are extremely dangerous when angry. Naturally I made these guys the military and cops.

It is impossible to satisfy everyone. If one race gets tipped past a threshold, they will revolt and go apeshit and start a race war. You can end the race war by having your police caste goes door to door murdering citizens of the target race until they are suppressed. In minecraft.

Also it has Total War style real time battles.

It's the kind of game I think Sseth would like.

To which tribe shall the gift of AI fall?

The Chinese will do what Ameridon't. Overpaid AI ethicists scolding can't stop this. I don't mean the government, but just lots of independent actors outside the reach of IP law are going to find a way to turn a profit from new technology.

I would prefer having a tech lead that constantly makes me defend/rationalize my code vs an incompetent one that might make a stupid decision down the line that could create far more work for me than aquiecing to dumb nitpicking.

Are you overly opinionated about coding and style?

how do you find something that gives you energy to get out of the bed everyday?

Coffee and stimulants.

Maybe you should try having someone or something depend on you. A lot of men don't shape up until they're forced to.

I don't think other minorities see black people the way you claim. From my experience they don't seem to mind black pandering because "they clearly have bigger problems" and they don't see themselves as particularily disadvantaged. There is nothing American black people have that would elicit feelings of jealosy or unfairness from non-black minorities. Asians and Hispanics might have an undersized representation in media, but there's plenty of media coming from their origin countries that they can consume so it's not that big of a deal.

The race most critical of black Americans I've encountered were Africans from Africa.

Because from the looks of it speed of development is rather modest given people are doing it at their own pace.

The rdrama codebase is actually quite active even if some of their "features" wont be in this heavily de-Marseyfied fork. The software has been shit-tested for a year now and the project maintainer is always top of things.

Is the average man really smarter, more well adjusted, stronger, fitter, etc than his grandfather at the same age?

Ofcourse not. Most people have badass grandfathers because of survivorship bias.

On average, some skills definitely might have decreased, but we live in a kinder and wealthier society that allows for weaker people to survive and even thrive.

The state can control the proliferation of technology, but what will they do when weirdly dressed people in black ships with highly advanced military/economic technology show up and demand trade?

How can luddite regulation survive against international competition?

I think voice acting is one that's going to be hit soon as well. I look forward to this for similar reasons - how many games and productions are bottlenecked in quality/money by the high cost of voice acting? The outpouring of art we'll see from people who didn't have the resources beforehand is something that excites me.

This is definitely happening. AAA publishers are investing a lot of money into AI solutions for speech synthesis. They're especially interested in technology that allows for a single voice actor to voice many characters. Games with more than 50% AI generated lines will be on the (metaphorical) shelves in two years. I can't say more than that.

Yeah the only thing holding the industry back is exorbitant licensing fees from cloud based voice synthesis services. These companies are making a killing off selling tokens while they still can before there's a open source solution.

This feature exists. Click the line to the left of any post to collapse the thread and it's children. If you can't see any lines, it's because many of the themes on this site are currently broken. The default white theme has the lines.


/r/stadia comes to mind. It’s very creepy how almost everyone on there is so emotionally invested over a unremarkable service that lets you play a small selection of video games on your chrome device. Sort by top to see the sub constantly fluctuate between wailing and gnashing of teeth over dwindling user base to euphoric highs when Google pushes a update (rare).

This feature already exists, it was just removed in a clumsy way by turning the username into a direct link to the profile (profile card still shows up for a split second).

It's too humorless for my taste. There's enough fun threads dunking on mottezens on rdrama for me.

1911s really run the gamut between scrap metal and god tier pistols to shoot. Beautiful and timeless guns.

I'd still rather carry a baby Glock though.

Downvotes don't matter in the slightest here. They don't even reduce visibility. Caring too much about score is more of a problem than people just arbitrarily downvoting stuff and not following "reddiquette" (which has been a joke since the very start).

This reminds me of that canadian show with the bald kid named Caillou that literally ruined a generation of children by teaching them how to whine as annoyingly as possible to get their way. Actual info-hazard if I've ever seen one.

I don’t know if the same thing would happen if one of them had a MAGA hat on.

Kiwifarms is probably done for. Null is unable to get legal representation because his lawyers dropped him after five years of business for "ties to russia" and his mailing address has been terminated for unspecified reasons. Tor is inaccessible because of DDOS attacks. The site has had a security breach and user data has possibly been leaked. This is probably the most complete deplatforming anyone who hasn't actually committed a crime yet has ever experienced.

I believe that KF has significant value in the culture war for the red team and it seems strange to me that not a single person with any financial power has stepped in to help. For most people, KF is seen as a evil nazi website and at best a shitty gossip forum, but it did contain a lot of useful information and opposition research on highly prominent people that will be memoryholed forever if the site goes down (Even internet archives are being purged). Keeping it alive on the clearnet would require a substantial investment, but it wouldn't be impossible to do.

Where is the red/grey team version of George Soros? Peter Thiel?

Are there any options for a completely legal (in the United States) site like KF to stay online? What will themotte do if they ever make an enemy that understands how easy it is to wipe them off the net?