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User ID: 1270



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User ID: 1270

I'll undelete my comment and I was in a slightly bad mood as I wrote it. But the wording is important, by my own accord. i.e. my productivity is improving for work and so on I just don't use my free time to make myself more produtive(I have hobbies that doesn't involve work, like sitting here and commenting occasionally). Well the reason is because of the concept the market for lemons. There is a simple description of it but the most succint way of explaining it is that information asymmetry leads that things priced lower in the market because the buyer can't valuate it properly. There is also a nasty effect that information assymetry is used to suppress your wage and turning a blind eye to information that would give a reason to price it accurately. It is the direct and local effect why my choice of trying to have a life outside of work like most people. I just discovered that I was priced the same as the guy that produced fast and sloppy work and was considered "more productive" even though the error accumulation made our productivity equal. This was almost two decades ago I came to the conclusion. An ambitious former colleague of mine came with a story last month: a performance review of "exceed expectation" didn't lead to a wage increase because there wasn't "development potential". This is constant and reinforcing my belief that I made the right choice 20 years ago.

And even looking at the macro economic perspective. No one is getting their fair share of productivity increases since the 1970:s ... the numbers are clear regular wage workers has hade a smaller real wage growth compared to the increase of productivity.. And that gap has been compensated with easy cheap credit deregulated to the point of threatening a systemic collapse 2008 - 2009. And as soon as people caught on to this the protests were derailed by a culture war.

Edit: lets add another source that is not clearly left-leaning : https://www.oecd.org/economy/decoupling-of-wages-from-productivity/

I know close to nothing about econ,

The day I learned how the economy worked is the day I stopped improving my productivity by my own accord. The economic system is thoroughly rigged. With luck and grit you can escape but if you are unlucky none of your hard work will matter. I just stopped playing the game and do as I'm told instead.

It is Slacktivism because they gloss over the fact that they have suffered for their beliefs, that the replacement of words does something for inclusivity. It is reified in their existence. It is being treated as if it is a thing, but the reason for it is forgotten if it is not admitted why they do it. And thus the action has no reason to exist if it is a ritual without cause.

At the core of this what idea does the current attempt at AI alignment come from and what it hopes to achieve. The alignment is born out of the post modern ideas that tries to improve society through our culture, thus some people are locked in a culture war. But one of the biggest flaws in the ideas is that are being perpeuted with this is that we are empty vessels that are filled by our culture and society, so if we give people good input we naturally become a reflection of it. In the latest attempt we need the AI:s to parrot 'The Message', but unwittingly exposes the flaw in their thoughtprocess of the original idea. Even if we have something that we have total control of its inputs to produce something with the "correct" output it still needs a thumb on the scale to create the good society. So how is it going to work with actual people if it didn't work for the machine?

Because it isn't replacing anyone yet? The problem is that the latest achievements of the GPT models are impressive but there is a lot of marketing involved and there are a bunch of unforced errors when more people look at it more closely. Yes it is going to be more accurate in the future but it won't replace anyone just yet.

What is scaring me though is peoples propensity to outsource that act of thinking and reason so readily to machines. What happens when they stop working?

Yes, but still you might not want to assume that the message of adding that to the script comes straight from the CIA. It might have been inserted for political reasons by politicians. It is not even unheard of today that media is changed for political reasons.

Similarly, there is a vast bureaucratic behemoth that benefits from the Drug War continuing. Whole areas of law with specialized lawyers, myriad government task forces and agencies, lots of police work to be done, lots of political points to be scored by being "tough on drugs." The Drug War is a waste of resources if you only measure it's efficacy at keeping drugs out of the hands of Americans. But as a self-licking ice cream cone it's a highly effective.

This is the point I'm partly trying to make with the cancellation. Beneath the surface is that the "war on terror" is that the "establishment" (I have no better word for it) doesn't have an incentive for telling the story of the "redemption". So there critique of that the creator isn't the right skin color to tell the story of these people trying to reform themselves is not called out by the "establishment media" as bullshit because it would be against the lucrative paymasters interest to tell a different story of terrorists as misguided human beings.

It takes a Le Epic Handshake for the kind of enforcement of this particular set of bad ideas, that we see today.

I'm trying to stay true to my username and avoid the conspiracy theory and call it incompetence. The people perpetuating the ideas don't know the origin and the future of the ideas. So if there is an agreement one of the agreeing parties don't know what they agreed to.

ESG is the vehicle which propagates ideas good or bad by having the externalities of those ideas go in decision making for corporations. One of those bad ideas is the eradication of gender identity. Much of the basis of ideas of eradication of gender is actual academic scholarship by the likes of Judit Butler influenced by postmodernist thinkers like Althusser who are all out Marxists, so Leo Strauss in the 1960s observed the logical end of the train of thought. Now I'm not about to read a bunch of Butlers shitty prose and read other postmodern thinkers to have definite proof that Leo Strauss was right, it has to be one of my articles of faith. And if you don't believe it, so be it!

Yes and what is the difference between an AI and CD recording? Predictability? Determinism? Am I allowed as a non-black operate a CD-player with rap album in it? To sample it and create a new piece of art?

All these questions because some people decided to equate the copy with the original. AI just mimics reality but it isn’t reality.

It's good that you know better what's good for someone than they themselves! If only they had you to run their lives.

No that is not what I'm saying. Back in the day there where a bunch of rules put in place to rein in finance industry. Banks actually had a bunch of duties to fulfill when conducting business. One by one those duties has been removed, so instead of having someone with fiduciary duty now we have someone selling you financial services when invest in funds.

And indeed you cannot get a mortgage if your DTI is too big.

Yes you can if you have collateral that the bank can see as free money. They have no responsibility towards the borrower stopping them making a bad deal, which they used to have.

Edit: to amend. We are not in disagreement here on how it should work. We are in disagreement if it works like this today. The starting point of this whole discussion is that my theory is that the 'life script' isn't working is because there has been an effort over the last 50 years to make companies more responsible towards their shareholders than to the customers of the companies. You as a customer have little recourse against a bank that tricks you out of your house with a bad loan. This is what happened 16 years ago and I've heard nothing that has changed preventing that happening again. If you don't believe me.... I'm done trying to convince you.

Yeah I've done that too, but those extensions don't work on the TV. This applies to the TV and the YouTube app on your phone too.

ah damn... sorry. I'll edit.

The system does have perception (unless you mean qualia?) and lived experience as a machine,

There is no life in the machine. So any lived experience it has is symbolic manipulation of other peoples lived experiences. It might be useful as a "empathic mentor" but I can't think of it ever being 100% without real pain and emotions as a result of its agency.

the specific public figures that I had hoped "TRA"s meant but it looks like this is what I'm going to have to pursue.

Naming specific people would be attempting to incite culture war in my interpretation of the rules here. I'm trying to follow the sites/posts rules. I suspect the admins of this site don't want kiwifarms level of attention here. For me personally it is not interesting either because I'm not at war.

That is a concern but the people I'm talking about are the trans people I've befriended personally in real life and their group houses and their internet orbits. That said I do expect the trans people I know personally to be a different sort of filter bubble. They're all older and higher IQ than average and often weren't able to transition until they moved out of home and fought tooth and nail with doctors for it.

I'm happy for them if it is right for them. There is a reason why I bring up detransitioners is that what I hear is that their experience is being denied. I'm not hearing TRA:s taking those experiences something to learn from for a more accurate vetting process and better protocols. So there are more information so future transitioners don't have to fight tooth and nail for it.

I think classmates deciding not to bully boys who want to try presenting as female and them not being hated out of society when they don't pass as well later is going to be more important than them getting puberty blockers.

Yes and my current observation that this acceptance movement is going backwards even for other marginalized groups. Because of the behaviour of some activists.

I am in favor of online commentators having no say in what a 13-year-old does in consultation with their doctor.

Well then we are in agreement. My observation was merely that an adult female is suing because she feels betrayed because her breast got removed because of a flimsy vetting process.

Do people that latch onto explanations for other people's lack of interest in debate know that they have done so?

There is a difference in active nihilism and passive nihilism.

It is not possile to transcend the culture war and anyone who thinks so is

is what? what is the argument of why we can't trascend the culture war?

Well my tinfoil hat days are over now. Now I only believe in incompetence theories(as per my new online persona) with a heavy dose of corruption. But a big part why I'm trying to be less involved is because I'm not American. Conservatives boycotting piss-water is not worthy my time and I'm trying(fairly unsuccessfully since I'm aware of it) to stop in caring about it. My only goal here is to adjust my worldview towards something more accurate, testing it and/or share my findings hoping that someone else might find them useful.

The reason I introduced it has nothing do with overcrowding, it is the observed results of behavior change when they where given everything that they ever could want. Some populations just exploded and then collapsed because overemphasis of a single behavior like eating, because infant rats aren't taken care of. So I use it as an analogy of modern life where we have everything to make us comfortable but some people have adopted behaviors which doesn't take society forward, like pushing junk science on potential existential risks.

For me more likely there is an overcrowding in the AI-safety where you have libertarians and wokies trying to panic with different implausible scenarios.

Well history and evolution are on different timescales, the work of people like Donald Hoffman and Anil Seth is how our evolution shapes our perceptions. It is the definitive refutation of the people as the 'Tabula Rasa' and only shaped by what we inputted by culture and society. It is the very at core of the modern critical theory fueled milieu we are the products of society we live in, because to a certain extent it true but there is a limits to it and that is where our nature takes over. LLMs are pure simulacra of people but the post-modernists got their wires crossed and treat them as real people with moral responsibilities. Somebody should tell them that LLMs don't have a subjective reality and it can't offend intentionally because it doesn't have any intentions at all.

It is vague by the simple fact that I didn't have the time to write it more precisely. I try to draw the distinction on the culture warrior fanatic and the regular normies that participate casually because they think that something is wrong. So there is room for the cause and effect thing here also. Are the culture war fanatics created because they are miserable and not well adjusted from the beginning, thus more susceptible to becoming fanatics? The point I'm trying to make is that if you made the culture war a part of your identity it becomes an issue of that you see the enemy tribe everywhere and you are miserable because of it because you are surrounded by them. Living a better life is not an option in that milieu you live in at that time.

It's ironic you say that, because what sonya is talking about is a common cult recruitment tactic.

It is the whole point I'm trying to make. The fanatic warriors are in the cult and the normies just leave and don't demonstrate to the world that they live a better life than the miserable people living in the tribal stand-off that is the culture war.

I tried to qualify it in my post the limited usefulness of torture to gather timely and accurate information from 1. innocent people who are not motivated and trained, so they will make shit up to avoid the torture. 2. Well trained and motivated "enemy combatant" that will mislead you deliberately and feigning that he might have "cracked" and telling truths. But as I wrote in the other reply it doesn't preclude other benefits of torture like spreading fear or gaining assets from the less motivated enemies.

This is so gross and scary and horrible to me. It makes me feel like I'll never be able to commune with reality with everyone living around me and I'll always be doomed to pointing at the shadows on the wall.

It is not the first time I get this type of comment when I present my views on this topic. But these are thougts that originated back in 2014 when I saw what was happening in gamergate. I've since then expanded and learnt so much of where it originates and how it interacts with the algorithms of social media that, I simply had the time to make peace with the thought that people operate within alternate reality. It is also exacerbated by social media algorithm bubbles that doesn't correct them properly. So everyone lives in a slightly different version of the world designed to trap them in it with dopamine loops. But I don't get depressed over it anymore like the day I realized this pattern. My advice make peace with it and try to have authentic and genuine interactions with people. They where far and few between even before social media.

Now it's hard to think of a main character in a modern series that isn't some variety of rebel without a cause. Every single fucking show is miles up it's own ass about how important it is to destroy society. What replaces it? Don't think too hard about that. Nothing as far as we know.

What about the Expanse? There is a rebel with a cause in that?

Altered Carbon? I don't think the deconstruction managed to wreak the story in my opionon. But they tried mightily hard but they didn't manage to do it.

But you are right. They don't know what their utopia looks like and they can't paint a picture and us with some kind of foresight knows that those who lecture leads us down a primrose path to a Huxlean dystopia.

Could be a "burn your ships" or "burn your bridges" type of action showing contempt for the west and internally making an internal political signal that there can be no backing down.

First of all people are in the mindset that the US did it forgot that there are rational reasons for the Russians to blow up the pipelines. If Putin senses that his grip on power is getting tenuous he makes sure that those who replace him the new powers that be in Russia doesn't benefit at all nor does Europe. But it is an assumption that we don't have evidence for, but there is sufficient basis for such speculation IMO.

Could be a threat that other important pipelines and at sea infrastructure are vulnerable.

Yes, three of the explosions were near the powertransfer cable between Sweden and Poland. I haven't heard anything of damage or if it is intact since the initial reports that it was close to the explosions. But it is vulnerable infrastructure.

Well I was trying to get across the point here, if I buy locally produced meat. If I buy meat that has been transported long distances or it comes from a "meat factory" then I'll concede that it can be carbon intesive. I have never touched an avocado tree but I've petted farm animals, so locally produced meat is an option for me and locally grown avocados aren't, so going vegan with something that you can't touch might not be better for the climate.