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User ID: 1270



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User ID: 1270

I think you're missing the simple fact that torture scenes are incredibly dramatic.

No, I'm positing that torture was included to "manufacture consent" in a similar way that the series contained rationalizations of mass surveillance to not get upset at the politicians when they continued to vote through continuation of "war on terror" policy that was eroding their liberties. I'm a total outsider of US-politics and culture in many ways. It is schadenfreude when the Jan 6 republicans got their names in the no fly list that was rammed through by republican politicians in the "war on terror".

Could be a "burn your ships" or "burn your bridges" type of action showing contempt for the west and internally making an internal political signal that there can be no backing down.

First of all people are in the mindset that the US did it forgot that there are rational reasons for the Russians to blow up the pipelines. If Putin senses that his grip on power is getting tenuous he makes sure that those who replace him the new powers that be in Russia doesn't benefit at all nor does Europe. But it is an assumption that we don't have evidence for, but there is sufficient basis for such speculation IMO.

Could be a threat that other important pipelines and at sea infrastructure are vulnerable.

Yes, three of the explosions were near the powertransfer cable between Sweden and Poland. I haven't heard anything of damage or if it is intact since the initial reports that it was close to the explosions. But it is vulnerable infrastructure.

Just because you find companies where it doesn't seem to hold up in one aspect it doesn't mean the whole statement falls. Large companies like Google do other stuff that is against the interest of their customers and especially against their users. For example "ad topics" is to use their browser monopoly to be the only game in town for targeted ads on the "open web", after disabling third party cookies they jack up the prices. Also they are trying their best in tricking chrome users on enabling it.

But keep in mind For every "bloated big tech" company that pamper their employees, you find big tech companies who doesn't do that. Oracle, Cisco, IBM, AWS ...

The obvious case is the investment banks where the employees are millionaires while shareholders fight over scraps.

As for investment banks paying their employees much, who do you think has the most ownership of those companies? Is the compensation given to employees as equity(i.e. shares) in the company?

Businesses that treat employees poorly are generally structurally unprofitable – forced to compete on cost. They don't want to, but they have to in order to survive.

Talked as someone who hasn't been in contact with private equity firms I see.

Well that is the general theory of how it is supposed to work. They haven't corrected all of the mess that led up to the subprime crisis back in 2008-2009.. Sure people pay off their loans, but there are a bunch of people that use the raising equity prices to fund that they can on other liabilities.

No, if you can't pay your mortgage, the bank takes the house and kicks you out. Yeah and if you can't pay your landlord rent they kick you out. That is the point, with rising property prices people that attempt buy a house if it is too expensive you essentially rent from the bank if they ever get laid off and can't find a new job fast enough to keep up with the payments. Plenty of families ended up in that situation 15 years ago. This is tragic family history for some people.

Sure you can say that it is the customers responsibility and it is absolutely that. And they are plenty of people see that they don't have the economic means of buying property because they are being responsible. A couple of decades ago plenty of jobs it was possible to buy a house and pay it of outright, but now it is fewer and fewer people that get opportunity.

But make no mistake, if someone in the bank thinks that they can make a profit of a loan too you... they will do that, even if it is just the person approving it is just getting a bonus.

Oh come on! Your whole shtick here from the start, including your username, was "it's all just incompetence and mundane market forces, guys!"

Yes that is the shtick, give me an example where is there more to it then! I want to have the shtick tested, it is the point of me having it! But it is not only mundane market forces, there is a bit of corruption and dare I say conspiracies there, the reason why I'm claiming the incompetence angle here is that it is obvious in income of the company that there is no customers for what they are selling, why are they still persisting with it?

The ideology creates incompetence though. One of the culture war fronts was woke culture's hostility to meritocracy.

So the incompetent don't join the ideology because they see that it hostile to meritocracy and use it to avoid becoming competent? Can we reverse the cause and effect of your statement?

It's almost like this is exactly what ESG was specifically designed for.

So if we have a sketch on how the ESG system is designed: Who benefits if they aren't making profits by doing this?

Similarly, there is a vast bureaucratic behemoth that benefits from the Drug War continuing. Whole areas of law with specialized lawyers, myriad government task forces and agencies, lots of police work to be done, lots of political points to be scored by being "tough on drugs." The Drug War is a waste of resources if you only measure it's efficacy at keeping drugs out of the hands of Americans. But as a self-licking ice cream cone it's a highly effective.

This is the point I'm partly trying to make with the cancellation. Beneath the surface is that the "war on terror" is that the "establishment" (I have no better word for it) doesn't have an incentive for telling the story of the "redemption". So there critique of that the creator isn't the right skin color to tell the story of these people trying to reform themselves is not called out by the "establishment media" as bullshit because it would be against the lucrative paymasters interest to tell a different story of terrorists as misguided human beings.

It is only the extremes that have the belief of big systems with delibirate coordination to surpress the truth. Those closer to the center it myths and half-truths that previal but not the full blown conspiracy world view that everything evil is deliberate machinations by group of people.

Ok. So. You said they're equally foul. Was that hyperbole? I'm not clear on how you got there. Do you think the two victims are equally traumatized?

No it is because both are a result of mass movements that reasonable people see the folly of but unable to stop, because they would be persecuted by ideological zealots. The foulness is people that are supposed to be our best and brightest to help other humans being captured by an idea that is obvious for the non-captured that it won't work... even a century ago.

Why do you think the experiments are similar? Because they both involve difficult to reverse body modification?

No it isn't the body modifications that is the issue. Both things were done in the name of progress while rejecting the very thing that allows human progress namely reason. Both fascism and gender ideology is throwing away the enlightenment values.

Do you think whether or not the child says they want something initially is completely irrelevant to how ethical it is? That only what they think later matters? Do you have the same position on- say, women who consent to sex in the moment but decide later that they didn't want sex and they were coerced into it? Do you think that is 'equally foul' to violent rape?

Would you have sex with a child that wants it? Is it ethical to do so? Is it ethical for a tattoo artist tattoo a child if the child threatens to commit suicide if they don't get one?

Forget changing your mind, right now, I'm either not grasping your foulness metric at all or simply not believing it's your actual metric.

I use the word "value" in the sense that it can be compared not necessarily measured as opposed to "metric" that can be measured and compared.

I'm not a big believer in changing minds via debate anyway. It's more effective to change them via friendship and familiarity and positive experiences.

I try to be honest about being open to be swayed by arguments. I used to debate online all the time back in the day and have changed my mind in a few of them. It changed back in 2014 when I ran into my first SJW online and saw it more and more. I have read enough history in my life to know where it was going and became more careful. Open minds can be changed in discussions.

Of course there is a difference! But I’m not here to do a culture war and discuss the finer points on gender transitioning, merely illustrate that trans acceptance is not as clear cut when it comes to minors in my value system. I’ve adopted the value partially because I think the transition of minors today is similar to experiments done in the past, if people here feel that I committed a fallacy then do whatever you want with it. I’m not here to change your mind, I’m giving you an opportunity to change mine.

you're not "fighting subversion", you've already lost, and need to stop getting mad at random, small demonstrations of that loss and ineffectively voting and posting about it and actually understand the loss

I'm not mad. I post and discuss and throw in slightly provocative statements to increase my understanding of issues at hand. The thing that I really want to understand is that how the ideas from the current cultural center of the western world(US) is influencing and distorting the discussions in Sweden where I live. The Motte is the place to test ideas. Maybe I have a bad idea but I'm allowed to test it?

I have no idea what this means, precise language really is useful. If you mean 'eradication of gender identity is the end goal of marxism' ... I'd expect it to be explicitly a stateless, classless society for the many - the poor and tired and beaten down given life anew, wants satisfied, labor used for the laborers, not the exploiters. While communists were generally 'progressive' on gender issues, to call that 'the end goal' of marxism is just wrong.

How do you eradicate class to create classless society? What is class? How do we denote class? If you ever answer like the poststructuralist marxist jammed through that people denote their class through their identity then you eradicate class by allowing anyone becoming what identity they want to become any class they want, and class loses its meaning because identity lacks meaning if you can change it. It is the most succinct way I can put forward the argument.

Well the modern aristocracy keeps "their people" on top by suggesting that Asians are "white adjacent" when applying to universities and making BIPOC the benchmark for affirmative admission, miseducates the black youth by saying that math requiring correct answers is racist(so they can't succeed when they get older) and so on. If you look closely by the elites woke policy outcomes and if they don't benefit you are not part of the elite. You'll end up paying rent like the rest. Sure violent uprising could happen but chances that you end up being warrior elite from behind they keyboard are slim.

Well if we are ignoring the superficial political alignments you are essentially getting that end result. Feodalism is the end goal of todays elite when they travel to Davos for the WEF summit. The the mainstream wokism only purpose is to subjugate the plebs allow the elites to become rentseekers. To discuss the finer points enlightenment has given or not given the modern world is pointless since the "inferential distance" is so big between us.

Yeah but the point I'm trying to make is that it isn't what was on the books in 2022 but what is going to be on the books now. We don't know how the annual report for 2023 is going to look like but if the headlines and layoffs are any indication it is not going to be as good as 2022.

Accounting can be tricky and if it comes from Hollywood it is Hollywood accounting where surprisingly many movies are booked as losses in the books. It is not as cut and dry that is why I use examples from headlines rather than the annual report, there is trouble brewing in the horizon... especially from the stuff that cost a lot of money that nobody watches! There is an accounting reason for pulling Willow of Disney+ so shortly after the premier, but the exact reason for it well... I'm not an accountant. Disneys troubles has been a constant in the headlines recent months and I'm trying to speculate on it.

I'll undelete my comment and I was in a slightly bad mood as I wrote it. But the wording is important, by my own accord. i.e. my productivity is improving for work and so on I just don't use my free time to make myself more produtive(I have hobbies that doesn't involve work, like sitting here and commenting occasionally). Well the reason is because of the concept the market for lemons. There is a simple description of it but the most succint way of explaining it is that information asymmetry leads that things priced lower in the market because the buyer can't valuate it properly. There is also a nasty effect that information assymetry is used to suppress your wage and turning a blind eye to information that would give a reason to price it accurately. It is the direct and local effect why my choice of trying to have a life outside of work like most people. I just discovered that I was priced the same as the guy that produced fast and sloppy work and was considered "more productive" even though the error accumulation made our productivity equal. This was almost two decades ago I came to the conclusion. An ambitious former colleague of mine came with a story last month: a performance review of "exceed expectation" didn't lead to a wage increase because there wasn't "development potential". This is constant and reinforcing my belief that I made the right choice 20 years ago.

And even looking at the macro economic perspective. No one is getting their fair share of productivity increases since the 1970:s ... the numbers are clear regular wage workers has hade a smaller real wage growth compared to the increase of productivity.. And that gap has been compensated with easy cheap credit deregulated to the point of threatening a systemic collapse 2008 - 2009. And as soon as people caught on to this the protests were derailed by a culture war.

Edit: lets add another source that is not clearly left-leaning : https://www.oecd.org/economy/decoupling-of-wages-from-productivity/

I know close to nothing about econ,

The day I learned how the economy worked is the day I stopped improving my productivity by my own accord. The economic system is thoroughly rigged. With luck and grit you can escape but if you are unlucky none of your hard work will matter. I just stopped playing the game and do as I'm told instead.

Because it isn't replacing anyone yet? The problem is that the latest achievements of the GPT models are impressive but there is a lot of marketing involved and there are a bunch of unforced errors when more people look at it more closely. Yes it is going to be more accurate in the future but it won't replace anyone just yet.

What is scaring me though is peoples propensity to outsource that act of thinking and reason so readily to machines. What happens when they stop working?

Yes, but still you might not want to assume that the message of adding that to the script comes straight from the CIA. It might have been inserted for political reasons by politicians. It is not even unheard of today that media is changed for political reasons.

It takes a Le Epic Handshake for the kind of enforcement of this particular set of bad ideas, that we see today.

I'm trying to stay true to my username and avoid the conspiracy theory and call it incompetence. The people perpetuating the ideas don't know the origin and the future of the ideas. So if there is an agreement one of the agreeing parties don't know what they agreed to.

ESG is the vehicle which propagates ideas good or bad by having the externalities of those ideas go in decision making for corporations. One of those bad ideas is the eradication of gender identity. Much of the basis of ideas of eradication of gender is actual academic scholarship by the likes of Judit Butler influenced by postmodernist thinkers like Althusser who are all out Marxists, so Leo Strauss in the 1960s observed the logical end of the train of thought. Now I'm not about to read a bunch of Butlers shitty prose and read other postmodern thinkers to have definite proof that Leo Strauss was right, it has to be one of my articles of faith. And if you don't believe it, so be it!

Do you know what a sumo wrestler is?

or their food is still so much more pure.

I wonder how much HFCS you can find in their food that they get from 7-11s? The options for good food at 7-11s AFAIK better than anywhere else ( not that I've looked myself but know people who have lived in Japan and talked about the cultural difference).

I'm realizing slowly but surely that most of what is afflicting Disney isn't ideology itself but sheer incompetence of people that run the company, they just get to use the ideology as a shield for their inability. Also because of the mechanics of ESG(so they are funded on arbitrary ideological metrics) and bad media analyst company like Parrot Analytics using social media "engagement" as a success metric not the sentiment. So Disney can shove ideology to pump the ESG numbers and when the audience notices the bullshit they go on social media complain about it, we get response from culture warriors calling them everything bad under the sun, and Parrot Analytics claims it a success because people talking about it. So the incompetent people that decides on all of this get to keep their job because it doesn't affect the investments and they have an analytics company claiming success on something else than if they audience actually liked the content or not.

Yes this is a fantastic description of something of a core what I think the "woke" is. The affluent talking down on regular people. The culture war has never been liberals vs conservatives. The recent boycotts are not conservative campaigns, in essence is the less affluent go "WTF" and not buying any of it. The affluent don't shop at Target or drink Bud Light. The virtue signaling is worthless for the less affluent because they know they won't have a higher status if they follow the signaling.

I've also considered why all of this virtue signaling is backfiring right now. And I have three interacting reasons which more or less (perhaps not at all but hey I'm only a midwit on the internet with a pseudonym)

  1. The woke thumb on the scale disappeared from Twitter when Elon took over. So the attempts at socially engineering the tiny percentage of people who has had the time for Twitter and not have the promotions and/or punishments to the adherence to the message isn't trickling in to peoples media. The coordination for the journalists is simply gone to affect their biases in reporting.

  2. The cheap access to credit that has propped up non-profitable aspects of woke has dried up. So Buzzfeed News and Vice has been dependent on that a lot of money has sloshed around in the monetary system, and in hard times the bottom line actually matters. All of a sudden DEI becomes corporate waste because it doesn't help the bottom line.

  3. The affluent managed to isolate themselves with everything that they consume through their media thinking that their project is going just fine. But they manage to censor out the real thoughts of less affluent people and not knowing that their social engineering only worked on themselves. People don't watch the tv-shows or movies they promote because they aren't any good, not because they are "conservative". And we would be doing ourselves big disservice buying into their narrative. The little mermaid live remake is not made for children solely based on the run length of the movie and the art style. Anyone blaming the "right" for failing just don't understand children should be catereted to when making a family movie.

For me it is hard to believe that people were so stupid for such a long time and wasted time and resources doing it just for fun.

So sacrificing food and other resources to gods that there is no evidence for is not wasted time and resources that has been done for millenniums? All of the superstitions that people use to have that where disproved by science in one form another makes them valid again, because they were practiced for longer than it has been disproved.

There is a difference to say that torture doesn't work as interrogation tool compared to informing your enemy of your callousness so they fear you. I never claimed that torture was totally useless, I only claimed that it usefulness was limited for the innocent and the well motivated trained individual! But torture as a tool to strike fear in your enemy it might be effective.

I agree: there is a shift happening. But the most interesting thing is the application of morality, ethics and social justice based from something that rejects objectivity and mechanistic models of the world, on something that has sprung up from objectivity and a mechanistic model namely modern AI technology. The philosophy of the "woke" is based on subjectivity and rejection of the mechanistic from the enlightenment is fundamentally incompatible with the technology that it tries to make "ethical". The most fascinating thing at the bottom of this incompatibility is the foundational arguments for this "woke" subjectivity is the reason for why we can't fix AI. AI can't transcend its programming and inputs as opposed to humans.