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naïve paranoid outcast

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joined 2022 September 09 17:41:34 UTC


User ID: 1081


naïve paranoid outcast

2 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 09 17:41:34 UTC


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User ID: 1081

Should I save a drowning child in such a situation? Is it better for a child to die than to develop a strong social bond to a pedophile with all the risks that entails? Or should I save them and stoically endure the eventual "Stay away from my kid, creep!" or just plain "Thanks, now gtfo.", content in the knowledge that I did "the right thing" even while everyone thinks I just did it to get in the kid's pants? Why shouldn't I just say "not my problem" and keep walking?

The policy is broader than "don't flash your breasts." According to your link it prohibited any content that "deliberately highlighted breasts, buttocks or pelvic region." I have no trouble believing that women were modded for content that men got away with. If a guy did a squat stream that prominently displayed their ass (maybe for form demonstration reasons) would Twitch mod it for sexual content? What if a woman did the same? I have no trouble believing Twitch would mod the woman but not the man. I think there is a pretty straightforward sexist implication to "men are allowed to do this thing but women aren't."

When women start getting treated equivalently to men for sexual assault/harassment, THEN AND ONLY THEN will women deserve "equality" in this regard. You don't get to simultaneously claim the same ability to show off while holding extensive privileges in controlling how people respond to your doing so.

The moment the LGBT movement started making and accepting arguments equating being uncomfortable being touched in certain ways with homophobia they crossed the line into being apologists for child molestation. To the extent that they continue to tolerate such arguments, they absolutely deserve the groomer label.

Beyond eunuch communities themselves, one of the major sources of information about the subculture comes from TERFs, who are uniquely hostile towards eunuchs among gay men, because they (typically lesbian women) see them as - alongside transwomen - the vanguard of inserting fetishes into the 'LGB' movement they once held dear.

Because of course they would never try to put the public on the hook for their own medical fetishes. It is rather insulting how clearly many lesbians physically fetishize men while denying they have any attraction to them. "I'm not sexually attracted to men." "Then why do you insist you have the right to sexual reproduction via a man's sperm?"

That may be true once you have experience with alcohol, but I think you overestimate the ability of people with less experience to notice. Also, with strong enough alcohol it can easily be too late by the time you've actually tasted it if you don't handle liquor well. I'm quite a bit bigger than the size of the median twelve year old and a single sip of 190-proof Everclear from a flask a friend handed me with no more explanation than "Try this." was more than enough to knock me out within ten minutes. Fortunately it was in company that proved trustworthy (at least, I have no reason to suspect anything untoward happened after I passed out on the couch), but that experience was a bit of a wakeup call for the risks involved.

Do the TERFs you hang out with have problems with women making such claims? For instance, extending government-provided fertility treatment to single women and lesbians? I suspect not, as feminism and especially radical feminism has long been focused on the destruction of reproduction as a fundamental human experience involving a man and a woman into one solely involving a woman by breaking the ties between sex and reproduction, reducing men to subhuman servitors existing solely to provide resources and genetic material to women. Surrogacy is rejected because it would equate women's role with men's, reducing them to a mere cog in the process of reproduction rather than being in control of it.

Doesn't matter. That specific "joke" (EDIT: "Don't tell your parents.") is off-limits to teachers. Teachers, as mandatory reporters, should be keenly aware of this.

I'm 5'8, and yet I think all of the transwomen I've met in real life, except for one very spindly 6'3 transwoman with an unfortunate facial disfigurement, have been shorter than me. (Apparently there are actual studies of transwomen in Thailand that suggest they are shorter, on average, than cis men even when transitioning post-puberty). The reason, of course, is obvious - instead of spending a lifetime at the bottom of the male social hierarchy, some men opt-out. They quit. They say 'fuck you, I'm leaving'. And they become women.

A more obvious reason to me would be shorter people being more likely to actually transition than taller people because being short is an advantage for "passing".

It's important to keep in mind that the term "porn" in the US is often used to refer to material that isn't strictly pornographic and sometimes not even sexualized. The stereotype of us being a bunch of prudes exists for a reason.

Or "taboo" it as lesswrong posters would say.

Yes, I know how the community uses the word "taboo" in this situation.

The point seems rather trivial now.

Does it?

"How can [people who claim to not be attracted to men strongly enough to have created an identity around it that is legally protected more strongly than nearly any other] want to get pregnant if getting pregnant requires [the participation of a man] to fertilize their eggs?"

Attraction to children is not as strong a predictor of child abuse as other predictors that we don't respond this way to, so I don't find that to be a very convincing argument. This is nothing but dumping on low-status men.

I think there's something to that but it's still not that women are the ones discouraging high male sex drives, in that case it would be older men reigning in younger men.

That's just women arranging for the older men to control young men on women's behalf. Women are still ultimately responsible for it.

Obviously the m/f dynamic changes that a bit, but how much? Feminism/#MeToo have brought with them a deep intuition that that what happened here is very wrong, as opposed to just 'somewhat wrong', and others who don't hold that intuition are objecting to the apparently disproportionate response - so one should ask, which intuition is accurate?

In my eyes, it's not just or even mainly the disproportionate response that needs to be opposed, but the gendered nature of it. Feminism has severely inflamed people's existing bias towards disproportionately punishing men for behaviors that they refuse to similarly permit society to punish women for.

Strictly speaking yes, but too many people fail to recognize that distinction for it to actually be useful.

3.5: This is a head injury thing, and stereotypical masculine activities are more likely to result in head injuries.

Yes, but better substitutes prevent such women from exploiting the sexual desires of 'unsuccessful/deeply unattractive ones' to their own benefit.

EDIT: Grammar.

Demand that lesbians have sex with them because "a female penis is not the same as a male penis".

Of course, lesbians see nothing wrong with demanding access to the output of the penis (ie, sperm) without having deal with the penis itself or the person attached to it. I have trouble bringing myself to care that they are being criticized for not wanting sex with trans women with penises while feeling entitled to subsidized procreation without sex with people with penises.

That might make sense if 100% of the people living in Massachusetts "support illegal immigration and welcome them" and 100% of the people living in Arizona don't, but I somewhat doubt it is quite that black and white.

Please provide evidence that it is not extended to all groups. EDIT: Evidence that attacks on progressives are uniquely tolerated at a level beyond that of any other group.

Why did you even pick this fight, anyway?

Yeah, I haven’t figured that one out either.

(In reply to @ThisIsSin too) I thought I've been pretty open about having a lot of issues surrounding sex and blaming LGBT and Feminist activism for many of them. I hold lesbians who use dildos and strap-ons and want to get pregnant via IVF in particular disdain for much the same reason that they hold transwomen in disdain--their behavior is a mockery of my sex, and in particular is appropriating the very aspects of my sex (my penis and the sperm it emits) I despise the most while rejecting the rest, all to serve their selfish desires.

Allowing "none of the above" to win doesn't necessarily mean you leave the office unfilled. It could for instance force a new election with the candidates from the first barred from running.

I agree TheSchism is a place with a viewpoint and that that viewpoint leans to the left. I think it's the culture of the sub that enforces that far more than the moderation though. The only bans I can recall for things other than personal attacks were given to left-leaning posters, which makes me wonder if I'm just overlooking instances where right-leaning posters actually got less leniency or if it is the culture of the sub biasing the expectation of how right-leaning posters would be modded.

a mod whose name I don't remember and is no longer on the mod team list

I'd guess mcjunker, since I don't recall any of the other early mods having been particularly active.

or crossed the "no violence" line

The rules prohibit "glorifying violence", which isn't the same as "no violence". TW clarified that pretty early on.

It may be rare in men as a whole, but still common enough in some notable subsets of men (eg, athletes in certain popular sports) to create the stereotype.

"Eating vegetables is incredibly unpopular with kids, which should be noted in any discussion of doing childhood nutrition right."

The sad irony being that the justice system is so biased against men that women in prison are much more likely than men in prison to actually be the kind of criminal who people think "deserve" to be raped, and yet people still only care about the women...