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Yes, the links I provided also explain that.

My mistake on whether the funds will be taken from workers or people who deposit money in banks that engage in prudent risk management.

But I guess going forward, there's no point bothering to put your deposits into the reliable banks.

The money to make depositors (who are mostly employers, not VCs)

Who owns these depositors, and has been furiously lobbying the government to protect their asset over the weekend?

If there are zero prominent black doctors, lawyers etc,

From what I can tell there are maybe 3 prominent doctors of any race: Fauci, Phil and Oz. In 2019 there were only 2.

Even if you include TV doctors played by actors in the list of "prominent", you get this:

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/ac/GreysAnatomysSeason1Cast.jpg https://imgs.search.brave.com/hysRef-QN6BMM2eTEp8a6s-UR42RuFNs4yhGsO9lyXU/rs:fit:1200:798:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cu/dHZpbnNpZGVyLmNv/bS93cC1jb250ZW50/L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAy/MS8wNC9lci1zZWFz/b24tNC1jYXN0LTE0/MjB4Nzk4LmpwZw https://imgs.search.brave.com/OLW5OIoYr8AmyV94xcc_5PDdTCn7cVPUTJCgLP31ZpQ/rs:fit:1200:1080:1/g:ce/aHR0cDovL3R2c2Vy/aWVzZmluYWxlLmNv/bS93cC1jb250ZW50/L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAx/Ni8wMy9zY3J1YnMu/anBn

Plenty of black people, but quite oddly not a single Desi. That's pretty different from literally every hospital I've ever been to in the US.

Yet in spite of about 0% of prominent doctors being Desi, and Desis being about 1.3% of America, they still make up 30% of doctors.

Hoboken is in New Jersey, USA. I don't spend much time trying to understand such things beyond "drunk chicks from NJ".

Is someone really going to impersonate @joespizzastamfordct? Is that enough for joe to pay 100/month?

It's $8/month. And the answer is yes, that's pocket change for @marietherealtor - she regularly spends 10x that on things like donuts + paper fliers + balloons for an open house. It's quite cheap if you put it into the category of marketing/reputation spend.

Assuming the average person reading replies scrolls down a full screen, you need between 3 and 7 people who replied to ElonMusk/ye/etc to be verified and spam is pushed down.

But hey, probably you have a better grasp on stopping scams than Elon Musk (early Paypal) and David Sacks (early Paypal). At least one person in this conversation is also experienced in stopping organized crime from doing scams online (albeit not at the same scale) - is that person you?

I'm not sure why you find "lets help random terrorists/revolutionaries who oppose our regional (Saudi Arabia) and global rival (USA)" an implausible motivation for Iran's helping Al Quaeda.

Next up, why would a Democracy help Wahhabi Jihadis in Afghanistan (against the Soviet Union)? Why would a Woke nation help literal Nazis in Ukraine (against Russia)? Why would a Communist country help Nationalists in Puerto Rico or Ireland (against the USA)?

Fixed, thank you.

One doesn't need to be crazy to believe that some leftist journo guy is a sexual abuser, but that doesn't mean a crazy person can't have that as a crazy-induced/influenced belief. See, for example, Freddie's really bad craziness episode.

I asked about emulating Shapiro's position while not emulating his style and the only way to do that is emulate his position while denigrating him.

Yes, in a conversation about a particular human, you need to express an opinion about that human. Yaying "yeah he's soooo smart did you see that youtube video where he proved Matt Yglesias is wrong" is not a panty peeler for liberal or conservative women.

I can defend a position that is likely aligned with him - in a humorous and trollish manner - without mentioning the specific person at all.

The bit about Pocahontas is riskier, and I'll give you more credit for that. If I was motivated to pick that apart too, I would say you seem to be capitalizing on "50 Stalins ambiguity."

...attack the excess of the Left, but not really from a Rightist perspective.

Stuff I do when I want to have sex: ambiguity, mystery, trollish playfulness.

Stuff I'd do when I want to masturbate and then cry myself to sleep out of loneliness: attack her opinions WITH FACTS AND LOGIC.

"Trump seems pretty ok" is the riskiest one here, do you ever caveat it, or what's the context?

One context I can remember was something about how I'm tired of hearing how evil candidate Trump is on every single TV at the gym. "But isn't he so evil?" "I dunno, he seems cool whenever they let him talk. What's evil?" "He's racist." "No he isn't, he's out there defending American Indians from white ladies like Pocahontas trying to steal their AA slots."

I also would have predicted that the only way for you to call Ben Shapiro right would be to dunk on him. This is unsurprising, since most people ignore the literal and logical implications of words and go straight for the emotivism. If your claim is heard and understood as merely "Fuck Ben Shapiro" then it doesn't imply anything interesting about what you believe.

I also believe "fuck Ben Shapiro". He's a wanker who creates a bad impression of conservatives by being a youtube version of internet nerds. He's right on the little bits I've seen him say, but also I haven't paid much attention cause he's annoying.

It sounds like what you're saying is, "if you're hot you can troll with inflammatory-sounding things that creatively shit on the right."

No, I shit on Ben Shapiro specifically because you asked about him specifically after I described him as a person not to emulate.

Most of the trolling I do (or did, less relevant now) is not negative about the right at all. It's more about highlighting the inconsistencies of the left.

The steelman is exactly what I said it is: That migrants need services that are more readily available to them in border areas than in Martha's Vinyard.

Weakman: "lack of a Spanish language priest and teacher"

Steelman: "local Spanish-language religious services"..."educational, etc, staff who are fluent in Spanish"

I, of course, said neither of those things.

Weakman: "too dumb to make good choices for themselves"

Steelman: "...as for what they thought was in their best interest, that is irrelevant: the OP was about MV residents, and their views. If they are correct that the migrants best interests were not served by being sent there..."

I think you are conflating "weakman" with "different mood affiliation".

Our only point of actual disagreement is that I consider your steelman to be as transparently racist as he thinks the typical MAGA voter is.

Housing prices in the parts of the country that get the top 30% population growth

Ft worth, Phoenix and San Antonio are not known for having expensive housing. Or if you look at it by metro area rather than city, neither are Dallas, Houston or The Villages (FL).


Pop growth is disproportionately in areas that allow houses to be built, for fairly mechanical reasons.

Yeah guess I misinterpreted your post as saying both property tax and LVT have this property, as opposed to just the latter. My bad!

We haven't set things up to give everyone personalized think tank support yet.

I'm not proposing personalized think tank support, merely in loco parentis. If a person is part of this "unable to make good choices" class, they get to live in an institutionalized environment where important choices are made for them. They don't make the choice to overconsume soda and other junk food (as the current poor do), they get to pick a few options off a menu in a healthy food cafeteria. They don't get to control their own TV, there's a TV that plays wholesome programming a couple of hours a day and they don't get to use it if they don't participate in exercise and productive labor. Etc.

In short, the setup my 2 year old lives with.

Looking for a job is a cost. You don't actually do anything productive to society while looking for a job.

Yes, searching for something isn't productive until you find it. But refusing to search is a great way to ensure that you won't find it.

Looking for full time work (or having a job) at least 27 weeks/year is a 97.3% effective way to avoid poverty in the US.


In contrast, about 21% of people outside the labor force were poor. (28M poor people outside the labor force as per BLS report above) / (330M people x 40% outside the labor force).

For one I'm explicitly avoiding any claims about what the situation actually is on average, or on a case by case basis, because I don't actually know.

Why am I unsurprised you don't know? But it's actually not hard to know - it's pretty well documented that the situation is "drugs and video games are fun".

https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w23552/w23552.pdf https://qz.com/1070206/nearly-half-of-working-age-american-men-who-are-out-of-the-labor-force-are-using-painkillers-daily https://www.chicagobooth.edu/review/video-killed-radio-star

I suppose a theoretical alternative explanation is that jobs have suddenly become far more dangerous and people are becoming injured and turning to drugs to cope with pain. This change happened concurrently with the available jobs shifting away from factories/coal mines and towards air conditioned offices. Using a laptop is dangerous I guess!

In some cases, looking for a job is legitimately a waste of everyone's time, because the individual is worth little to employers and their time is worth more elsewhere. I'm not talking about playing video games here.

Perhaps you should speak plainly and be specific.

And, btw, it is hardly in the interests of the system to have falsely beliefs about what every kid has learned, rather than false beliefs about only some students.

Feel free to provide specific mechanics of how test prep produces false beliefs about student's ability and show a real standardized test on which your proposed strategy works.

Of course, the last time I asked this, you claimed to be agnostic that such a thing existed, yet now you seem to claim it exists for sure. Weird.

I didn't say they [methods to produce false beliefs about what kids learned] work, and I didn't say they don't. I have no idea either way, and I don't care, because it is irrelevant.

From a career perspective I also doubt it's good to be a face on a monitor to bosses and coworkers, especially if you're entry level like I am.

I think it depends on whether the company is full remote. At my company there's a new guy I'm familiar with. I have no idea where he live. His manager is in Montana, the other senior guy on his team is in New Orleans, and at most they all met each other once at the offsite. (Probably in 2023 there won't be a $3-5k/person offsite due to cost cutting.) I can't see how it's hurting him.

I suspect it would be different if his manager and half his team were in NYC, while he was just a face on the monitor from wherever. Highly recommend against that if you're entry level.

My point is that the Soviet Union (a communist, and therefore anti-nationalist) country supported the IRA. It wasn't because they agreed with Irish nationalism, it was because causing trouble for Britain was fun and in their interest. Same reason Iran might help AQ or other Sunni militant groups whose primary focus is on overthrowing MBS.

As I said:

GRRM could probably have made it work, though maybe 2 books would have become 4.

Again - will we actually do it? I'm asking about probability and gambling odds, not theoretical possibility of a comforting story.

With what odds will an innocent person sentenced to life imprisonment actually get their sentence partially reversed? Or...here's a more quantitative approach.

Take a typical time to live on death row of maybe 10 years (all the appeals, etc). What fraction of people sentence to life imprisonment get their sentences reversed in year 11-99? I'd hazard a guess it's quite low, but not sure where to find the numbers.

(Actually I suspect it might be high if your dataset overlaps the period when DNA testing was introduced - mainly cause a backlog of cases was created that could only be addressed after a technological advance.)

John Grisham, the author of the book, is from Arkansas and Mississippi. He's not a Hollywood liberal.

That said, the description of the movie does sound like a Hollywood liberal adapted the book.

Cost to launch a payload into space:

Space shuttle (USA): $54k/kg

Ariane 5 (Eurozone): $9.1k/kg

Proton (Russian): $4.3k/kg

Falcon 9 (Musk): $2.7k/kg.

Falcon Heavy (Musk): $1.4k/kg


What a fraud. He definitely lacks the ability to execute.

From my first comment:

data strongly supports the position of educated internet right wing racists.

What more would you like?

What about turning London (density 14k/sq mi) into Brooklyn (38k/sq mi), which would allow the population to double?

Why do NIMBYs constantly apply an excluded middle fallacy, thinking that the only possibilities are San Jose (population density 1.5k/sq mi) or Kowloon?

Why focus so much on class in his options for dealing with tricky class signaling games?