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joined 2022 September 05 00:37:14 UTC


User ID: 308



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 00:37:14 UTC


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User ID: 308

As a temporary workaround, you can adblock them (at least in Ublock Origin). That's what I did for all of the awards in Reddit.

I've beaten PoE twice (with years in between), and never needed to look things up. If you're just getting to the level cap and the end of the story, then you don't need a hyperoptimized build.

the level cap is 100, and I've never gotten anywhere near it, even with fairly optimized builds.

Oops, I outleveled all of the story areas, so maybe that's why I though that? It's been two years since I've played.

The rule I created (that seems to work, but I haven't thoroughly tested) is:

! 2022-09-19 https://www.themotte.org


and the reddit one I mentioned is:

! 2021-08-04 https://old.reddit.com


To create filtering rules like that, rightclick on the offending element, choose "Block Element" from the contextual menu, then play with the two sliders until you have a rule that looks general enough without removing parts that you want.


Nazis do (((this)))

But « thiis » is just a different type of quotation mark used in French, German, Russian and so on. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guillemet

EDIT: also, the move was coming long before that one post was removed. As far as I can tell, it is more of an illustrative example than a reason.

Related: Transport Canada Permits Small Knives on Planes (2017) (TL;DR: knives shorter than 6 cm (2.3") are allowed on flights outside the US. This is the same rules as the EU has.)

I don't know if "billionaire" is enough to have a substantial impact. Let's say you have $999B of wealth at 5% returns. You can therefore direct $50B to zero-return initiatives (whether or not they qualify as "charities") without reducing your nominal wealth.

If you choose to target elementary/secondary education, that's a 6% increase over the current US funding. Similarly, it's a 10% increase in new housing, 2% in welfare, etc. If you have a mere $1B instead of $999B, then all of those numbers drop by three orders of magnitude.

I don't think you can solve racism without solving racial differences in outcomes. I don't think you can affect the outcomes on a national scale with merely billions of dollars of wealth.

I don't know how much progress can be made using zero-sum tools like selective hiring/promotions or unspecified political/scientific efforts.

I'm sympathetic to the "war on noticing" framing of the fight against racial discrimination (aside: I wish "anti-racism" wasn't the name of a specific movement, since it would otherwise fit perfectly there). For example, if you ban criminal record checks for employment while keeping the same criminality rates, you'll find that employers start discriminating based on race as a proxy measure.

I think that fighting against noticing racial differences (and acting on them), without having a change is the raw situation is doomed to failure.

despite company claims to the contrary.

Could you link some? The SpaceX/Musk posts I've seen didn't make any claims of exclusivity; at worst they danced around the precise sourcing of the funding.

From the CNBC article linked in your quote:

Shotwell, who spoke to CNBC after the panel, did not have a more specific total on the number of dishes the company has shipped to Ukraine. She added that most of the funding for the Starlink kits has come from private sources, but added that “France helped” and “I think Poland is helping.”

“I don’t think the U.S. has given us any money to give terminals to the Ukraine,” Shotwell said.

and from your original WaPo link:

In a letter to SpaceX last month outlining the deal, the USAID mission director to Ukraine said the terminals would be “procured” and sent on behalf of USAID by a third-party contractor,

Given the (lack of) rigor in her statements there and the fact that the USAID terminals were purchased by a third party, I'm not seeing any significant stolen credit there.

There are also sources suggesting that additional terminals have been donated by Poland, for example.

Again, I'm not seeing any stolen credit. I want to see the other half of your claim: I know that private and government groups have donated Starlink terminals to Ukraine. I haven't seen SpaceX/Musk claiming exclusive credit for a partnership (or anything similar) other than that one wishy-washy statement about the general situation.

UI request: Move the "comment" button and the preview pane up a bit.

Current vs. Desired

The way I was taught Python was a cycle of:

  • Learn a new idea (conditionals, for loops, Big-O notation, lists/sets/dictionaries/strings, recursion, objects, etc.)

  • Solve a few problems that require that idea in isolation

  • Solve a few problems that require that idea in addition to everything else I know

  • repeat for the entire semester

  • Solve one problem using many (but not all) of the ideas, with minimal direction

Once you have a big enough toolbox, you have to start solving the problems instead of guessing the teacher's password.

Downthread, there's a recommendation for people to learn coding by creating mods for Slay the Spire. That's great advice IMO, and could be generalized to "learn to program by writing code that fulfills your goals" if you aren't into video games.

20-20-20 rule? Every 20 minutes of screen time, take a 20 second break to look 20 feet away.

Please note that Kanye is using double-spaces instead of periods for some reason.

Some phones autocorrect double spaces to period+space. He probably switched to one that didn't do that, and didn't proofread before posting.

Even if susceptibility to alcoholism has no genetic causes, we would still expect it to have nonzero heritability.

Pretty sure that's zero heritibility, using the technical definition.

Are you completely certain that the government was doing most of the work of locking people down?


If I want to visit a friend/business and they don't want me there, then that's fine. You can set whatever standards you want for yourself, and I'll accept them even if I don't agree.

If I want to visit a friend/business and the government threatens to imprison or fine me for it, then it's a lockdown.

I'm in Canada, and the local nonessential business restrictions/closures and gathering limits (as low as zero people allowed) were all enforced by fines in the $1k-$100k range, with most being $2800 for individuals.

A quick google shows similar laws in place in the US.

You should reread your comment and laugh at it: The rendering bug you're pointing out is happening again, so your description isn't being posted accurately.

(You can see what people wrote by using the "View source" button. In this case, there should only be a single "/e/" in the URL, but the site is adding a second/third one.)

From the title, I thought it would be this: https://youtube.com/watch?v=PVxaL8CAO4M

I think we both know that the DNC doesn't broadcast an opinion on events in a comparable way to a talk show.

You sure? Here, here, and here are the comments they made in the week after Floyd's death. Those three statements (combined) don't meet my standard for responsibility, but A) someone else can have different standards, and B) it's not a complete list.

(If you want to replicate my search, go to https://democrats.org/news/page/276/ , read the headlines and click on likely ones, then go to the more recent releases until you feel like stopping.)

It's been a while, but the last time I looked at the models, all of the worst-case predictions for the next hundred years were manageable with currently existing first-world technology. If you can't buy an air conditioner or hurricane-proof your buildings, then you're in trouble. Similarly, wildlife and ecosystems (but not agriculture) are also in trouble.

A lot of the apocalyptic predictions came from war sparked by the sudden changes in every country's fortunes.

Are we reading the same thing? I see:

... many of the "rioters" who committed no crime worse than trespassing (in some cases not even entering the building, just supposedly-forbidden parts of the grounds) are getting harsh punishments...

The source article describes it as (emphasis added): "January 6 defendant found guilty of trespass at US Capitol" and "...Griffin guilty of trespassing...". Even if you want to defy their language choice and stick with strict legal definitions ("It's not trespassing, it's 'entering a restricted area'."), you'd still have to face the caveat in the original comment: it's crimes worse than trespassing that they didn't commit, not just one specific law.

Daily chart and Weekly chart are throwing 500 errors at me, but I hadn't seen the stats page yet. Thanks for linking it.

No worries. It took me years to learn that you can just look up public information when things are unclear.

(One of the more recent places where "just look it up" helped me was reading about Carolyn Strom: every news source printed an almost-identical, obviously incomplete story. Sometimes, they were actually identical because they were reposting from a wire service. Going to the court records was so much more informative.)