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joined 2022 September 05 17:26:20 UTC
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User ID: 646



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User ID: 646

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I had a very similar opinion about The Peace War, and am absolutely psyched to check out your last 3 links when I'm not working (especially steam engines since I've been talking a lot with kids about trains recently). Thanks for sharing.

One of the cringiest faux pas of my lifetime was rating every single female classmate in my 7th grade yearbook. Which was then found and passed around.

There was something deeply distasteful about a mid bro such as myself a) exhibiting how thirsty I was for some of my female friends b) quantitatively showing how unattractive I found others. Even for children this was a bit of a bridge too far, I didn't recover socially from it until 9th grade.

Since then I've migrated to a more progressive, binary system in which women are either a 1 or a 0. There's not as much fidelity but it leads to richer conversations about attractiveness anyway.

It is funny, though, how when it comes to ranking attractiveness women are so vicious and unrealistic compared to men.

I also have a far less charitable reading of "unrapeable" than OP - I think it's obvious that it means someone is too ugly to rape. This is still just dumb kids getting together to say stupid and hateful shit because they have underdeveloped EQ. This has been happening since forever, and it's not a sign of some endemic issue in Australian society. Fuck Marry Kill is a classic game.

How fast do you want someone on board? Do you care about the stack or do you just need someone great at a couple?