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User ID: 646



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User ID: 646

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Politically, my preferred outcome would be to exalt White bisexual antitheistic males above all others and make this identity the pass to being treated as aristocracy.

Yeah, that'd be cool, though I'm not fully bisexual. I expect anyone I fuck to at least put on a wig and some makeup.

I don't want meritocracy, equality of opportunity, judging the content of someone's character. I certainly don't want any retvrn.

We differ here - I want these because I'm smarter, stronger faster, and nicer than almost everyone else. I've already optimized for these things so I want society to conform to me instead of the other way around.

Promiscuous girls with tattoos and one side of their head shaved make me go crazy.

I can't say the shaved head aesthetic has migrated from prog spaces to my sexual preferences, but I dig tats. Do I count as progressive?

Worth reading?

I finished Through Struggle, the Stars after catching a glimmer of a rec from @IdealFireplace and man - I really enjoyed it. I'm less critical of the quality drop off outside of space. There was something strangely addicting about both of the books to where there was some sort of action leading me to turn the page over and over again. I burned through both books very quickly. it's supposed to be a trilogy so, be warned, the fucking author decided to never finish it, instead dedicating himself to an obscure video game that supposedly tries to make horrifically boring spaceship conflict exciting. In that vein, I'll be bitching about Homeworld 3 on Friday.

I also finished Mixtape Hyperborea. Looks like the author is pretty active on goodreads. I enjoyed it quite a bit, though I read some suggestions that you should listen to the actual mixtape on spotify while reading it. Frankly, I didn't like any of the music. The navel-gazing playlist selection and lack of violence were the biggest indicators that the author was most familiar with a prep school instead of public. One common criticism of the book seems to be that it's plotless, which I think is obviously untrue. Is it super exhilarating? No, but at least the main character graduates and gets his dick sucked at the final party of the book. I think it had more appeal than raw nostalgia, and I'd suggest it for any millennial.

Coming up next is me taking another crack at the Culture series. Finished book 1 (what a fuckin drag) and finally finishing up "Don't Sit Under the Grits Tree with Anyone Else but Me".

I have always been ignorant of this. Why did the US not buy back slaves? I haven't seen anything about opposition to the plan from the south.

I was a single digit employee number at my current gig, now very successful by any stretch of the imagination.

Competence is critical. Like you, most failed entrepreneurs I've met are idiots. I've also seen some semi-successful ones that aren't super hard-working but compensate with some light grift and charisma.

I think if you have:

  • A true runway to spend what you need on supplies/marketing/living for a whole year
  • Some sort of revenue lined up to start
  • A comprehensive plan and/or are doing something through a franchise
  • The qualities to manage the number of people you want to have the business grow to (EX: You want to run a 7 person coffee shop, you should have the EQ to manage that many people)

You can be successful. Securing funding and taking advantage of luck are the keys, IMO.

Are you considering any business plan?

Even a layman's understanding of cars, money, and dentistry are enough to catch bullshit.

The average person holds these people in high esteem, considers them almost mystic witch doctors who understand incomprehensible mysteries. This is almost entirely a matter of fear, convenience, and social momentum.

An ICE car isn't really all that complicated. You can figure out the basic underpinnings of an engine, suspension, and drivetrain components in a 30 minute youtube video, for instance. A great mechanic is going to be able to explain these things to you in a way that is understandable.

And that is the key. If you're reasonably intelligent, and this supposed expert can't make a problem extremely clear to you, then chances are extremely high that they're a grifter. This applies to software, HVAC technicians, plumbers.... the whole 9 yards.

My main issue is that I agree with all this, but I've been crying "wolf" a long with Ron Paul for more than a quarter century now.

Our deficits and foreign policy have seemed like intractable problems to me for so long I don't understand how we're still going, that anyone can justify buying T-bills with our attitude towards spending.

It just feels all made up. At least until the military industrial complex falls a couple more notches.

many are developing rapidly, living standards are improving, education is increasing, infrastructure is being built, many more are seeing nonviolent leadership transitions - and most of that isn’t the result of charity but of ordinary economic activity.

Man I want to believe this but I just don't. It happens every once in a while but as far as I can tell it's only ever cyclical. The country getting out of a low-trust hole can only do it for 10-15 years before the next coup based on tribal lines.

You can't even read the Africa section of the economist regularly without losing your mind. There's such a constant background simmering of rape, mass murder, and corruption going on at some level on that continent it's just impossible to fathom.