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Hyperbole is bad

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joined 2022 September 04 19:14:33 UTC
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User ID: 92


Hyperbole is bad

1 follower   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 19:14:33 UTC


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User ID: 92

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Leave the rest of the internet at the door

Somebody, somewhere, resorting to dishonest rhetoric is not a license to retaliate here.

All this is now verboten. All games have some random fucking girlboss lecturing you about your privilege. There are no more offline servers. All behavior is closely monitored and you get suspended. Mods get you banned. It's the worst fucking dystopia I could have ever imagined being a 90's PC gamer.

I am a white man who games fairly regularly and I have never had a lecture about my privilege, nor have I been banned.

I'm also sad about the death of LAN parties, but it feels very weird to complain that social norms (and their enforcement) on non-LAN servers are not the same as on LAN servers. On a LAN server the enforcement comes from your friends, but external enforcement is absolutely required for public servers. Rule enforcement means that League of Legends today is much more enjoyable today than it was in 2012 (because there is less flaming and intentional feeding), and definitely better than if there was no enforcement at all.

Yes, lament the death of LAN servers, but try to appreciate that a tyranny under social-defectors is not actually better than tyranny under a company preventing that defection. Ultimately public servers are common spaces, while your basement is private.

covid killed one million people in the united states. Yes, mostly old people, but we're talking about protecting old people here. No reason to pretend otherwise.

Unfortunately this site also gives him no reason to speak plainly.

Maybe if a women feel rejected by or reject their own tribe themselves, they attempt to undermine it in the hopes of getting conquered by a different tribe? That seems overly complicated though, the answer to this should feel simple because it's emotional. Help me out here.

If you actually believe that then Proactively provide evidence in proportion to how partisan and inflammatory your claim might be. Otherwise consider being kind and charitable rather than tarring an entire group.

Do you think there are going to be violent riots with the aim of massacring or expelling cis white men in the United States? What percentage of cis white men do you expect to be killed or expelled?

Now I suspect that the president of a university black student alliance is getting an education in something extremely low value

Couldn’t resist booing the out group?

It's worth noting that "fair fight" spaces have their own failure modes, notably that people interpret their opponents uncharitably and take opportunistic potshots. One of my favorite things about quokka spaces is that they avoid those failure modes.

Also "status" is absolutely a thing in masculine spaces, which is one reason why "I'm sorry, I was wrong" is never seen here.

We have social norms and rules against saying shitty things about groups because there are costs to saying them. I like diverse opinions and I like evidence-based arguments, and these are ostensibly the goal of this site. People going on bitter tirades against women and leftists and PMCs goes against that goal.

If you want to say shitty things about people you should bring evidence. If you have no evidence then don't say shitty things.

It's true that this makes it more difficult to levy true accusations. But the point of these norms is to craft asymmetric weapons to guide us to the truth, and part of that is having standards before you're allowed to say that black people are inherently violent or that Jews secretly want to sacrifice Christian girls to the devil or that women secretly want to be conquered by the Turks.

Back to a serious journalistic outlet, Time magazine. Just before the New Year, Time published a story that might dissuade people from making an ill-advised resolutions for 2023 titled The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise, and 6 Other Surprising Facts About the History of U.S. Physical Fitness:

It was super interesting reading the reflections of fitness enthusiasts in the early 20th century. They said we should get rid of corsets, corsets are an assault on women’s form, and that women should be lifting weights and gaining strength. At first, you feel like this is so progressive.

Then you keep reading, and they’re saying white women should start building up their strength because we need more white babies. They’re writing during an incredible amount of immigration, soon after enslaved people have been emancipated. This is totally part of a white supremacy project. So that was a real “holy crap” moment as a historian, where deep archival research really reveals the contradictions of this moment.

Oh dear.

After actually reading "The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise, and 6 Other Surprising Facts About the History of U.S. Physical Fitness", I'm not sure how you can honestly think that your two extremely cherry-picked paragraphs are representative. The article is decidedly not anti-fitness (despite the click bait title), and phrasing it as

a story that might dissuade people from making an ill-advised resolutions for 2023

seems pretty misleading. I'm going to charitably assume you were Google-search-and-skimming for examples of outrageous outgroup behavior, and not deliberately trying to mislead us.

I think somebody being able to write those two paragraphs and also not condemn exercise goes against your thesis that the wokes are crazy, and is a nice example of somebody not being mind-killed.

Do you think more than 0.1% of white people will be killed during a riot in at least one of the 1000 largest US cities in the next 10 years?

Boy am I glad TheMotte moved offsite

This seems irrelevant to me, since

  1. (afaik) TheMotte doesn't offer an API

  2. charging 3rd party apps for using your API to steal your users seems mostly orthogonal to free speech

large western studios have done everything in their power to eradicate attractive women in AAA releases

I don't know how anyone can believe this unless their primary source is Internet controversies, rather than playing video games.

Here are some popular games released by large American studios with attractive women: Cyberpunk, Street Fighter 6, and Overwatch 2, Rise of the Tomb Raider (et al), League of Legends (et al), Red Dead Redemption 2, Fortnite, Alan Wake 2.

I'd buy the claim that there are more, less attractive women in modern western games than there were 10 years ago, but I don't know how you can claim the The Woke are preventing American corporations from making games with attractive women at all.

Could you show me a AAA game with more than 2 women where none of the women are attractive?

I mean that the mods don't care about whether he says that, regardless of the fact that it's literally false and solely exists as rhetoric.

I don't hold voters or commenters on this site to any standard because the whole point of mods is that "the people" lack the coordination to have/enforce healthy norms.

They're ready to start pogroms now.

Are you using a definition that isn't

an organized massacre of a particular ethnic group


There are plenty of people who aren’t interested in a place that tolerates anti-semitism. Somebody on /r/TheMotte or /r/slatestarcodex once made the interesting point that maximizing speech is completely different from refusing to censor anything — at a certain point you’re driving out as many viewpoints as you’re enabling by tolerating certain people.

Also advertisers – advertisers care.

Thank you for upholding civility standards.

You said

If you say "Trump is a venal, fascist clown," that's your opinion, and someone who likes Trump would very likely report you for it, but you don't have to post a link to support your opinion


Kamala is an airhead" or "Trump is a fascist clown" are not great comments, no, but we're not going to make a rule against saying mean things about politicians and celebrities.

Despite the fact the rules clearly say that you will. Pointing out that inconsistency is not a lack of good faith.

A lack of good faith is when I say I take issue with "Kamala is an air-head" and you say "You seem to just want me to mod people who insult Kamala Harris" (a person, incidentally, that I don't admire).

The rules explicitly ask that you mod comments like this and you're refusing to. I don't think asking for a rule update to make it clear that insulting public figures is tolerated is bad faith on my part. I'm asking for consistency between the rules of this site and what the mods actually enforce.

Alternatively, you're welcome to argue that the rules don't demand that you mod that comment.

While it'd be nice if throwing money at people decreased the crime rate, I think the strongest defense of welfare has always been that it improves the lives of the people receiving the money -- strong both in the sense that it's pretty self-evidently true, and in the (dark art's / practical) sense that the only real way to fight against the argument is to come out and say you don't care about poor people's wellbeing (which most people don't really want to do).

I’m not arguing that the author isn’t woke. I’m arguing that the author never says “exercise is bad, don’t do it”, which is what you claimed, and which is not true.

If you think the rest of the article lets you similarly argue that the wokes have lost their minds, then you are welcome to use those other parts in your original post.

It is untrue because there are no progressives here…

If what you meant to say was “advocate for white people”, “donate to white nationalist organizations”, or “advocate against affirmative action”, you could have said that.

From my perspective it seems like you chose a deliberately milquetoast word to make people seem crazy for not liking white nationalists.

Some serious stones and glass houses imo. By those standards 99% of the Internet is dumber than “midwit”.

Can we just say “they don’t seem to know much about Wikipedia’s finances”?

Somebody on the Internet says "please don't call me X". Then people who don't like him start calling him X. This event has nothing to do with whether X is a "slur" -- I could be dogpiled after asking not to be called bald or a gamer and that wouldn't makes those words a slur, since "gamer" or "bald" are not normally used to insult people.

If your primary exposure to the word "cis" is that somebody is trying to insult you, then I suspect you've primarily been exposed to the worst actors of the progressive movement (and/or people who are just trying to trigger you specifically). I know multiple people who walked in the BLM protests and it's implausible to me that any of them would use "cis" or "straight" as insults (if nothing else, remember that most progressives are cis and straight).

(I won't comment on whether "cis" is usually used as an insult on Twitter, since I haven't had the misfortune of wading into culture war topics on Twitter).

I don't think "forcing 99% of the population to use a qualifier" is a good description of the culture-waring here -- it feels pretty post-hoc, since if the change was going in the opposite direction, we'd see the same amount of pushback. Suppose Americans had been using "cis women" for the last 100 years and progressives started complaining that they should just say "woman" to refer to biological women so that transwomen aren't constantly reminded that they're not cis. I'm skeptical that conservatives would be happily on board.

I think the much simpler explanation is that there are two enemy tribes who disagree on a topic and Tribe A wants to change language related to that topic. That change could be 100% innocuous and Tribe B is still gonna fight against it.

There are surely details specific to the "cis woman" debate that are relevant (e.g. some people have strong opinions on concrete policy changes like "who is allowed in a woman's shelter"), but I really don't think "you're not thinking of me as normal" is significant driver of conservative pushback.

Advocating for race-conscious policies so that racial groups with lower crime rates don't need to deal with the consequences of living in a high-crime environment seems like an extremely narrowly scoped argument. Should men between the ages of 15 and 25 be excluded from low-crime neighborhoods too?

Focusing on race, rather than gender, income, age, or (heck), criminality seems rather odd -- where's the post advocating for banning all felons from your city?