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User ID: 1827



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User ID: 1827

I find that entirely repugnant. It is one thing to do community service by say picking up garbage. That seems hard to argue it isn’t community service. But forcing people to basically engage in political action is to me beyond the pale and the lawyer should face discipline.

DeSantis proved to be a very effective governor. I suspect that if you really wanted to roll back the admin state, he’s your man.

Therapy culture is very blue coded. Therapy culture seemingly embraces fragility as a virtue.

I think your facts undersell. The government in connect with their NGOs literally ran simulations with social media and one of the simulations was relating to a leaked Hunter Biden laptop. They didn’t just debunk a true story post hoc. They prebunked it.

Conspiracy tinfoil hat but seems to me they needed a relief valve. There is a bunch of shit coming out implicating the Biden’s potential influence peddling regime. The FBI and DOJ have come under intense criticism for being partisan. Trump was charged for some crimes that Biden also could be charged for.

Hunter obviously committed felonies and yet nothing was happening. This allows the colorable argument “we aren’t biased — we even went after the president’s son and the president allowed it!” But because it is a slap on the wrist, it allows Hunter to close out some legal issues with no harm. So actually beneficial for the Biden while providing cover that there isn’t two tiers of justice.

This comment just seems crazy to me. Here you have a government official pressuring a private company to censor someone and your response is “nationalize a platform.”

  1. The democrats had two big weaknesses. First, they tacitly supported months of riot during the Floyd summer. Second, the election was weird. We hadn’t seen something like it before. Doesn’t mean it was fraudulent but it felt odd.

  2. If there was a riot at the Capitol, it solved both problems. Now they could say look at the MAGA republicans; they attacked the Capitol AND associate anyone who questioned the oddness of the 2020 as an “insurrectionist.”

  3. Doesn’t mean they caused the riot to happen, but it would be entirely unsurprising if they knew and did nothing. Allegedly, that is what FDR did with Pearl Harbor (probably not but who knows).

He famously claimed Georgia now was basically Jim Crow but worse — he then called it Jim Eagle.

I started looking through the list. First, a lot of examples were from earlier times and some of them were wrong (eg the article suggests Cleopatra might’ve had African roots which just ain’t so). Second, some of them did result in our rage (Depp). Some of them retroactively amounted to outrage (Oliver as Othello).

Assuming counseling is highly effective. I’ve never seen someone start therapy graduate from therapy. I have seen people with illness stop going to see the specialist once cured.

I think therapy is a racket.

The legal arguments seem incredibly weak.

First, you need to define “what is an insurrection.” The amendment is silent on that. Next, you need to determine whether the proposed candidate in fact engaged in an “insurrection.” The amendment doesn’t specify the process, standard, or who gets to answer that question.

It would be an incredibly weird provision that takes away both the right of voters and the right of a candidate to seek office yet doesn’t answer these very basic questions.

Indeed, it is hard to square with the 14th amendment’s own guarantee of due process (ie we acknowledge the importance of due process except here where we will let a county clerk decide unilaterally based on whatever standard he or she likes that someone is an insurrectionist). All the more so in the context when the 14th amendment was adopted — do you really think the north wanted to give the southern states carte blanche to strike whomever they wanted from the ballot without due process of law?

Those are the infirmities before the question is even answered whether the article even applies to the presidency (there is a strong argument it doesn’t since the provision specifies, inter alia, electors but is silent on the presidency). And then there is the still procedural question of even if the amendment is self executing absent congressional action did congress act and therefore occupy field (which again arguably yes since it defined insurrection and provided a process / penalty for the crime).

All of those questions are before you get to the merits (ie did Trump engage in an insurrection, were Trump’s statements protected by the first amendment).

That is, the argument advanced in toto is betting on hitting an inside straight flush (ie it has to win on numerous arguments; rebuttal on one). The infirmity of that legal position heavily suggests the argument is bogus and prudentially SCOTUS needs to nip this in the proverbial bud on procedural grounds.

I do think Greta is the living embodiment of the critique that environmentalists are watermelons — green on the outside but red on the inside. This further cements that connection.

Because she unilaterally had her lawyers destroy the evidence. Spoiling evidence is generally a problem for the person who spoiled the evidence.

Also, because the government gave free immunity to her underlings instead of trying to get them to turn (unlike they are doing with Trump).

Clinton didn’t mind her Ps and Qs; she got help from the purported other side.

She was allegedly “rude” to people who were scamming Citi Bikes. It’s only rude once you accept the anti-social activity by the teens was appropriate.

It is such a strange belief.

  1. It is saying in effect society writ large matters but micro cultures don’t matter. That is, the overall structure of society causes some groups to fail but an individual group culture is at best orthogonal to success. That is an extraordinary claim.

  2. It assumes that genetics apply for individuals but not groups despite clearly there being a genetic difference between groups (eg whites and Asians look different). Again this is an extraordinary claim.

So to believe that difference in group outcome is proof of discrimination relies upon two extraordinary claims.

House had two points:

  1. House had an internal contradiction. He was very nihilistic yet believed heavily in doing whatever was possible to save his patient’s life.

  2. House was very utilitarian. The kind of medicine he practiced was effectively take calculated risks. He didn’t get fired despite being an ass because he had more points in the hood column.

Mix that in with a somewhat charming cast and soap opera and you have somewhat interesting tv.

I struggle with abortion. There does seem a time when the fetus isn’t a human (eg minutes after implantation). There does seem a time clearly when the fetus is a human (eg minutes prior to coming out of the birth canal). So there is a bit of a sorties paradox going on here that creates hard line drawing.

I also don’t really buy the arguments of bodily integrity. The woman (outside of rape) created the situation that creates the conflict of rights — indeed this is a unique situation where there is a conflict of rights and one party took zero action to create the conflict. So to me this is purely a line drawing exercise.

I imagine many Americans feel somewhat similar (at some point it is perfectly fine, at some point it is murder, and drawing where that crosses over is difficult).

By the way, I’ve seen enough of Garland over the last two years that he needs to be impeached.

Optically perhaps but who knows. The flip side is that the ADL has specifically been attacking Elon and Elon’s company so he has special animosity towards ADL. I find it likely Elon doesn’t hate Jews but does hate ADL. Given that, I’m fine giving him the benefit of the doubt.

I must say this whole frame is very frustrating. Republicans see someone borrowing half a trillion in debt almost monthly to behave rejected governing. Or someone in charge of the border to have abandoned their post.

It seems like when Republican dysfunction is brought up it’s “they don’t take governance seriously” but when dem dysfunction is brought up it’s “policy differences.”

And you should be able to leave your keys in a convertible with the roof down in a shitty part of town. But that doesn’t really provide much solace when your car is stolen.

Sure, it would be great if we didn’t have to take precautions against bad actions but telling people to not take reasonable precautions because “that’s victim blaming” is “victim creating” behavior.

Politicians “just asking” is never solely just putting reputational pressure.

I don’t know why these people find it tough. It just isn’t. Don’t censor. But someone said something I consider naughty? Who the fuck cares.

The rut is related to woke programming. Without DeSantis the programming still would’ve been woke and bad, but it fit the narrative that DeSantis helped create.

Disney was family; not necessarily women and kids obsessed with princesses (though of course they offered that). They need to try to rebuild that family brand.

I think there needs to be a distinction between boorish behavior and sexual assault. We should condemn the boorish behavior but it is different in kind; not just degree from sexual assault. Feminism has sought to blur the distinction.