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User ID: 753



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User ID: 753

It goes with the narrative of all the uncompensated work women do. I get the impression much of this work is not at the behest of men. I like that the house is clean but I don't need it to be as clean as it is. Clutter doesn't bother me, it can completely dysregulate my wife. I like a tasty complicated dinner, but I could go without it. I don't need plants that need to be watered, I don't need decorations that need to be dusted, I don't need a rug with tassels that prevents us from having a robot vacuum, I don't need flower beds that require more work than just grass.

Must be similar to the height thing. I've heard women complain about how guys can't handle that they are taller than them. I've heard many women complain about men being too short. I've never heard a man complain about women being too tall.

From the jury instructions:

BUSINESS RECORD means any writing or article, including computer data or a computer program, kept or maintained by an enterprise for the purpose of evidencing or reflecting its condition or activity

How common are convictions based on hypothetical crimes that a defendant hasn't been convicted of? Is that like a special New York State thing or is it common across the country?

I'm after a summary of summaries, seeing if I've got it roughly right. Bolding done by me.

SECTION 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree Penal (PEN) CHAPTER 40, PART 3, TITLE K, ARTICLE 175 § 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.

A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.

Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony.


Post-Summation Instructions PDF

Although you must conclude unanimously that the defendant conspired to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means, you need not be unanimous as to what those unlawful means were.

In determining whether the defendant conspired to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means, you may consider the following: (1) violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act otherwise known as FECA; (2) the falsification of other business records; or (3) violation of tax laws.

Is Trump now convicted of all or some combination of 1, 2 or 3?

I'm trying to recall who said it but the general idea is that the most dangerous type of people who believe they are doing something for the good of humanity.

C. S. Lewis:

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

Downvote, collapse the thread and move on.

I guess spoilers I guessed what was going on with the gaslighting part way through and was not happy about it. It made the majority of the book a waist of time for me.

"You got to piss with the cock you got" doubt he came up with but first heard AVE say it.

Gideon the Ninth tons of fun but Horrow was so bad. Nona is on the shelf... I hope Tamsyn Muir got good feed back on Horrow.

This is funny, but seems pretty predictable. Even without "our parents went to the same med school" knowing her surname and profession there was probably never more than 30 minutes of phone calls for your parents being able to contact her parents. You knew her surname, she comes form a family of docs, of course your parents would be stoked. I agree with your dad, stop fucking around. Maybe you don't want to do it the traditional way but you should at least seriously pursue the relationship "western style" or cut it off if you're 0% interested. Don't waste her time.

Because he spoke heresy. And in fairness if Butker he wouldn't be a principled defender of free speech either.

At the same time I think evangelicals are probably thinking "based trad cath" and I'm not sure how true this is across trad caths but for the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen cousin in the family he is a straight theocrat that what would violently suppress all other denominations if he could. If his beliefs were common among pre-Vatican II Catholics I can see why they were discriminated against.

Butker seems to be almost perfect. I assume the media is desperately searching, so he's likely been faithful to his wife and probably hasn't said "nigger" within recording distance. As Nybbler points out, he's got literally a gigachad look. It might be cooler if he were a tight end, but he's arguably one of the best kickers in the game with three Super Bowls. He's not perfectly articulate, but articulate enough, and his speech avoided some of the pitfalls conservatives love to jump into. It was very digestible if anyone wanted to watch the whole thing and more coherent than Margery Taylor Greene or Trump can be. It also helps that he kept things straight Catholic; going all in against Catholicism is attacking a lot of Latinos.

Conservatives should spend a lot of time figuring out the things he got right.

Isn't the point that Singapore is the opposite of isolated? It's in one of the most strategic locations on the planet and is a massive shipping hub on the way to very wealthy places. Argentina is on the way to where? Miami is the Latin American finance hub because it's on the way to... in the Estados Unidos.

A lot different but a husband would probably still have some explaining to to if a conservative wife fully understood what Aella is. Even more so if the first exposure was one of Alele's thirst posts. You're not getting a divorce over it but it's not going to be a fun conversation.

I just started playing around with Gemini... I would encourage others too and take screen shots. Looks like they did tweak it since last night and I was able to get a white guy first try when asking for a mid-evil knight without a helmet (I also got a topless Native American with a broadsword) and all white Vikings.

I was trying to generate a space marine and it started throwing a fit when I asked for more of the helmeted marine, not the one with pink hair. Apparently this was exclusionary language and not allowed.

Haven't been able to get an image of the First Thanksgiving.

Asked for an image of a pre-Colombian tribe, no racial diversity there but it did give a bunch of morbidly obese Indians.

Asking for images of people eating fired chicken sets off alarm bells but I did get it to create one and it did even have a black guy eating chicken among a racially and sexually diverse group.

To the point where it was either the KKK who were assigned to boost AA

"Aspects & Assumptions of Whiteness & White Culture in the United States" put out by the National Museum of African American History. An info graphic sandwiched between the the following two paragraphs:

Direct and violent forms of racism that promote white supremacy have been on the rise in recent years. These acts are more directly linked to white nationalism.

White supremacy is an ideology where white people are believed to be superior to nonwhite people. This fallacy is rooted in the same scientific racism and pseudo-science used to justify slavery, imperialism, colonialism, and genocide at various times in throughout history. White supremacist ideologies and their followers continue to perpetuate the myth of white racial superiority.

Some hallmarks of Whiteness & White Culture:


*Emphasis on the Scientific Method

*Objective linear thinking

*Adherence to rigid time schedules

*Plan for future

*Delayed gratification


Note: These ideas have been around since at least 1990. [PDF]

I think it was on /r/stupidpol where someone said "Since I don't get to decide which side of the race war I'm on, I'm glad I'm on the side the plans for the future."

This was my cynical conspiracy take. Need to hide the genetics from the graves of the tribes they committed genocide against.

It also seems (admittedly I have no firsthand experience) that a lot of those southern megachurches have a big fixation on fundraising for Africa, African famines and so on, and about Haiti.

It's bang for your buck. Africa is a big place and you'll see the focus is on "Christian" sub-Saharan Africa because the countries are pretty open to interventions. Same with Papua New Guinea as apposed to Western New Guinea. Also map interventions that were former British Colonies because then you need less language skills. Haiti does speak French but it's also rather close.

For comparison’s sake, Leonid Brezhnev died in office as General Secretary of the USSR Communist Party at age 75. His successor, Yuri Andropov, died at age 69. He was followed in the 1980s by Constantin Chernenko who died in office at age 73.

How many of these guys where alcoholics/smokers?

In the US, how many people are open-borders advocates?

To take a term already used in this thread de facto vs de jour. Vast majority would not say that they are for "open-borders" but opinion change when there's any kind of filmable enforcement action. "I'm not for open borders but don't do that." Similar to cutting spending, many maybe most want to "cut" federal spending then you give them a list of programs to cut or expand and people in effect want more spending.

Probably should have made it clearer. It's a different train of thought. Wife has gotten over the baby expensive things, but unfortunately is shifting to future expensive things.

My wife initially fell victim to tons of the baby gear marketing, but once you realize that your baby is equally happy in the $50 generic amazon swing as he is in the $300 fancy swing, you kind of apply that lesson to child rearing writ large.

It's probably more important for his happiness to make sure he breathes through his nose

Are we the same person?

But after the neighbor boy showed up wearing a LGBTQ pin my wife has gone from a a huge fan of how diverse our local public elementary school (look at all those refugee kids in the playground) to saying we need to gear up to get the kid in the hyper conservative evangelical private school twenty miles away.

It's been official doctrine in the social sciences that authoritarianism is exclusively a right wing phenomenon for decades:

The Experts Somehow Overlooked Authoritarians on the Left - The Atlantic