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User ID: 1823



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User ID: 1823

These are all great points. TBH my view on London prices is based on when I’m there as a tourist so I’m likely doing all the things that are on the higher end of the cost spectrum and then comparing to more “normal” day to day activities in the US.

There is a reason it’s called Build Nothing Britain.

When comparing London to top tier cities in the US it looks like a terrible value. High housings costs but without the comparable salaries (obviously there are people killing it in London but speaking generally).

I have always loved visiting London. It is truly an impressive city with easy access to Europe but hard for me to justify living there vs top US cities.

Always thought it was wild that Biden is only the 2nd Catholic president.

100mm would be a massive increase. Trump only got 74mm in 2020 (losing by 6 million).

It’s possible that a felony conviction will get him 20mm more votes but I think that’s pretty unlikely.

Trump literally ran a university to scam the plebs! He’s the most nakedly predatory man in the game.

I’m very much red tribe and it’s an absolute embarrassment that Trump is the nominee again.

Agree so much with this. It honestly still baffles me how much of a cult of personality Trump has been able to build and maintain despite losing.

Did Trump really go to war with the establishment? His largest legislative accomplishment was a huge corporate tax cut. That strikes me as about as establishment as it comes.

I get that he says things like “drain the swamp”, but it’s very unclear to me that he was anti establishment at all aside from his personality.

Tesla’s history is a graveyard of short sellers. They could be right eventually but it’s been a bloodbath so far.

A cynical political reading would be the democrats want to be seen as “doing something” on immigration. Immigration is the 1st or 2nd best issue for Trump (along with inflation) so the democrats are trying to paint the republicans as blocking immigration reform in order to please Trump.

Personally if I was told a family was ethnicity cleansed I wouldn’t assume they moved to a nicer area of town, but to each his own.

Honestly I was just fired up about the phrase “ethnic cleansing”. Felt like such an insane phrase to use for people moving to the suburbs.

  • -10

Buying mansions in the DFW suburbs is now considered ethnic cleansing? Also, there are tons of white people walking around Manhattan. The whites seemed to have rebounded well from the genocide.

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Young women are materially more likely to identify as liberal or progressive than young men. Palestine is a huge liberal issue.

I noticed the same thing during BLM, it was almost exclusively women posting about it.

I predict we will see more and more of this stuff. Red state governments & AGs are increasingly hostile to DEI and I think there is real legal risk of DEI hiring policies. I’m noticing the vibe shift occurring in corporate America. At my mega corp the most cringe of the DEI initiatives have gone away and sr leadership is no longer emphasizing it.

The wildcard is how a Trump victory might impact this. I could see a world where him winning galvanizes the DEI activists.

I think this is tying things into a conspiracy that doesn’t exist.

Bud Light had an advertising campaign aimed at growing their audience (tik tok liberal teenagers) blow up in their face. They then spent a ton of money to try to win back their core audience (young white men). Seems like normal course of business.

Brett Favre (and tons of other celebrities) has appeared in pharma ads. Kelce being in one is hardly surprising.

Neither of these seem at all conspiratorial to me and don’t relate to Trump.

I always heard teenage boys were the biggest driver of movie theater ticket sales. The juggernauts of MCU and fast and the furious franchise would certainly point in that direction.

Amazing to describe a bunch of Asians and Indians making $300K+ at Amazon and Microsoft as “incapable of maintaining American civilization.”

Aside from Bezos, Nadella has probably done more than anyone for property values in Seattle in the last 10 years.

The homeless are definitely a problem but it’s more fixable than this mindset of racial division that both you and the DEI people preach.

Your point about being held hostage by a relatively small number is so spot on and is what drives me the most nuts about the homeless situation. There really are not that many problem homeless people out there as a % of the population. If we could just figure out a solution for the very worst hundred to a thousand that would make a massive difference.

The red tribe still has significant political power. Especially in state legislatures where they are not afraid to flex their power to do things like ban abortion.

Very curious who he will borrow from to pay. My guess would be Arab oil money, but I’m not sure how broad the definition of “registered in New York” is.

Nationally support is over 70% for gay marriage. Obviously differs by state but the opinion of the country is clearly on the side of allowing gay marriage.

Which of those states do you think wouldn’t pass it? Gay marriage has over 70% support nationally and it seems to me there is no organized opposition to it. This is all a hypothetical exercise but I think it would pass fairly easily.

I disagree completely. There might be 1-2 states who would try to ban it (even then I think they would approve “civil unions”) but think you easily get to 38 who would pass it and call it marriage.

Absolutely, Biden won 25 states. To get to 38 you add in IN OH MO KS IA NE TX FL NV NC TN KY AK and those are just the easiest ones. I honestly think it would pass easily. Is there serious opposition to gay marriage left in America?

If gay marriage was seriously threatened/thrown out by SCOTUS I could see an amendment passing to ensure certain states don’t try and ban it.