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I find it bewildering that they call it a conspiracy. Is Antonio Gramscii a conspiracy?

Is critical race theory supposed to be a conspiracy?

The believers in the conspiracy have even made a long wiki page about cultural marxism in the soviet union.

The left is deeply involved in cultural issues so calling it a conspiracy is just the least sensible way of waving it off. They can't actually debate the issue so they have to use slander. Left wing movements use gossip, shaming and rallying to much higher degrees than right wing movements.

Why on Earth would they facilitate massive ethnic cleansing Palestinians? Even if Palestinians were amazing refugees they would absolutely refuse to assist ethnic cleansing.

And yet still exist, and were not facing existential risk from invading armies.

Israel could probably get a peacedeal with Hamas under the conditions the Boer were forced to accept. A large portion of white south africans were forced to leave.

States don't face existential threat from a thousand cuts.

Yes, that is what happened to Rhodesia and South Africa. It simply becomes impossible to have a functioning country in a constant state of war. Israel has a larger portion of its population mobilized than Ukraine, is deeply politically divided and is in a deep economic crisis.

Supported by states that would have been vulnerable to nuclear weapons.

Again, Israel isn't going to go nuclear for giving weapons. See Russia's response to Ukraine aid for example.

The ethnic Arab citizens of Israel are neither Palestinians in the political sense of the Palestinian movement, nor are they an occupied or suppressed majority population.

They are second class citizens in their own home.

Being 10s of kms outside the state is still outside the state, which continues to invalidate your attempted analogies to African majority-suppression states contexts.

Having two million people in the state and having the rest next door doesn't help more than gated communities in South Africa.

Why not, if the alternative is existential end?

Moving somewhere else. They are effectively a nomadic homeless people anyway. It is a far better end than having this endless conflict.

Fundamentally the solution to this war can't be from an Israeli perspective. We have hundreds of millions of middle easterners and then we have Europe close by. The solution needs to be one that benefits arabs and Europeans.

They have been kicked out of countries 109 times and seem to be a fairly nomadic people. If they want to settle somewhere it has to be on land that is available and doesn't cause a constant headache for the rest of us. The jewish autonomous oblast is bigger than Israel and available to jews.

Lebanon has been bombed regularly for decades, has had large groups of Palestinians pushed into its territory and Israel is fighting wars in both Syria and Palestine. They have every reason to militarize against Israel

South Africa was not facing existential threat from invading armies.

The Boer who have lived there for 400 years are effectively second class citizens.

France was not facing existential threat from invading armies.

They lost a part of France with a million ethnic French people that had been French for over a century.

Israel doesn't need (or use) nukes to subjugate a population. It can use nukes to mitigate existential threat from invading armies.

There won't be any, it will be death by a thousand cuts.

Unlike Rhodesia, the Israelis have nukes that can be used to mitigate existential threats from invading armies.

There was no vast army of tanks that rolled into Rhodesia. Rhodesia fell because it was being hit constantly by endless insurgency.

Israel is not an apartheid state in which a minority is attempting to rule over a much larger majority that dominates the demographics of the interior of the state

Over two million Palestinian citizens. Also much of Israel is within range of being engaged by Palestine. Even Houthis have hit Israel twice from 2000 km away. Thinking that Israel can just ignore a large group of people 10s of km away is naive.

sufficient strategic depth

West bank to the sea is 20+ km. That is minimal strategic depth.

which were not MAD contexts.

Israel isn't going to nuclearly destroy the west bank.

you can't beat Muslim terrorists and militias and will only make it worse so don't even try- a lot amongst Americans (usually left leaning ones) and I don't get it.

How did 20 years of bombing Afghanistan go?

Why should they not fight back when getting occupied? Why should I as a right winger support people who went to the middle east and try to bring wokeness and globalism to the third world? The neo con/globalists wars have caused massive waves of refugees to Europe. There is no critical race theory and gender studies in Iraq. They fought back and kicked the globalists out.

These wars have given us nothing but a surveillance state, migrants, and debt. It is a good thing that the locals manage to resist.

Why aren't people in the middle east ever allowed to engage in armed resistance when they are occupied? When Iraq was under a brutal occupation they were still labled terrorists despite having every reason and right to defend their country from occupation.

The same goes for the Lebanese. They are under attack and should be expected to fight back.

increasingly distributed through the Arab world

Why would the rest of the world accept a massive refugee exodus from Palestine?

South Africa's nukes didn't help much. France lost Algeria despite having been there longer than israel has existed despite France having nukes. Turns out nukes aren't that great at subjugating a population, especially when your country is tiny and the people you subjugate are your neighbours. The Palestinians don't have to defeat Israel in a big war, they just have to put Israel in the same position as Rhodesians were in. There aren't even six million non ultra orthodox Israeli jews. Populationwise Israel is roughly equal to Slovakia. In terms of land, they are smaller than Belize. The Palestinian population is now a quarter of the size of the population of Iraq when the US, Britain, Australia, and the Netherlands invaded. They left because it turned into a hopeless quagmire. Palestinians are more united against an enemy than the Iraqis were.

Oleksandr Syrskyi

Is a Ukrainian general

The establishment lied wildly about Vietnam. The lies about Iraq were next level inventing WMD in Iraq. They lied about Jessica Lynch, abu ghraib, the UN weapons inspectors and long list of other things.

In Afghanistan they claimed that the 120 000 000 000 dollars wasted on the Afghan national army created an army of 300 000. After a decade of claiming this they changed the narrative in a week admitting that they had basically fabricated this military. Unfortunately, they hadn't fabricated all the spent money.

The Ukraine war has to be the war in modern history with the least investigative journalism. There is basically only narrative and press releases from think tanks being published in the media. In 2003 Bagdhad Bob was interviewed on American TV. In this war, nobody would ever dream of bringing a Russian general on TV for an interview.

It is going to be interesting to see the reaction when the lies start falling apart and the true believers find out their war was roughly as fake all the previous ones.

The me too moverment didn't understand statstics.

Most men don't hit on many women, some men sometimes hit on woman. Some men hit on thousands of women each year. Those guys have a personality disorder. Women's experiences with men are skewed by a small group of men who are highly overrepresented. I have met feminists who think that there are lots of hidden rapists becasue "everyone knows a victim but nobody knows a rapist". What they are forgetting is that there are far more rape victims than rapists. The left likes broad measures that don't really work but are implemented against an entire population instead of identifying the culprits and dealing with them. Pretty much all bad behaviour is the fault of a small number of people. If the 1% of the population that does the most drunk driving was stopped, drunk driving rates would fall substantially.

The me too movement made it hard for ordinary non and well meaning guys to talk to a girl at the gym, at the office or in the grocery store. It will not stop the guys with the personality disorders. This worsens the relations between the genders as women's experiences of men become increasingly skewed to psychopaths and bipolar men.

On another note there seems to be a feminist fantasy of men being really passive and girly but being so attractive that women can't resist them despite their behaviour.

The death of the liberal media.

When the newspapers were laying off large numbers of journalists when the internet was rising I was optimistic thinking that tens of thousands of leftist propagandists losing their job would be a positive thing.

In the end the media that replaced the legacy media wasn't less woke. Instead they just publish press releases from the rand corporation as news instead of doing actual journalism. The death of the liberal media wasn't the death of liberalism in popular culture, it was a shift from the media being critical of power to the media re-printing press releases.

The right needs female voters.

The western world created the most mentally ill women of all time. We have the most stressed women that sleep the least and have the most mental problems of any society. Women are having far fewer children than they say they want, are obeser than ever and more addicted to psychiatric medication than ever.

The sexual revolution was a disaster for women and defending it in order to be pro women isn't a viable strategy. Hookup culture, hyper sexualization and the breakdown of family is not something that will help women.

Rather than pushing issues that are hurting women the right should focus on how the left is terrible to women. Defund the police saved criminal black men by throwing women under the bus.

Cultural marxism is effectively Antonio Gramsci. He absolutely wanted to influence culture and was pushing marxism.

The cultural revolution clearly shows that the communists wanted to influence culture.

Especially the early soviet union wanted to greatly impact culture.

This isn't more of a conspiracy theory than that right wingers want to change culture. There doesn't have to be a conspiracy that people with similar political views want the same thing. That christians tend to be pro life isn't a conspiracy. They are not all congregating in a central lodge. Many of them aren't really taking orders from above and those who are such as catholics are entirely open about the church's stance.

So basically listing reasons why a policy is damaging is not a valid argument against it? I am not seeing the point.

I see now reason to support Israel because Israel is damaging for Europe. I support Baathist parties in the middle east as they support policies that benefit Europe.

You see how calling convicted terrorists "hostages" makes people suspicious of your point of view right?

Palestinians have every right to engage in armed resistance. Israel is taking more than combatants prisoner and not providing trials.

Why aren't there trade controls on Israel then? They are bombing and occupying Israel? Fundamentally what the region needs is a situation in which Palestinians are in control of the situation and have a stable arrangement that they are satisfied with. The needs of the Israelis can't take higher priority than those that represent the bigger population. Security in the arab world is needed both for them but also since it benefits Europe. The interests of an insignificant tiny state with no natural resources has to be way down the priority list.

Again why are they not saying death to Brazil? Death to China or death to Iceland? Why specifically the US?

No, I am saying that Israel is a disaster for Europe and a huge burden on us with few benefits. The whole neo con project has caused endless issues and I openly support all resistance to it.

The same people will happily make terror attacks in arbitrary non-majority muslim countries they can get into

How did they get into western Europe? They came because of the wars. Bombing Libya opened up the borders, Syria was a disaster for Europe.

The US sponsored jihadists in Syria and Libya. The west isn't fighting against jihadists as much as the west is fighting stable pan relatively secular states. The trillions wasted fighting "terrorism" in the middle east didn't stop terrorism, it made it much worse.

When the Iraqis kicked the Americans out the refugee waves stoped coming. That means less terrorism here.

You have it fundamentally backwards. Israel not only already substantially opened up shortly before Oct 7,

Israel was expanding the occupied terrirories on the west bank, had killed hundreds of Palestinians during 2023 and had thousands of Palestinian hostages. They were conducting a blockade against Gaza.

Endless death and war on the other hand is in the Hamas' interest, since it lets them generate western and arab support and keeps them in power.

It isn't endless. Algeria was French for a century, now it isn't. Rhodesia was British for a century, now it isn't. They are turning Israel into the next Vietnam and making Israel fundamentally unsustainable. The US left most of Iraq and all of Afghanistan because it simply wasn't going to end. Israel minus Palestinians and ultra orthodox is about 1/60th of the US but trying to occupy a quarter as many people as the US tried to occupy with the help of Britain and several other countries in 2003.

I mean, yeah; a state organized around blood-and-soil nationalism premised on a mythic past and present-day military conquest is pretty opposed to the modern deracinated, pacifistic, cosmopolitan western ideal.

Funny how the ADL and AIPAC have been pushing hard for the polar opposite of nationalism for us. Mass migration and open borders to Europe, an ethnostate for Israel.

Clearly the gentile governments of European nations don't care about protecting that right. Sounds like a problem with the Gentiles.

Yes, we need to get rid of the AIPAC and ADL influence.

anti-Christian graffiti in Isreal


Israel bombs churches, displaces christians and treats them like second class citizens.

non-muslims in Syria

Israel sponsored jihadists in Syria, chaos ensued. The christians benefited from a stable regime.

If our elites are bought and paid for by isreal why is the US government spending so much money and materiel to keep HAMAS in the fight, while pleading with the IDF to pull thier punches?

Israel is the greatest welfare queen of them all. Trying to stop Israel from taking their genocide too far makes sense as there is a limit to how blood thirsty they can get and still win elections. Brutal wars in the middle east aren't popular.

Why are the most vocal supporters of HAMAS the staff and student bodies of Yale, Columbia, Et Al?

Why are these schools cancelling people who don't think Israel has a right to genocide Christians while they cancel people say it is ok to be white?

The state of Isreal has been accepting Christian refugees from across the middle east for decades now,

Israel is terrorizing christians: https://international.la-croix.com/world/israel-unprecedented-report-lists-anti-christian-acts