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Friday Fun Thread for May 24, 2024

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Looking for a fun Friday reading? This man claims to be free of all emotions and passions, and of living a wonderful life:

I live in peace and tranquillity, beholden to none. With no loyalty to bind me, I have nothing to defend. With nothing to defend I have no need to attack.

Do you think if I threaten his kid or his wife that he wouldn't jump to their defence? Or at least have the impulse to do something

Or am I reading his words incorrectly/too literally?

He's talking about feeling defensive (which arises due to the feeling of loyalty to some deeply-held belief or passion), not physical defence.

As for physical defence, this anecdote might be of interest:

RICHARD: Perhaps a personal anecdote will throw some light upon the subject of being fully engaged: some years ago whilst in a supermarket my wife and I had a pack stolen from the shopping trolley we were using when our backs were turned; I saw a young man disappearing along the aisle with our pack and on out through the turnstile; I went off after him at a brisk pace, negotiated the turnstile easily, and moved out through the self-opening doors; there was an ornamental garden between me and the car-park wherein off in the distance the young man could be seen heading away; I cleared the garden in one leap – seeing each and every plant and flower in detail as I sailed over it – and soon caught up to him as, glancing over his shoulder and seeing me coming, he headed for a crowded mall to the left ... and eventually regained the pack without a fight or even any display of intimidation. Upon returning to the supermarket I passed by the garden, through the pathway provided, and noticed by its width that I would not ordinarily be able to leap over it ... necessity provides all the calorific energy required.

He was a big, muscular young man such that I would not wish to enter into a ring with as I would be bound to come off second-best in any such organised sport. He knew that he had crossed the line in regards to the legal laws and social protocol and fully expected to pay the price for his actions ... his bluff and bluster collapsed like a leaky balloon when confronted in the mall with the straightforward request for the return of property not belonging to him.

Interestingly enough I was not even breathing heavily.

Is this a post from /r/thathappened ?

This sounds like such a fucking LARP

EDIT: To make this an effort post and to be a good Mottizen.

The reason this obvious fictitious story is so reprehensible is because it's fallacy actually doubles down against that thing which the author is ostensibly advocating; detachment, serenity, peace.

The fact of the matter (that I can't prove is fact but is, yet, still obvious and factual) is that this dude made up this LARP of a story to demonstrate how much he doesn't care. If you're the guy yelling "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK" as loud as you can ... you're a walking contradiction. Add on top of that some subtle bragging and an implication that this enlightened fellow was so put together, self-assured, and confident that the BRIGAND HE CONFRONTED WAS FORCED TO YIELD TO THE SUPERIOR SPECIMEN. Seriously dude, fuck off with all that nonsense.

People don't need another snake oil salesman to sell them on bullshit like mindfulness and detachment. The unavoidable truth is that much of life is either boring, or frustrating, or unfair, or just random, or sort of unsatisfying. Trying to change those basics facts is foolhardy. Dealing with them is the mission of religion, philosophy, psychedelics, what have you. But the one guaranteed thing not to work is "just ... let go."

Yeah what a load of bullshit.

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