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Culture War Roundup for the week of October 10, 2022

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Because they have other reasons than naked self-interest (which again, is just a cheap accusation that can be lobbied against anyone).

Ok, so what are those reasons? You're just blanket assuming one side in a generic conflict is in the right.

The self-interest of citizens have to be balanced against each other

Yes, because everyone has the right to advocate for their own self-interest. Failing to recognize that is, as Kant might put it, treating people as mere means rather than ends in themselves.

There’s a dispute between two farmers over ownership of a donkey. The village gathers in the square to hear their cases. The first one says witnesses saw him buy it , he can describe it from memory, that he frequently helps other villagers with it, and so on. The second one replies that he doesn’t care about good justifications, it should be given to him because it is in his self-interest, he doesn’t understand why everyone is so naive, it’s also in the other guy’s self-interest to get the donkey.

In this silly scenario you've concocted to try to prove your point, the first guy is the NIMBY, the established interest with existing skin in the game, who doesn't want to lose sunk costs for existing benefits to some second person whose main justification is "but it would be good for me".

And frankly, even if you devise some second scenario where the utility argument could come down in favor of the second person, it's still valid to not want to eat the costs of externalities for things that benefit other people.

Let’s not confuse the two arguments. Argument A is whether there are ‘good justifications’ for nymbyism, and how they stack up against yimbyism ’s good justifications. I originally asked for nymby’s good justifications, and gave some for yimbyism.

You then refused, said B: good justifications don’t matter, it’s all about self-interest, you don’t need any more reason than that. The donkey story was purely aimed at B.

Do you want to go back to A now, with you giving ‘good justifications’ for nimbys for improving the land etc?

And frankly, even if you devise some second scenario where the utility argument could come down in favor of the second person, it's still valid to not want to eat the costs of externalities for things that benefit other people.

Let’s say it’s a very large benefit to the second person and the rest of society, completely dwarfing the first person’s benefits. Is the first person still justified in refusing to eat the cost? Or, the first person seriously harms other people for a very small personal benefit, still okay? It seems to me you’re arguing for extreme selfishness, like people should never go against their self-interest, no matter the circumstances. Note: this is still argument B.

You're just blanket assuming one side in a generic conflict is in the right.

Well, rampant NIMBYism results in enormous transfers of wealth based merely on who got into an area first (primarily a function of age), massively infringes on private property rights, tremendously stifles any sort of economic development or indeed change of any kind, results in huge negative-sum costs paying lawyers, grants lots of power to the kind of sociopathic busybodies who want to control everything around them, makes moving into economically dynamic cities infeasible for the kind of young workers that they need, cripples economic mobility, and generally enshrines into law the kind of development and transportation (sprawl and cars, respectively) with by far the largest externalities and costs (people dying in car crashes and car/bike or car/pedestrian collisions, pollution, noise, congestion, etc.)

In this silly scenario you've concocted to try to prove your point, the first guy is the NIMBY, the established interest with existing skin in the game, who doesn't want to lose sunk costs for existing benefits to some second person whose main justification is "but it would be good for me".

Have you heard of a thing called "property rights"? The NIMBYs are the second guy, they just already took the donkey and the YIMBYs would like it back.

it's still valid to not want to eat the costs of externalities for things that benefit other people.

NIMBYs are already capturing massive positive externalities due to the increase in the value of their land because other people made their city desirable to live in. To then act like a victim because your house will be slightly shaded by a small apartment block is reminiscent of the story that defines the word chutzpah.

But since you're opposed to externalities, you must also be on board with efforts to ban cars from the city? After all, why should pedestrians and cyclists eat the cost of the noise, danger, and pollution caused entirely for the benefit of drivers?

Well, rampant NIMBYism results in enormous transfers of wealth based merely on who got into an area first (primarily a function of age)

That's not a transfer of wealth, that's just the existence of wealth. Your take here is just reversing causality; NIMBYs want the status quo, YIMBYs are the ones who want a transfer of wealth (to themselves).

massively infringes on private property rights, tremendously stifles any sort of economic development or indeed change of any kind,

Property rights are literally the basis of NIMBY arguments. And note how you acknowledge that point about the status quo versus change? You don't get to just assume that the change you want is a good thing, and you don't get to just handwave away the costs you dump onto others in the process. Maybe it is! Maybe the utilitarian calculation comes down on the YIMBY side! But don't act like this is altruism instead of competing interest groups fighting over their own benefits.

Have you heard of a thing called "property rights"? The NIMBYs are the second guy, they just already took the donkey and the YIMBYs would like it back.

Do you know what property rights are? NIMBYs are the guy who bought the donkey 30 years ago, YIMBYs are the guy who is pissy that he has to carry his own shit, waging a disingenuous rhetoric campaign to steal the donkey.

NIMBYs are already capturing massive positive externalities due to the increase in the value of their land because other people made their city desirable to live in.

See, this is the kind of absurd rhetoric that makes it clear you're not even trying to reason, just doing a tribalism. NIMBYs are the people who are already there, dude. They're the ones who made the area desirable and full of positive externalities. YIMBYs are the ones who want to eat that for their own benefit.

To then act like a victim because your house will be slightly shaded by a small apartment block

That is a cost. If I install a solar collector in geosynchronous orbit over your house, have I not done you a serious harm?

But since you're opposed to externalities, you must also be on board with efforts to ban cars from the city? After all, why should pedestrians and cyclists eat the cost of the noise, danger, and pollution caused entirely for the benefit of drivers?

No, I think the anti-car stuff is mostly the whining of idiot children. Cars are incredibly useful, and I've appreciated the hell out of them in every life phase that wasn't literally on a college campus. But if they bother you that much, feel free to go build your own car-free city. I'll swing by in 30 years to wage a dehumanization campaign against you and ruin the place for my own profit.

That's not a transfer of wealth, that's just the existence of wealth. Your take here is just reversing causality; NIMBYs want the status quo, YIMBYs are the ones who want a transfer of wealth (to themselves).

NIMBY policies allow the people who happened to live in an area extract massive economic rent--pretty much unbounded rent, in fact, for doing absolutely nothing. Actually, it's worse than that. It's even worse than merely speculating on land you bought, because at least a pure land speculator doesn't actively screw over all of the economic development on surrounding land for their own benefit.

Property rights are literally the basis of NIMBY arguments.

What conception of property rights means that your neighbors have arbitrary authority to determine what you can build on your land? That's the opposite of property rights.

And note how you acknowledge that point about the status quo versus change?

What does the status quo matter here? Are you confusing it with property rights? Are we supposed to assume that the current state is just always good or something equally nonsensical?

You don't get to just assume that the change you want is a good thing, and you don't get to just handwave away the costs you dump onto others in the process. Maybe it is! Maybe the utilitarian calculation comes down on the YIMBY side! But don't act like this is altruism instead of competing interest groups fighting over their own benefits.

I gave a bunch of reasons why YIMBYism is beneficial, and is beneficial to many people who are not involved in these political fights.

Do you know what property rights are?

Yes, but apparently you don't, since you think owning property actually means everyone else can ban you from building a second house on it or whatever.

See, this is the kind of absurd rhetoric that makes it clear you're not even trying to reason, just doing a tribalism. NIMBYs are the people who are already there, dude. They're the ones who made the area desirable and full of positive externalities. YIMBYs are the ones who want to eat that for their own benefit.

Interesting attempting at projection, but no, merely living in a place does not mean you contributed to making it desirable. Places like the Bay Area generate a tremendous amount of wealth because of the efforts of tech workers, founders, and funders, not random suburbanites who happened to move there in the 1960s. And even with pro-development policies, those people would still see substantial returns on merely owning a house, which is not actually normal. It just wouldn't be the case that they can capture huge amounts of it.

Cars are incredibly useful

So are apartment buildings, they just don't kill 30,000 people a year (40,000 during covid). But thank you for making it clear that you are just in it for naked self-interest, with 0 regard for anyone else, which is why you are forced to resort to shitty projection to make everyone else seem as narcissistic as you and justify controlling what other people do with their own land.