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Culture War Roundup for the week of October 24, 2022

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I am circumcised, and on the balance wish that I were not. I support routine infant circumcision.

The foreskin has functions

None that preclude a healthy, productive, satisfying life in its absence. "but it would be so much better if they still had it" is not a persuasive argument to me.

Bad for the infant's brain due to inadequate aenesthesia

I do not believe you can demonstrate a significant difference in population-level outcomes.

Complications ranging from meatal stenosis to more grisly and life-changing outcomes

These are extremely rare. Many cultural practices involve rare risks, many of them significantly worse than these.

Here's my question for you: There is a religion with deep roots in our society that considers male infant circumcision to be an integral part of their religious practice, a literal command from God. If circumcision were banned, how should these people respond, in your view?

These are extremely rare

The rate of serious problems is debated. For instance, Intactivists say stuff like this

"Study design has an effect on the estimation of complication rates. Prospective studies, in which complications are tracked going forward from the circumcision via follow-up examinations, theoretically should capture the incidence of complications most accurately.[11] On the other hand, retrospective studies typically rely on a review of patient charts, a form of data that was recorded for a purpose other than research. Inaccuracies in the medical record (e.g. the not uncommon possibility that the complication was not charted in the first place) tend to lead to underestimation of complication incidence.[12] Even less reliable are retrospective database studies which can only capture events that have had an actual diagnostic or procedure code listed upon discharge.[E.g. 13] It has been estimated that database studies may miss up to 90-95% of complications.[14]"

I do not believe you can demonstrate a significant difference in population-level outcomes.

There are some studies showing a significant difference. Here's a list:

Autism is 5 times more prevalent in the United States than in Europe, some people think MGM might have something to do with it.

We used to perform other surgeries on babies without anesthetic, do you think that had a long term effect on their psychologies? From Wikipedia: "It is now accepted that the neonate responds more extensively to pain than the adult does, and that exposure to severe pain, without adequate treatment, can have long-term consequences." Do you think science is just generally wrong about this? It seems to me like the idea that torturing babies has long term psychological consequences is just obviously what we should predict based on priors. Are you really skeptical?

There are a lot of Jews who do a religious ritual called the Brit Shalom instead. Religions give up stuff all the time; I think the transition would be easier than you imagine. What percentage of Mormons still practice polygamy? Catholics no longer say that people who commit suicide go to hell. Etc etc etc.

I am circumcised, and on the balance wish that I were not. I support routine infant circumcision.

The most contrarian position!

Here's my question for you: There is a religion with deep roots in our society that considers male infant circumcision to be an integral part of their religious practice, a literal command from God. If circumcision were banned, how should these people respond, in your view?

By not doing it anymore -- same as people who believe the same about female circumcision. If they can figure out a way to get out of stoning their rebellious children, I have every faith that their best lawyers will be able to find a way around the commandment to cut off part of their babies' healthy penises.

And if they don't desist?

I guess in that case we should treat people who mutilate their baby boys' genitals the same way we treat the people who mutilate their baby girls' genitals.

There is a religion with deep roots in our society that considers male infant circumcision to be an integral part of their religious practice, a literal command from God. If circumcision were banned, how should these people respond, in your view?

Maybe they would immigrate to a country specifically founded to cater to that religion instead of a secular one.

I'm curious as to how serious you think this issue is. If they do not move and do not desist, what penalties do you think are worth enforcing in an attempt to get them to comply?

...Let me phrase it a different way. We could say "fine them ten bucks". Suppose they shrug, pay the fine, and continue with the practice. So we could say "fine them a hundred bucks". Suppose they shrug and pay the fine, and and continue the practice. We implement a stronger penalty, they continue to ignore, evade or accept the penalty. What penalty is sufficiently strict that further penalties aren't worth it, even if they do not comply?

If they do not move and do not desist, what penalties do you think are worth enforcing in an attempt to get them to comply?

I guess the same penalties that would be applied if they cut off any other part of their healthy baby's bodies.

Probably easiest to make it legal to sue for malpractice for performing infant circumcision without a medical abnormality to justify it. For non doctors just cover it with whatever penalties we already use for practicing medicine without a license plus civil liability to the parents or kid. The hardliners will keep going but it will peel off the moderates over time and there won't be enough to resist. Basically the gun control playbook.

What penalty is sufficiently strict that further penalties aren't worth it, even if they do not comply?

The answer to this is the same as any regulation in the modern state. There is no limit.

I'll answer: they should suck it up because we shouldn't be making laws based around religious commandments. Their children are not property or slaves for them to make irreversible choices for. What's wrong with a standard, reddit-tier "argument for gay marriage" or bastardized "separation of church and state" argument in this scenario?

What's wrong with a standard, reddit-tier "argument for gay marriage" or bastardized "separation of church and state" argument in this scenario?

I'd like to make that argument as a top-level post, I think.

Suppose they don't want to suck it up, and are unwilling to comply with these laws. What penalties are reasonable for flouting such a law, in your view? How hard should we work to enforce such a ban?