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Culture War Roundup for the week of November 14, 2022

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National feminist organizations break their silence on Amber Heard in an open letter of support

For context: the judgment against Heard - in a trial where I think it's fair to say she suffered greatly in the public eye - was in June. Why come out now?

The line itself is all pretty standard. To stretch my muscles of charity: feminists are concerned that legal barriers and what appears (to them) as "punitive" lawsuits will discourage victims. As is often the case, they choose to emphasize speaking generically about victims rather than actually delve into why so many people and a jury didn't think Heard was a good example of one. Which is not what trials are about.

To me the only interesting thing is...why now? The trial was the talk of the internet for weeks. Why did none of these feminists come out then?

I speculated originally that the news media was deliberately not covering the trial in order to avoid giving Depp - who was clearly benefitting from the PR war - the attention he desired. TBH that delusional idea - that things don't gain attention or legitimacy unless the media "validates" them - is an idea I see around left-leaning spaces a lot.

But this doesn't apply to feminist orgs. And, even if it did, they could have done what the media did and come out right after the trial to do damage control and tut-tut about the "worrying implications" and, of course, the claim that bots and others were manipulating the discussion.

Why on Earth did it take this long? Did they have to spend all that time wrangling these people together and convincing them that the ingroup wouldn't mind? That seems overly optimistic; I imagine their audience made up their mind a while ago.

If you come out with a statement like that while the issue is hot, you'll get flooded with counterarguments and ridicule. If you wait, people who would argue against you will forget, or stop caring.

Ordinarily, yes. I suspect that waiting to shape opinion of people who didn't follow the trial was the media's motive for jumping right when the trial ended.'s harder here. This situation was disastrous for Heard and all of the memes about her are just hanging there for anyone, even a naive person, to find.

The other problem is: if your goal is to protect women, surely Heard needed you when she was being humiliated and being called "Amber Turd"? Like..surely we needed feminist moral leaders to nip this shit in the bud?

I would love to be a fly on the wall and see whether they were always onside and really were deterred by the backlash (which is pretty cowardly) or if they really hadn't come to a consensus for a loooong time.

It's picking your battles. If you have no chance at defending Amber Herd as she's being torn to shreds, the next best thing you can do is rewrite history to make the ripping to shreds look like a sexist attack, and her to be an innocent victim all along.