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I don't think the FTX/SBF debacle relates to EA at all.

EA is a set of ethical arguments.

That some guy within the sphere of people associated with EA might be greedy/stupid was already in my model.

It doesn't have the slightest effect on the ethical arguments.

True effective altruism has never been tried.

Against Malaria Foundation has received millions of dollars and prevented many deaths.

Just like true socialism/communism according to some, and true capitalism/liberalism according to others.

It's a pretty bad sign if you have to go there...


I saw someone on another forum say that the lesson to take home from all this was that everyone important in EA needs to read the sequences, which strikes me as saying we can prevent the next Stalin or Mao by making government officials read the Communist Manifesto. They read the sequences. They were thoroughly familiar with the concepts involved. They either didn’t care or thought they implied something different than you did.