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I feel like you're strawmanning (or perhaps weakmanning) rationalists. Like your first example with the poorly reasoning Dr John reads like something straight off of less wrong from 10 years ago , it is absolutely nothing new to the community. Your second example has the exact same issue. The rationalists have pretty low opinions of mainstream media like Bloomberg already. The term gell-mann amnesia has been floating around for years to describe the phenomenon of temporarily forgetting just how bad journalists really are, that's not exactly something you'd expect in a community that blindly trusts mainstream media. In the third example you spend a long time attacking Krugman who has never been part of the rationalist movement, there are economists who could be considered well known rationalists like Robin Hanson and tyler Cowen but Krugman is not one of us.

Overall your post has a very /r/Iamverysmart vibe. You pat yourself on the back a lot for noticing things everyone else missed but you don't seem to actually have a good grasp of what the rest of the community actually thinks.

I wasn't talking about the rationalist movement, I was talking about people who are generally considered very smart / rational / scientific / humanist, or whatever term you want to call them.

That being said, people in the rationalist movement do suffer from precisely the same deficiency, and proof of that is that many were duped by Sam Bankman-Fried.

I think you are missing the forest for the trees. The examples in the article are used to exemplify a single problem, do you understand what that problem is?