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Making Cognitive Enhancement Palatable

SS: I think that cognitive genetic enhancement is important for ensuring we have a better and lasting future. Many people have an intuitive dislike for the idea of using genetic enhancement to make a baby smarter but have little issue with in vitro fertilization (IVF). I try to build from a foundation of the acceptable practice of IVF to PGT-P for IQ.

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IQ is positively correlated with virtually every social metric there is.

I midly agree a-priori although too high intelligence can make someone incompatible with others (see inferential distance) and make someones become too serious, I believe hyperintellectualism reduce abilities to produce humor/jokes.

But isn't the common belief that very high IQ people are contingently but empirically correlated with cognitive disorders such as e.g the autism/asperger spectrum?

But isn't the common belief that very high IQ people are contingently but empirically correlated with cognitive disorders such as e.g the autism/asperger spectrum?

The common belief is that this common belief is caused by a common misperception. Very high IQ people who lack cognitive disorders are less interesting than very high IQ people who have cognitive disorders, so they're less noticed, in favor of very high IQ people who have cognitive disorders. And so people falsely get the notion that having cognitive disorders is more common among very high IQ people.

However, that is just a common belief. I don't know if there's extensive research on this, and even if there were, if the extensive research is credible.

It seems autism is not associated with high IQ

but on the other hand we have this

also there is more basis for asperger

maybe this is true for way outliers, but people with IQs in the 110-130 range seem mostly well adjusted. The terman study showed high IQ more successful overall. also, most of the maladaptive problems arise from dealing with less intelligent people. so raising national IQ could mitigate this too.