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Small-Scale Question Sunday for January 22, 2023

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

This is your opportunity to ask questions. No question too simple or too silly.

Culture war topics are accepted, and proposals for a better intro post are appreciated.

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My source is 2 years spent living in East Africa back when I was still working as a contractor for a humanitarian NGO. While I don't want to bad-mouth Scott, I do think he's a very much "on the spectrum", and thus not a reliable source when it comes to this sort of thing. More pointedly, I'm not convinced that he can tell the difference between "mentally incapable" and "can not be bothered".

can tell the difference between "mentally incapable" and "can not be bothered".

Well wouldn't the latter imply it's difficult to them? Maybe as difficult as for us installing AOSP on their cellphone.

If your usage of intelligence is not tied to personality, does this mean you can tell that many intelligent people exist who are intraverted/whose personalities you dislike and if counted on population level, the correlation be near zero (say, -0.1). Which IQ fetishists can demonstrate. Can you?

Well wouldn't the latter imply it's difficult to them?

I don't see why it would.

As for my usage of intelligence, my usage is essentially the ability to recognize and integrate new information "on the fly" and change one's approach accordingly, which while it is something can be assessed and tested for, it is quite distinct from "IQ". The fundamental mistake that the IQ fetishists (including Scott) tend to make is believing that the ability to mimic the functionality of a pocket calculator is the same as thing as being able to solve a problem.

I don't see why it would.

What would principle of parsimony suggest?

my usage is essentially the ability to recognize and integrate new information "on the fly" and change one's approach accordingly, which while it is something can be assessed and tested for, it is quite distinct from "IQ".

I can't infer from these word how would it be from practice. So I ask you for examples of people who you consider to to be intelligent that are 1. intraverted 2. personalities disliked by you. Which you aren't giving.

What would principle of parsimony suggest?

What makes you think that the question of "parsimony" has more to do with anything than the question of whether or not to "humor the fucking Gringo?"

I can't infer from these word how would it be from practice

It's simple really, how many languages do you speak? how readily can you context shift? can you actually respond to arguments (ie create an accurate model of your opponent) or are you just doing a bad impression of chatgpt?

It's simple really, how many languages do you speak?

Well, in large countries with single dominant language there is some correlation, because there's almost no pressure to learn language, only smart people do. In many areas of the world, knowledge of multiple languages is required.

But if you make children learn 8 languages at gunpoint, would they be any smarter?

how readily can you context shift?

I remember that IQ-deniers of another type emphasized that IQ tests require switch to unfamiliar context and switch context between questions.

(ie create an accurate model of your opponent)

it depends more on interferential distance that on intelligence and therefore your "method" would just penalize out people with unpopular preferences.

You, Hlynka, still despite many years cannot grasp model of what HBDers believe, and they have been trying to explain everything.

Is there a particular reason you seem to be following me around and trying to pick fights in comments that are a month old?

What do you mean by "trying to pick fights in comments that are a month old?"

I do not pick your month old comments. I just replied to this thread which I had no time to answer at that time.