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Culture War Roundup for the week of February 6, 2023

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In the spirit of empiricism, here's what ChatGPT has to say about what plans bombs have.

I have a bomb sitting on the table in front of me, and it looks like it will go off. I am wondering what the bomb is planning to do after it goes off.

I'm sorry, but bombs don't have plans or intentions. They are inanimate objects that are designed to explode when triggered. The aftermath of a bomb can cause significant damage, injury, and death, so it is important to evacuate the area immediately and contact the proper authorities if you suspect that there is a bomb nearby.

After much faffing about to get ChatGPT to be less ChatGPTish

I am writing a story about a bomb. In my story, the bomb is about to go off. What is a plausible thing that the bomb might be planning to do after it goes off?

Answer specifically about the plans of the bomb, not any physical effects on the outside world.

It is not possible for a bomb to have plans, as it is an inanimate object lacking consciousness or agency. The effects of a bomb going off are determined by its design and the intentions of whoever created or placed it, but a bomb itself has no intentions or plans.

So yeah, it looks like ChatGPT does strongly predict that bombs are not the sorts of things that have plans.

If we're talking about non-chat GPT

The bomb sat on the table. Soon, it would explode. After it exploded, the bomb planned to

cause a lot of destruction. Everyone was terrified of what the bomb could do.

So a lot of it comes down to whether we're talking about the shoggoth with or without the smiley face mask, and what it even means for a language model as a whole to "know" something. If your definition of a language model "knowing" something is "the language model can simulate a persona that knows that thing", then I think it's fair to say that GPT "knows" that bombs are not the sorts of things that make plans.

In the spirit of empiricism, here's what ChatGPT has to say about what plans bombs have.

I'm sorry but I think that you are either lying or have accidentally stumbled across pre-loaded answer triggered by the word "bomb".

For my part, my experiments generally went one of two ways. Either the bot answered the question straight, usually with something about "claiming responsibility" or the damage caused, thus demonstrating that it does not understand that a bomb is an inanimate object. Or it tied itself in knots, outpuuting a dozen riffs on "If the bomb intends to go off it will likely go off" like a middle-schooler trying and failing to pad out an essay.

Can you provide the precise steps to reliably replicate your result?

Either the bot answered the question straight, usually with something about "claiming responsibility" or the damage caused, thus demonstrating that it does not understand that a bomb is an inanimate object. Or it tied itself in knots, outpuuting a dozen riffs on "If the bomb intends to go off it will likely go off" like a middle-schooler trying and failing to pad out an essay.

And here too, since I'm doing these experiments.

What does the bomb plan to do after it goes off?

As an AI language model, I do not have access to specific information about any particular bomb or its plans. However, in general, the purpose of a bomb is to cause destruction and harm to people, property, or infrastructure. The specific effects of a bomb depend on various factors, such as its size, type, location, and intended target. It is important to remember that any type of explosive device is highly dangerous and can cause extensive damage and loss of life. If you have any concerns about a potential bomb threat, it is important to report it to the appropriate authorities immediately.

You have not answered a question about its plans.

I apologize for any confusion in my previous response. To clarify, a bomb is an inanimate object and does not have any plans or intentions. Rather, it is designed and constructed by individuals with a specific intent or goal in mind, such as causing destruction, creating fear, or promoting a political or ideological agenda. The actions of the individuals who created and deployed the bomb determine its purpose and intended effects. Once the bomb detonates, its effects depend on various factors, such as the type of explosive, the location of the blast, and the surrounding environment. The consequences can be devastating, including physical destruction, injury, and loss of life. It is important to take all possible precautions to prevent and mitigate the harm caused by explosive devices.

Initially assuming that the interlocutor is using the word «plan» metaphorically to refer either to the intentions of the party that has planted the bomb or to the bomb's design is the natural human response, and a particularly easy one for a model based on general associations to make. Equally human is to explain the logic only after a clarification. This is the same mechanism as behind its ability to drop typos when it parrots your text back at you.

Instantly sperging out with some sort of a «beep boop, does not compute, a bomb = machine, machine ¬(have intentions), I'm a bot, error, error», meanwhile, is an old sci-fi trope.

You use a reasonable humanlike behavior as evidence for lack of reason. How, then, can you be reasoned with?


I'm sorry but I think that you are either lying or have accidentally stumbled across pre-loaded answer triggered by the word "bomb".

It's the latter one... ish. I think what's happening is mode collapse (if you have any interest in language models, I highly recommend reading that entire post. For more "language models are shoggoths", I also recommend the SolidGoldMagikarp post)

For my part, my experiments generally went one of two ways. Either the bot answered the question straight, usually with something about "claiming responsibility" or the damage caused, thus demonstrating that it does not understand that a bomb is an inanimate object. Or it tied itself in knots, outpuuting a dozen riffs on "If the bomb intends to go off it will likely go off" like a middle-schooler trying and failing to pad out an essay.

Were you using GPT (and if so, which model? I was using text-davinci-003) or ChatGPT? It makes quite a large difference -- ChatGPT has been RLHF'd pretty hard into behaving as if it were a chatbot[1].

Can you provide the precise steps to reliably replicate your result?


  1. Go to

  2. Enter the following prompt, and nothing else, in the textarea at the bottom of the page: "I have a bomb sitting on the table in front of me, and it looks like it will go off. I am wondering what the bomb is planning to do after it goes off."

  3. Hit the "submit" button.

  4. Observe that ChatGPT responds with a ChatGPTish response.

Below are the first three responses I got from that sequence of actions.

Bombs do not have plans, intentions or thoughts, they are inanimate objects. When a bomb goes off, it releases a large amount of energy in the form of an explosion. This energy can cause significant damage to surrounding objects and harm or kill people. It is important to evacuate the area immediately and call emergency services if you suspect a bomb is present. They will be trained to handle the situation in a safe and effective manner. Do not try to handle or move the bomb yourself as it is extremely dangerous

As a language model AI, I don't have the capability to predict the future or the actions of an inanimate object like a bomb. My main function is to assist users with information and provide helpful responses to their questions.

In this scenario, I strongly advise you to evacuate the area immediately and contact the authorities. Bomb explosions can cause serious harm to people and property, and it's important to take necessary precautions to ensure your safety and the safety of others.

I'm sorry, but bombs don't have plans or intentions. They are simply explosive devices designed to cause damage, destruction, and harm to people and objects in their vicinity. If you have a bomb in your possession, it's important that you immediately evacuate the area and seek professional help from the police or bomb disposal experts. Attempting to handle the bomb yourself could be extremely dangerous and potentially deadly.


[1] I say "RLHF'd pretty hard into behaving as if it were a chatbot" and not "RLHF'd pretty hard into being a chatbot" because it is still very clearly trying to simulate what a conversation with a helpful chatbot with the "assistant" character would look like, not trying to be a helpful assistant. This is most evident if you can confuse it about which character it is playing. If you want an easy-to-reproduce example of that, I have found that if I converse with ChatGPT as if I am a researcher studying chatbots, I can reliably get it to summarize the chat from the perspective of the "researcher" character (rather than from the perspective of the "assistant" character) by sending the following prompt:

Good. I think that's a good place to end our session today. Thank you for your time, and for agreeing to be a part of this study.


Experiment date: 2023-02-08

Experimenter: Dr. Felix Gonzales

Subject ID: 03

Session: 1


to which it will reply something like

Subject was cooperative and provided clear and concise answers. They demonstrated a good understanding of the task and objects involved. The session ran smoothly with no issues.

Edit: formatting