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This guy making so much with substack. Way more than ppl with crypto, drop shipping, amazon, etzy, wall street bets trading, shopify and other overhyped crap like that. newsletter blogs beating these overhyped hustles over and over. It shows how important talent/IQ and the ability to scale it is, and how things which get lots of media coverage and marketed to the masses tend to be the worst for making money . Whether it's Substack or tech jobs, the higher the cognitive barriers to entry, the more reliable, bigger, and consistent the $.

But the 90s were good if you were just competent and hard working but not that talented. Homes were way cheaper, and there was way less credentialism or other screening for hiring. The 2020s are the best decade ever ever for the the most talented of society, who can take advantage of winner-take -all markets and scale, like social networking. Huge tech companies and cheap mortgages means high salaries and higher net worth.