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Culture War Roundup for the week of March 27, 2023

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This may be the position that gets the most pushback, but I just don't care about China. I don't want to spend more American money and lives on foreign conflicts when there is so much to work on domestically. I don't like the ideology and policies we are exporting to the rest of the world and don't want it to spread completely unopposed. I don't want to die in some "unifying" conflict across the world for a government that pushes domestic policies designed to economically and politically disenfranchise people who look like me. The USG has lost the Mandate of Heaven and it should focus on getting that back, rather than picking more fights abroad.

I agree with this, and at this point, this is also how I feel about the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Sure, it sucks that Russia invaded them, and ideally they shouldn't have done that, but so what? If Ukraine falls, America is still separated from Russia by a continent and is completely secure. Russia has no reason to invade any NATO members, and if they did, that would be justification enough to annihilate them.

Russia has no reason to invade any NATO members

Poland and the Baltics are members of NATO and Russia has reason to invade them.

No, it doesn't. There are real and serious reasons for Russia's invasion of Ukraine that are simply not there for those other countries. I'm willing to bet 100 USD in monero, right now, that Russia does not invade Poland or the Baltics (with an exception for if they start attacking Russia) in the next two years.

Please expand on those real and serious reasons. If Russian aggression is to be limited to Ukraine, why attempt to stir unrest in Moldova? (Why leave Moldova out of your bet?) Why do senior Russian officials admit an intention to "denazify and demilitarize" Poland? Was it because Ukraine was leaning towards joining Nato? If so, the same calculus must surely apply to Finland, too: "Finland’s accession to Nato would have serious military and political repercussions.".

I won't take your bet, but that's only because the Russian armed forces have broken themselves against the Ukranians and are rapidly losing the strength necessary to pursue a campaign in the Baltics. I propose the following alternative conditional bet: If Russia takes Kyiv in the next three months, then Russia will invade another of its neighbors before 2033.

Please expand on those real and serious reasons

Russia believed that a Ukraine controlled by the US/NATO would be used to host nuclear missile interdiction systems which would give US officials the false belief that they could launch a nuclear first strike against Russia and avoid retaliation. The US has consistently violated their informal agreement to not expand NATO closer to Russia and interfered with the government of the Ukraine back in 2014. Crimea was an immensely, strategically important port for Russia that they could not afford to let fall into US hands. The Russian-speaking minorities in the Donbass being mistreated are a real reason but not a particularly serious one (lmao at the idea of the Russian government being a charitable, humanitarian body). Russia made it abundantly, overwhelming clear that they considered the expansion of NATO to their doorstep an existential threat - and they have acted in ways consistent with that belief.

If you don't think any of these reasons are real or serious, consider what would happen if these things took place on the US' doorstep: China starts making noise about the necessity of exporting communism around the world, freeing people from capitalist exploitation, and then their ambassador to Mexico provide support to a bunch of people protesting in Mexico city, taking photos and handing out food. A phonecall leaks out where the Chinese ambassador to Mexico says "Fuck the US" and then picks out their preferred candidate for President - who then actually gets the top job. Chinese military forces start showing up in Mexico to provide training and equipment, and there's talk about setting up anti missile systems in the area to protect against US aggression. Spots in Mexico with lots of english-speaking ethnic Americans (I don't think these actually exist but just imagine they do and the US cares about them) start getting shelled with artillery and discriminated against. Then, a major US military base/naval facility is told that they're no longer welcome in Mexico and the land they're built on will be repossessed. Afterwards, Mexico announces that they're going to join the SCO and start hosting Chinese military forces and equipment in large numbers right on US border.

Can you honestly claim with a straight face that this would not produce an apoplectic fit of rage from the US government? The actions which prompted the Cuban missile crisis are chump change compared to what the US has done in the Ukraine.

why attempt to stir unrest in Moldova?

Unless you have a stronger source for those claims than "US intelligence" I'm going to just dismiss them as the same kind of fiction as the claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and sponsored 9/11, Iraqi soldiers removed babies from incubators in Kuwait, the NSA did not monitor domestic American phonecalls, Russia had compromising material on Trump, Crossfire-Hurricane didn't happen, Trump is about to be arrested, the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, etc etc. Evidence-free assertions from US intelligence like that are demonstrably less reliable and more consistently wrong than Paul the Octopus' predictions of football results.

Why do senior Russian officials admit an intention to "denazify and demilitarize" Poland?

If you're taking Kadyrov's comments like that seriously then you would have had to take Wesley Clark's comments about invading Iran, Syria etc seriously as well (to say nothing of the crap that comes out of John Bolton). High-ranking military officials often make toothless threats like that for a variety of reasons.


From the article:

Russia’s Foreign Ministry said joining Nato was a “radical change” in Finland’s foreign policy, adding Moscow “will be forced to take retaliatory steps, both of a military-technical and other nature, in order to stop threats to its national security arising”.

Responding to the announcement, Mr Peskov said: “Finland joined the unfriendly steps taken by the European Union towards our country. This cannot fail to arouse our regret, and is a reason for corresponding symmetrical responses on our side.”

This isn't a threat to invade. This is a threat of economic sanctions and militarisation of the border - "corresponding symmetrical responses on our side" would only include invasion if Finland had also announced their plans to invade Russia... but I don't think that actually happened.

Why leave Moldova out of your bet?

Because Jiro did not mention it. If he had said "Poland, the Baltics and Moldova are members of NATO and Russia has reason to invade them." I would have included it in the bet.

I won't take your bet, but that's only because the Russian armed forces have broken themselves against the Ukranians and are rapidly losing the strength necessary to pursue a campaign in the Baltics. I propose the following alternative conditional bet: If Russia takes Kyiv in the next three months, then Russia will invade another of its neighbors before 2033.

Your bet lasts for far more time and fails to include a provision about retaliation. I also have no desire to put some monero into escrow for an entire decade. I disagree with your thoughts on the Russian armed forces and their relative strength - but if you come up with a more reasonable wager I'll still take it.

Why do senior Russian officials admit an intention to "denazify and demilitarize" Poland?

If you're taking Kadyrov's comments like that seriously then you would have had to take Wesley Clark's comments about invading Iran, Syria etc seriously as well

I am pretty sure that USA invaded Syria, is there right now and bombed target in Iran recently. See

So yes, I treat it seriously that Russian leadership wants to attack Poland and they are not doing solely because that is infeasible, but would be happy to rerun 1939 and murder/rape/loot/conquer.

Afterwards, Mexico announces that they're going to join the SCO and start hosting Chinese military forces and equipment in large numbers right on US border.

I think I missed USA bases on Russia-Ukraine border.

the US has consistently violated their informal agreement to not expand NATO closer to Russia

There was no such thing, and given that Russia happily violated formal agreements they would have no reason to complain.

Spots in Mexico with lots of english-speaking ethnic Americans (I don't think these actually exist but just imagine they do and the US cares about them) start getting shelled with artillery and discriminated against.

You missed part that shelling targeted invading army.

I am pretty sure that USA invaded Syria, is there right now and bombed target in Iran recently.

I was referring to the "seven countries in seven years" comment. It didn't happen.

I think I missed USA bases on Russia-Ukraine border.

That's what Ukraine joining NATO would effectively entail.

There was no such thing,


You missed part that shelling targeted invading army.

Can you please provide a source for the claim that Russia sent an invading army into Ukraine in 2014?

‘Russia invading its neighbors’ is not exactly going out on a limb, but it seems to focus on picking off former parts of the Russian empire which are squalid and poor.