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Culture War Roundup for the week of April 10, 2023

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but I've been surprised at how much people subscribe to the "the Left is full of pedophiles" narrative around here,

Why? The Left's sexual morality is compatible with pedophiles, even though there are some very prudish elements in other valences such as California having one of the highest age of consents, and left wing universities having sexual kangaroo courts. Fundamentally, this comes down to their emphasis on a broken sexual system that revolves around a concept of "consent". Now, the standard redoubt to this critique of consent would be something like, "children cannot consent." Alas, this is broken by their transgender pivot (and frankly practically broken by the homosexuality pivot before that), because it has a heavy emphasis on the feelings of kids, and allowing them to make choices that are, frankly, much more impactful than your average sexual encounter.

You're entirely putting words and thoughts into their mouths when you say this. You seem obsessed with the notion that pedophilia is wrong specifically because it's very impactful on the child's future, and you always talk about that. That could make sense. But maybe other people think pedophilia is wrong for other reasons. Leftists think pedophilia is wrong because it's an unfair power dynamic, and takes advantage of children, who are weak and need our protection. That reason could make sense too. But it's not okay for you to wave that away and say "sure, they say they're against pedophilia, but what they really mean is something else, because of <roundabout justification regarding how underage sex is impactful just like trans surgeries>".

No value system is bulletproof, and all are subject to people finding edge cases and random gotchas. But when you do that, you're not really listening to them, you're just attacking them because you want to attack them. Your values aren't theirs. That doesn't mean they are okay with pedophilia any more than you are. This all just comes off as you trying to find any random justification to believe that your outgroup is a bunch of monsters. You're specifically focusing on pedophilia being wrong because it has impacts on the child's future because it allows you to attack the left for not seeing it quite that way.

No. My point is that their consent system is broken with regards to this question (and others), and that they will probably be easy to exploit along those line as the progressive consent system has proven easily exploited in other areas like homosexuality (it wasn't happening until it was), Title IX kangaroo courts, transing the kids, etc.

Any my claim is not that my sexual morality has no tough cases and no flaws, simply that from what I can tell, the consent system can't deal with any of the hard cases at all, and in fact generates a whole slew of other issues that the older religious and nonreligious systems didn't have. I prefer an objective conduct standard.

I fail to see how their system deals with pedophilia any worse than a traditional system. You say elsewhere that "there is no Schelling point", but there is a clear Schelling point to Leftists, which is where basically everyone on the Left found it, which is that you shouldn't have sex with young children, because young children can't consent, because there are power dynamics in play and children will be taken advantage of, which is wrong. Just like @token_progressive says, people on the Left will say the converse thing, that people on the Right are more likely to engage in pedophilia, and they'll point to all kinds of things like Catholic sex scandals and the like.

Consider as well, something that Jonathan Haidt writes about in The Righteous Mind, that people's moral judgements are not reasoned out, but are instead driven by intuitions and post-hoc rationalizations. From Haidt:

Julie and Mark, who are sister and brother, are traveling together in France. They are both on summer vacation from college. One night they are staying alone in a cabin near the beach. They decide that it would be interesting and fun if they tried making love. At the very least it would be a new experience for each of them. Julie is already taking birth control pills, but Mark uses a condom too, just to be safe. They both enjoy it, but they decide not to do it again. They keep that night as a special secret between them, which makes them feel even closer to each other. So what do you think about this? Was it wrong for them to have sex?

Most people who hear the above story immediately say that it was wrong for the siblings to make love, and they then begin searching for reasons. They point out the dangers of inbreeding, only to remember that Julie and Mark used two forms of birth control. They argue that Julie and Mark will be hurt, perhaps emotionally, even though the story makes it clear that no harm befell them. Eventually, many people say something like, 'I don't know, I can't explain it, I just know it's wrong'

You'll likely find that most people are against pedophilia (along with necrophilia, incest, and anything else that people have strong moral disgust reactions to) and will be against it for many different reasons. Their intuitions and disgust of pedophilia are there first, and then they come up with the reasons afterward as for why pedophilia is actually bad.

but there is a clear Schelling point to Leftists, which is where basically everyone on the Left found it, which is that you shouldn't have sex with young children, because young children can't consent, because there are power dynamics in play and children will be taken advantage of, which is wrong.

All of that should apply to transgender activists being in classrooms and MDs and etc.

and they'll point to all kinds of things like Catholic sex scandals and the like.

Yes, which they intentionally miscategorize, or do so because they were misinformed by other people on the left who intentionally miscagtegorized it as something other than homosexual pederasty and grooming. Which they further warped because guess what is an even bigger pedophilia and pederasty organization that the media mostly ignores to this day? Public schools!

if sexual morality should not be about consent, then what do you think it should be about?

Consent is a sort of ideal system that works in all the easy cases and just about none of the hard ones. I suppose it is a good, fictional, moral system. But practically systems need to deal with the hard cases. A closed door rule works better almost all the time. As does a chaperon rule. Or a ban on premarital sex that is enforced against adults but not minors.

Consent, has the weakness in that it breaks down wherever it is pushed on. It gives you polygamy and pedophilia, and takes away sexual adventurism more or less randomly (from the point of the accused, and often the accuser).

A closed door rule works better almost all the time. As does a chaperon rule. Or a ban on premarital sex that is enforced against adults but not minors.

Are these rules meant for reducing sexual coercion? I am not sure what flaw of the consent based morality you think these rules can fix.

but then you say that it

takes away sexual adventurism more or less randomly

which your proposals all do even more.

yes, it is hard to prove that consent occurred but I don't think this justifies further restrictions on sexual freedom. If a woman wants to be safe, they can take precautions when around men. And if your problem is that it is too easy to falsely accuse people of sexual coercion then the solution is to raise the bar for evidence required to the 'innocent until proven guilty' level.

which your proposals all do even more.

No. My proposals restrict sexual freedom very non-randomly.

And if your problem is that it is too easy to falsely accuse people of sexual coercion then the solution is to raise the bar for evidence required to the 'innocent until proven guilty' level.

That is, indeed, one of my problems. The solution of raising the bar has proven unpalatable to the people who are most on board with the consent standard (evidenced by college campuses, #believeallwomen, etc), and isn't even really the legal standard. Where it is well applied in the law, the consent portion makes up a trivial part of the legal trial.

Do you want society to place additional restrictions on sexual freedom mostly so that less people fall victim to sexual coercion, or are there other causes for which you think that certain restrictions are warranted?

Do you want society to place additional restrictions on sexual freedom mostly so that less people fall victim to sexual coercion

Not really. I think that idea has motte-bailey'd itself so hard that there is no there there. Sexual cohersion that does not fall into old common law crimes is a small problem. Its not something a sexual morality or legal system should worry itself much with.

other causes for which you think that certain restrictions are warranted?

Indeed. For example, sexual confusion is the much bigger problem in society. There is a real lack of courtship norms, a real lack of understanding what a relationship is and what its boundaries are (even for many people's marriages), and there is the problem of the confusing hookup (all examples of a wide problem).