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Culture War Roundup for the week of June 5, 2023

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The left has won none of its real policy goals in 30-50 years (no income equality, no real improvement in the quality of black lives, no eviromental improvements)

If you think there have been no environmental improvements, you have a very short memory. And clearly there have been massive successes re discrimination against all sorts of groups. People here are constantly complaining about the left's successes, so presumably they exist.

People complain about the lefts EXCESSES... their successes are non-existent. Look at black test scores failure to do anything or their hand wringing about how global warming will end everything and nothing's improved or rising inequality that's only accelerating in its rise.

We're just so used to political activism achieving nothing except "do something" initiatives that yield no results and spoils for the activist class, that actual 100% pure and total policy success look irrelevant...

We've been trained so long to thing policy is meant to fail and victory is getting your allies into positions with perma salaries the idea that with politics you could actually achieve the totality of your stated desired results in an reasonable timeframe is completely alien.

their successes are non-existent. Look at black test scores failure

If we define as "success" achieving one's goals, then the left is quite successful. Their goals has never been improving "black test scores", if you believe that, please urgently contact me about a lucrative bridge ownership opportunity I have available for you in New York. Their goal is power, which is to be used to fundamentally transform the society along their ideological guidelines. Until that is achieved, their theory states improving anything is impossible, and in fact, it can be considered harmful, as it only entrenches the broken capitalist racist white supremacist cisheteropatriarchical sexist oppression system. Dismantling this system is the ultimate goal, and the reason why some score is not improving is because the goal has not been achieved yet.

And if you realize this, you can see that they have a lot of power - political power, organizational power (they own the Deep State by now), cultural power (they own the academia and the entertainment industry) and they are pretty close to taking over the military too. And the institution they have hard time to take over - like the police, which is very decentralized and thus have been quite resistant - they are openly undermining and destroying. You can not ignore that and claim it's not their successes.

Now, if you looked at the country already fully ruled by the Left - then their goals have to be identified differently. You can't say Communist Party has been very successful in the USSR since 1920s - because, achieving their first goal, to take over, they then failed at many other goals (most of them, in fact, and ultimately at the main second goal - keeping the power). But for the Left in the West, their takeover and rebuilding the society has not been complete yet, so their first goal is not achieved. And their success has to be measured against this goal - and there, we must realistically admit, they have a lot of it. Which is nothing to be happy about - because if they manage to achieve the first goal, the inevitable failure that waits for them past that will affect everybody, and cost very dearly.

People complain about the lefts EXCESSES... their successes are non-existent. Look at black test scores failure to do anything or their hand wringing about how global warming will end everything and nothing's improved or rising inequality that's only accelerating in its rise.

Their goals are not to do something about global warming or improve black test scores or combat "rising inequality". Their goals are to use those things to arrogate power to themselves. Non-improving black test scores demonstrate the need for more and more DEI programs. Inequality demonstrates the need for more confiscatory redistribution. Global warming the need for carbon taxes and micromanaging of people's lifestyle.

YES! Exactly.

Which is why its so remarkable the truckers emerged out of nowhere claimed massive amounts of cultural and politcal power, changed the major perrsonel of multiple politcal parties and provinces, and achieved 100% of their policy goals... within months. Canada opened vastly faster than even the Us after the Trucker Convoy, even red states didn't have the complete removal of requirements that existed in Canada in October 2022

You must be reading different posts than I if you think people only complain about excesses.

And given the number of states that have outlawed anti-LGBT discrimination, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, 1991 and others I am missing, the aforementioned environmental progress, the Voting Rights Act and its repeated renewal, the Lilly Ledbetter Act, laws re bilingual education, etc, it is pretty hard to say that their successes are non-existent. But I understand that it might feel good to pretend otherwise.

No that's the thing.

The left has massive stated goals they never achieve or even meaningfully pretend to be trying to achieve...Every single one of their policy fails, and was basically intended to fail so that the people hired to execute the policy never lose the jobs created by it.

Meanwhile the Truckers achieved their stated plain highest level policy goals, the majority within a few months, and 100% entirely within a year.

This would be as if MLK marched on selma and one year later black and white test scores and median incomes were equivalent.

was basically intended to fail

The crazy thing is that I think you believe that.

This would be as if MLK marched on selma and one year later black and white test scores and median incomes were equivalent.

No, it would be as if MLK marched on Selma and five months later the Voting Rights Act passed.