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Culture War Roundup for the week of June 19, 2023

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I've never understood how people who are, essentially, less than 0.01% of the population have gained a comparatively much higher proportion when it comes to their representation in the popular conscience. Trans rights activists don't like the 0.01% argument, which is fine - but then they turn around and use it themselves by saying that a people that is 0.01% of the population is harmless. Which, besides being not how things work in any capacity, is having it both ways.

My uncharitable mental model of it is that liberals ran out of ways to paint conservatives as bigots.

Its important to the liberal worldview that they're the tolerant ones, and conservatives are the intolerant ones.

For a long time this was not a problem, because conservative had fairly negative views around gays, and to a lesser but still real extent non-martial sex.

Liberals won around those topics, the standard issue conservative now knows they're supposed to be respectful toward gays, and for the most part, they publicly at least, largely are.

They can be a little freer about complaining about non-martial sex, but they're very little they can actually do.

Liberals can't declare victory and go home though, its a forever culture war, so they need to find something that conservatives aren't yet tolerant of, so trans issues it is.

I have to admit- I just think everyone deserves support and I suspect the fight will keep going forever or until conservatives kill all the abnormal people or stop trying to bully people who want to surgically alter themselves into giant spiders out of existence.

It's not going to end because um... why should it end exactly? I have this feeling of an underlying premise that there is an amount of weird that is... too weird. And... I just... don't have that premise. If something has pragmatic issues that prevent it from being pragmatic for society to support it, my first thought is "what technological advancements will cause support of this to be viable" not "lets suppress it forever."

But some people seem to see "technical advancements have caused support for this to be viable" and go into moral panic mode. Why?

Why are some people unhappy seeing the boundaries of the human condition expand? Why does it make some people uncomfortable?

What is wrong with your brains? Or is it me? What's wrong with my brain? Something is clearly wrong with someone's brain here.

It's the pushing it to be "normalized" Normal has a purpose. It's the guardrails of society. It's very clear to most of us that while it's fine for people to be abnormal it is clearly a bad choice for most people. When you push to "normalize" abnormal stuff you are actually probably harming a lot of people.

I just think everyone deserves support

"Support" is doing a lot of lifting here. Should we not execute people who want to turn themselves into spiders? sure. Should we let them eat children because that's what spiders of their size would do? absolutely not. And I think a lot of people reasonable draw the line at "Anything that is going to impose a neg negative cost on society"

What do you mean by a net negative cost on society?

Eating children sure. But that's a toy example. Where is the edge?

What happens when people are just afraid of spiders?

At some point, society isn't compatible with things- not because there's anything wrong with those things in and of themselves, but because society is being inflexible in ways it could change.

I think in cases like these, it's still reasonable... realistic... rational... perhaps even economically optimal in the short term to be antispider.

But it's braver to recognize that you're the one causing their existence to be a negative and try to change.

But it's braver to recognize that you're the one causing their existence to be a negative and try to change.

There are some cost inherent to accommodating extremely strange expressed desires. "normal" existing at all as a concept has some strong net positive effect because people who might think turning themself into a spider will make them happier are often just wrong. Normalizing such a thing makes it more likely marginal people might try. If we're going to start saying we should be concerned with the wellbeing of others to the degree we're trading off on our own preferences then we ought to actually also consider the second and third order effects.

We are talking about a world where you can turn into a giant spider right?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you're biologically immortal.

So strong disagreement. Exploration is far more important to an immortal society than exploitation. You have forever to figure out what you like most. So you SHOULD try out being a giant spider. Trying out everything should be normalized.

So strong disagreement. Exploration is far more important to an immortal society than exploitation. You have forever to figure out what you like most. So you SHOULD try out being a giant spider. Trying out everything should be normalized.

The metaphor is becoming unwieldy and much hinges on precisely what is meant by turning yourself into a spider. If it's not just cosmetics then it isn't clear to me a human consciousness can run on enlarged spider architecture. If it can't then there are many reason one might not want to try out being a giant spider as it is likely to be a one way trip. And if it can, and we're able then it seems certain we'd be technologically advanced enough for you to run your exploration in virtual worlds and need not burden normal society with any downside of your experimentation. If you see any difference between doing this exploration in total isolation vs doing it when others need to validate it then you've found the objection. People do not want to be coerced into validating everything for many reasons such as doing so reduces the value of their validation to zero.

This sounds close enough to an argument for forcing everyone into virtual reality so that they don't bother society with any abnormalities.

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