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Culture War Roundup for the week of September 12, 2022

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Well that's an easy one: observation bias on part of the commenters. Because everything we could do with neat streamlined engineering, we've automated already or are in the middle of automating. Rockets are simple, do one very basic thing very well, and follow largely from first principles; so do cars and these boxes. In the end, what's left is tasks that genuinely require good spatial perception, mechanical understanding, free navigation in human-centric environments, articulated manipulators with many degrees of freedom, high-fidelity sensors, fast response and so on. Fundamentally, those are tasks the complexity of which comes almost entirely from special context-dependent cases, the long tail of failures to apply generic solutions; like HVAC maintenance or repairing automated boxes in the warehouse. You can either leave it to humans or create something on par with them. And it turns out that for developing (software-wise, first of all) tools that solve hairy tasks like those, galaxy brain engineering doesn't work that well, compared with approaches leveraging stochastic trial and error, learning. So parallels with evolution, and inferences from evolutionary hardness of adaptation, are apt.

But again: it's more of an issue of data availability and iteration time. Training CLIP or SD is much easier, faster and cheaper than training robots.

Artificial constructs don't need to worry about protecting a fragile cranium, keeping a supply of oxygen handy, storing all the needed energy inside themselves, reproduction and many more things that are vitally important to humans.

True but (non-fat) humans are remarkably well-built, most of the body is useful for mechanical performance. I don't know about you but my balls are only a tiny fraction of my overall mass. You don't need to protect the cranium all that much, because error rate is so low (if you're dropping heavy stuff or something, you're already failing at the primary task), and even if you do, a basic helmet would typically suffice. Local energy storage is handy because it simplifies logistics of the workspace. There's only so much that can be trimmed off. Humanoid body really is close to the optimum for many of our tasks, and making a machine perform comparably well is in fact a big challenge.

Our actuators are also very, very good. This is probably the best we can do with current hobbyist tech. Invincible.jpg.

I don't know about you but my balls are only a tiny fraction of my overall mass.

It's not the balls, it's the optimization for finding mates. Evolution only optimizes for moving through 3D spaces so long as that's a means to successful reproduction. going to a stranger's house and moving some plastic tubes around in a cramped space has at best tangentially benefitted from the primary 'goal' of evolution. If the primary 'goal' of evolution was to create the best possible plumber I'd imagine something much more like a raccoon.

For the purposes of this discussion a raccoon is not that different from a human, it's a series of minor allometric changes really. (Raccoon body plan is also affected by reproductive needs, of course). And I suspect that making a raccoon-like plumber is about as hard as making a humanoid plumber (or even harder, because sometimes you need a ton of power in this line of work, and actuators we can produce cheaply and at scale are weak per unit of mass, compared to muscles; we could make a hydraulic raccoon with external power, but...) All creatures with such capabilities will be comparably hard to make. One additional aspect is that we have already made lots of specialized tools adapted for our hand grip and arm strength; it's probably much cheaper to make a robot who can wield them than reinvent the hand and all it holds.

(In the long run though, I agree, our infrastructure will change and so will robots who serve it. Probably a lot more cramped spaces, if nothing else).

Reproductively advantageus traits tend to also be helpful for general survival and capability, or rather, beneficial traits get reinforced by sexual selection (see koinophilia); exceptions are so striking exactly because they violate our intuitions about natural selection.

In the long run though, I agree, our infrastructure will change and so will robots who serve it. Probably a lot more cramped spaces, if nothing else

Then I think we're largely in agreement. I would however say that the primary difference is not that evolution has had more time to work on the 3d space problem so much that there is a massive amount momentum in the infrastructure that physical jobs interface with that is much more difficult to replace/adapt than the fairly infrastructure light world of art. It's certainly harder to prototype, test and iterate on a buildings designed to automatically need no human maintenance than it is to prototype, test and iterate on art that needs no artist. And even if it wasn't it would still take a long time to get that design out in a world where most people are content living in multi-decade old buildings that need occasional maintenance.

I do feel like the next step is going to be claiming that, yes machines are faster, stronger, more energy efficient and have better articulation but they can't compete with humans in having all those things while being made out of meat. Technology has been driving human physical laborers into progressively tighter niches since the wheel.

openDogv3 is a really impressive project, but it's also optimized for low-cost and weight. There are a lot of better options out there than 8308s and a 3d-printed gearbox at the enthusiast or hobbyist level; they just blow out the rest of your budget out of the water and dramatically increase cost-of-entry.

That said, while the gap isn't as huge as you're suggesting, it's still pretty big. More efficient artificial approaches usually work by optimizing for entirely different purposes or environments.

I've been thinking today how good (smaller, lighter, more efficient) opendog would become if they just replaced all 3D-printed nonsense with CNC-machined or stamped metal and injection-molded polymers (and of course revamped electronics). Maybe it'd really be on par with Spot then, or (with added sensors, brains etc.) wipe the floor with Chinese knock-off dogs.

But that requires scale. I really hope somebody helps here: we need some sort of Stability for robotics.

If we don't optimize for low cost, at current costs those machines will be completely non-competitive.

What projects do you have in mind?

Yeah, there's a lot of low-hanging fruit available for improvements; even simple drill-press and 6061 aluminum could do a lot. But the toolchains for those processes are much more complicated and the processes themselves much messier, so it's not really in consideration. And, conversely, there's a lot of potential spaces for... more improvizational materials, where people are willing to design around them.

Scale is part of the problem, but you don't need that much scale. The FIRST FRC environment has a ton of devices being sold on scales of hundreds or low thousands that involve a lot of custom metal parts, and while they're not always good, they're definitely extant and productive. Part of that reflects the tax- and labor-advantaged nature of a situations where most customers and some sellers are non-profits or subsidiaries of non-profits, but that's ultimately a political choice: there's no that must favor FRC or Vex but not more productive matters.

The deeper issues... I think the big one is that there's simultaneously a big desire to build everything from 'scratch', but also to see some level of devices as indivisible, at least for this class of project. LEGO could make (arguably, does make, through Mindstorms) an injection-molded-polymer Spot knockoff, but the sort of people who want to build a LEGO kit aren't trying to put together a Spot variant. Even a lot of the Pi-and-cheap-servo posebots are largely marketed under the theory that they're an introduction to everything you'd need to learn for the project.

Some of this is just inevitable Pareto Principle stuff, but I think a lot of it's downstream of the death of manufacturing. The emphasis and ease-of-access to bits makes it so easy to considering scaling and production as someone else's problem, because, for no small part, it has been. I think the extreme time constraints and very limited purchaser base have done more to keep the FIRST ecosystem around as long as it has.

What projects do you have in mind?

There's a few interesting takes on custom motors like the DizzyMotors, but almost all have a step one that involves taking apart a larger, expensive motor. Moteus is getting closer, but it's still (AFAIK) still in a prototype level, and it's very far from anything especially hitting the limits of the medium.