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The Case for Ignoring Race

The Case for Ignoring Race

There are two arguments I want to push forward. The first is about ignoring race in your personal life. Ignoring your own race, and ignoring the race of others around you. And the second argument is to ignore race in the policy space. Ignoring race in college admissions, immigration, crime, etc. I also don't want to make the case that only white people should ignore race. I think it is generally beneficial for everyone to ignore race, but I'm guessing that most of the racial identitarians (people who place great importance on racial identity) that are here on themotte are white racial identitarians.

Ignoring Race in Your Personal Life

This is perhaps the less culture war loaded argument so I'll start with it first. I consider this section mostly good advice, and none of the advice is what I'd call "original". Smarter people than me have provided free advice to the masses, and this just feels like a synthesis of that advice.

Taking Responsibility

There is a certain mindset that treats genetics like destiny. And the mindset does not just apply on matters of race, but on broad characteristics like intelligence, athleticism, and charisma. I think this kind of mindset is harmful for the individual and those around them. Genetics does have an impact on your life, you aren't gonna be in the NBA if you were born with some short genes. You are still human, you are going to be similar to your parents in many ways. But it is most helpful to think of genetics as creating a set of boundaries around a wide field of possibilities. Where you wind up within that wide field of possibilities is up to you, and the field is probably much wider than you realize. In any field you look at you can often find surprisingly examples of standout performers that violate the expected norms. Like Stephen Curry being not very tall for the NBA, but being a star player. Or professors that are not that smart/brilliant, but still having prolific writing outputs of interesting material. The advice here is to take personal responsibility for where you end up within a large field of possibilities, and to stop blaming the often distant fences of genetics.

The restrictions placed on people by race are mostly imaginary social constructs. Somewhat facetiously: Rachel Dolezal is the story of a white girl becoming a respected black professor and NAACP member. Race has a loose relation with some of the very real limitations imposed by genetics, but most of the limitations of race come from social constraint. A person of a given race is not expected to do x, y, or z, and the person internalizes those expectations and lives up to them. What is important to remember here is that like with traffic, you are not just in a society, you are society. You are a part of creating and accepting the limitations that are merely social constructs. My simple advice is to stop doing that.

Information and Stereotyping

Our racial makeup is often one of our most visible characteristics, with the most visible characteristics often being clothes, gender, and age. I'd suggest to everyone that race is a mostly useless piece of information about people, and almost all of the information people claim to get from race is actually information that they get from other sources.

There are many variations on a joke about a race blind man refusing to cross the street as a black youth is walking towards him, he then gets mugged by the black youth. In more recent times the joke is often subverted to turn the race expectations on their head. Anyways, it is a good example for my purposes. Let us break the situation down:

  1. Context - Walking down a dark street at night in a bad section of town.
  2. Age - young, teen to late twenties. A time when humans are often physically at their peak, and a time when males are more prone to violence.
  3. Gender - male, as mentioned above more prone to violence and physicality.
  4. Clothes - You are often left to paint the picture for yourself in the joke. But imagine a dark hoody and well worn jeans.
  5. Demeanor - fixated at you, arrogant walk, one hand holding something in their hoody pocket.

At this point, without race ever being a factor, you can make an informed decision that interacting with this person is a bad idea. If you can't tell their race, and then are suddenly able to see it at the last moment, no result should change the informed decision you already made.

I won't make the very strong claim that Race is never a useful deciding factor. But I am making the claim that it is rarely useful. It is rarely useful because as I mentioned above it is mostly only a limitation by being an imaginary social construct. The actual correlations between race and very real limiting genetic factors are not very strong. The usefulness of race as a piece of information is proportional to the degree to which race is a commonly accepted limitation. The less people accept race as a limitation on their behavior, the less useful it is in predicting their behavior.

In general if you want to get better at reading situations with other people I would never suggest doing an in-depth reading of all the various stereotypes associated with different races. Instead I would suggest:

  1. Learning some biology related to human aging and gender. (I do believe gender stereotypes are very useful)
  2. Learning about clothing and fashion. In the above mugging example if the person you see happens to be wearing a dark Taylor Swift concert hoodie, and the jeans appear artificially aged then you might significantly downgrade the threat they pose.
  3. Learning to read body language. In the mugging example, maybe they are holding a phone, and maybe they are fixated on something behind you.
  4. Being more aware of context. Maybe before you start walking at night in the bad neighborhood of town you should realize how the situation might end up, and try to find a way to avoid it altogether. Some young people can sort of have their head in the clouds, and I'd suggest they play a sport that requires better situational and contextual awareness.


This is the more culture war laden section of this argument. I'm not going to claim this section is exhaustive or comprehensive. I simply picked two policy topics that are heavily enmeshed with racial politics. The college section will probably not be controversial to anyone on themotte. The immigration section will probably be very controversial here on themotte.


Universities and Colleges have been using race as a criteria for admission for quite some time now. I believe this is a bad policy, and doesn't accomplish their goals. One of their stated goals in doing this is to promote diversity on campus, which makes for a more interesting learning environment, and a better college experience.

I think race is a lazy selection criteria for diversity. It continues to be used because it is easily legible on a college admission form, and has somewhat of a correlation with diversity.

It is helpful to see how this approach is lazy, by imagining a stark contrast: a college that wants diversity and what approach it would take while expending the most amount of effort.

This imaginary college admissions would want to know as much as possible about their prospective students, and they would not want the students themselves to be the sole providers of that information. The admissions process might look more like the security clearance process. The student would fill out an exhaustive set of forms about their past life circumstances. Every sport, social group, vacation, and major life event would all be fair game. The university would assign a case worker for each student, who would then go interview the family and friends of that student to build an exhaustive profile of who they are. Then the students would be evaluated for their personalities, political beliefs, and viewpoints. With tens of thousands of profiles in hand the university would then run an exhaustive set of statistics and winnowing on the student profiles. Any prospective students with rare experiences or backgrounds would get additional weight. In this imaginary admissions process race would be almost a useless criteria, because there would be multiple other criteria that would make it obsolete or redundant.

Back to the real world. There are obvious problems with race based admissions when it comes to producing a diverse campus. As I said in the personal section, race is not actually a hard and fast genetic restriction, it is only loosely correlated with those genetic restrictions. So it is quite easily possible that you could have two suburban candidates that are next door neighbors and nearly identical in every category except race. Taking both of these students would not make the campus more diverse, except in the most superficial and meaningless sense of a skin color diversity. Imagine the opposite scenario of two identical twins separated at birth. One into a rich family of doctors in a big city, and another into a poor farming family in a small town. Admitting both of these students would not alter the racial diversity of campus at all, but it would make for a more interesting and diverse student body.

A lazy solution for colleges that want diversity and don't want to use race: create categories that you want to fill. For example, "person that has lived in a different country", or "person from a rough neighborhood", or "person from a big city", or "person from a small town", or "person that has lived in both". Then get students to fill in which categories they fit into. Then try to fill out the incoming class with a range of diverse experiences and backgrounds. This would be a slightly superficial take on 'diversity', but it would still be way better than a race based admission criteria. (some universities already do minor versions of this for other purposes, like asking if they are alumni / military child / etc.)


If you have read the rest of my post some of what I'm about to say will be unsurprising. Race is generally an indirect sorting mechanism for the things we care about from immigrants, and more direct sorting mechanisms exist. I'd claim that the main things we care about in immigrants are: Intelligence, hard-work, cultural fit, criminality, and "buy in". Most of those are self-explanatory. I'd consider language skills under cultural fit. The "buy in" is how willing any immigrant is willing to engage in joining a country.

I think the easiest way to determine an immigrant's fit is to just look at their country or citizenship of origin, and ask for their reason for immigrating. Which is generally what the US immigration policy already does. Certain countries are better fits, and though Race correlates highly with country of origin it is not the same thing. And although there could be potential gaming of the system by asking people why they want to come to the country, some reasons are transparently obvious. For example, marriage into the country is an obvious reason for immigration, as well as a decent signal of some degree of "buy in".

Some quick thought experiment that suggests Race is a bad proxy measurement:

Imagine two immigration candidates. From two hypothetical nations. Candidate 1 is of the green race, but coming from redstan. Candidate 2 is of the red race, but coming from greenstan. They have both been in their countries for a full generation. Redstan is a war torn mess it has a failed government and the streets are regularly the sight of sectarian violence. Redstan is also ideological enemies with your country, Tealstan. Greenstan is your country's fatherland. Tealstan used to be a colony of Greenstan, but they peacefully split apart. They share a people, a culture, and are on friendly terms with one another. I would think Candidate 2 from Greenstan is clearly the better candidate.

Imagine two other immigration candidates. One is of your exact race. In fact they are your distant ancestor frozen in ice and revived in the modern era, but they have a cultural mindset from 200 years ago, they hate what the nation has become, and their lack of modern skills makes them highly likely to resort to crime. The other candidate is your neighbor, but a race very different from yours. They have been living next to you for five years, they had planned to just stay here a bit for work and then leave to their home country. But they fell in love and the prospect of marriage and starting a family has made them want to stay. I would think the second candidate is clearly the better choice.


Race is clearly a thing that exists. Genetic differences exist across races. The simplest proof is in people's skin pigmentation. However, genetics doesn't have to dictate anyone's destiny. Genetics can be barriers to unlimited possibilities, but your final place within a large set of possibilities is up to you.

And because race and genetics do not fully dictate who a person is, those characteristics do not provide good information about an individual that isn't obtainable in a myriad of other more reliable ways.

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Ok, that is kind of what I thought, but then I don't understand what you meant when you said that the US is ruling over nations. Because while Germans constitute a "nation," German-Americans do not. Ditto re Chinese (or perhaps merely Han) and Chinese-Americans. African-Americans certainly are not a nation, given that Africans are not a nation. Ditto re Hispanics.

Why don't Chinese-Americans constitute a nation? The moment a Chinese man signs a piece of paper to become American, his nation changes? What about all those people who don't even speak English, are they part of the American 'civic nation'?

Nations can change, German-Americans are very watered down now. But the very notion that there's a distinction between American (which brings to mind a white man) and African-American must mean there's some kind of significant biological difference there. This is a national difference to my mind.

The US has many nations within it - there are Ethiopians, Mexicans, Chinese, Indians, Filipinos, Jews, African-Americans. African Americans might not have a state but how are they not a nation, if you can draw a distinction from them that is rooted in race as opposed to social characteristics? What is the word for this? If it's not nation, surely it's a word with very similar meaning?

Africa is a geographic area inhabited by many peoples. You have Arabs, Berbers, Bantus, Igbos... That's not quite what we mean when we talk about African-American though. Elon Musk is not really an African-American, nor is he terribly African IMO.

The moment a Chinese man signs a piece of paper to become American, his nation changes? Remember a minute ago when you said you meant "nation" when you said "nationality"? You are repeating that mistake. As you are using it here, you mean nationality, not nation, because in this context a nationality is an attribute of an individual. That is what you are referring to when you talk about the Chinese guy. (And, by the way, yes, by definition, his nationality changes when he becomes a US citizen. But that is beside the point). In contrast, nationhood is an attribute of groups.

The US has many nations within it - there are Ethiopians, Mexicans, Chinese, Indians, Filipinos, Jews, African-Americans. African Americans might not have a state but how are they not a nation, if you can draw a distinction from them that is rooted in race as opposed to social characteristics? What is the word for this? If it's not nation, surely it's a word with very similar meaning?

The word is "ethnic group," which, as the source you linked to notes, has a very different meaning than "nation." The US has many different ethnic groups in it, not many different nations.

Africa is a geographic area inhabited by many peoples. You have Arabs, Berbers, Bantus, Igbos... That's not quite what we mean when we talk about African-American though. Yes, that is my point. Here, by the way, your use of "peoples" is very close to a synonym of "nation." Indeed, the preamble to the UN Charter refers to the "peoples" of the world.

I wasn't talking about nationhood, which again is different from nations existing. A Chinese man is part of a Chinese nation regardless of his nationality. Ghandi in 1900 was Indian even if there was no sovereign Indian state.

Nationality can change, since nationality is decided by pieces of paper. You can go to space a Soviet citizen and return to Earth as a Russian or whatever. But nation isn't changed by pieces of paper, where nation means national community. Nation is decided by birth, culture, language and upbringing... not pieces of paper.

And why are we quibbling over definitions anyway? It doesn't significantly relate to my broad point whether we call it a nation, a people or an ethnic group in so far as my point is that diversity in this factor (national community, nations, ethnic groups) is bad for state cohesion and a source of instability that should be minimized.

A Chinese man is part of a Chinese nation regardless of his nationality I think you will find, if you look at all the literature on nationalism, that that is true only of that man considers himself part of the Chinese nation. Unlike a person's nationality, a person's nation (i.e., the national community to which he believes he belongs) is a form of identity. It is right there in the first sentence of the Wikipedia page you linked to: "A nation is a large type of social organization where a collective identity has emerged . . ." And see this Wikipedia page on national identity: "National identity is a person's identity or sense of belonging to one or more states or nations." It cannot be imposed by others, because it is an internal state, and so national identity can vary among individuals of the same race or ethnicity. Look no further than white nationalism: There are a lot of people who believe that a white nation exists, and that they are members thereof, but most white people do not identify as members of that nation.

And why are we quibbling over definitions anyway? It doesn't significantly relate to my broad point whether we call it a nation, a people or an ethnic group in so far as my point is that diversity in this factor (national community, nations, ethnic groups) is bad for state cohesion and a source of instability that should be minimized..

But that is not the question we are discussing, right? We are discussing your claim that "You might well say 'well let's skim off the most talented Chinese, Indians, Nigerians, Ethiopians with our high wages and boost our country's GDP'. What happens to your country if you do that? It becomes an empire ." I was totally confused by your use of the term "empire" and your claim that a country becomes an empire simply by permitting immigration by people ethnically different from them, which I am sure you know is a very non-standard use of the term "empire." You then defended your claim by using the term "nation", which is why we were discussing it.

And, btw, since you equate nation with ethnicity, if the US is an empire, which nation is ruling over the others? Whites, presumably. So, you are saying that whites rule over all the other ethnicities in the US. A surprisingly woke claim. Of course, it isn't true: The current President was elected despite getting only 41 percent of the white vote, and the victor got a lower pct of the white vote than his opponent in 2012, 2008, 1996, 1992, and 1976. The largest and richest state is minority non-Hispanic white, as is the second largest, And, almost half of the army is a race or ethnicity other than non-Hispanic white.

There are a lot of people who believe that a white nation exists, and that they are members thereof, but most white people do not identify as members of that nation.

But can you not tell if someone is white? Say someone has been in a coma their whole life, they've never had a chance to think about their nation. Surely you can see 'oh this person is white' from a glance at their face? Or you might think 'oh this guy is kind of swarthy, it depends upon how you classify Greeks, Arabs, Turks, how eye colour comes into it. Or you could start looking at haplogroups.

I see no problem with someone being French, White, European, Christian, Occitan. Some identities are more prominent than others, much more prominent most of the time. I'm pretty confident most white people have an understanding that they're white and others are not, they just don't think about it often or prefer not to vocalize things that could be misconstrued as demonic white nationalism. And I don't require that everyone in a state only have one nation or identity, just that the more nations and identities you have the worse things get. You lose a certain level of camaraderie between leaders and citizens, it becomes a competition to see which minority can get the most special privileges. There's so much potential for conflict with all these divisions, it's like piling up dry timber in a forest.

But that is not the question we are discussing, right?

Yes it is, because I maintain that empires are innately unstable compared to nation-states. Sure, it's non-standard to absorb new peoples by immigration rather than conquest but it still fits the core definition. Plus the US has done lots of conquest in its time.

if the US is an empire, which nation is ruling over the others?

First and foremost, Jews, as is immediately obvious from a quick glance at who leads the US, who makes up a huge chunk of the media elite and White House staff, including Biden's Cabinet (aside from the dubiously lucid President). It's not a partisan thing - Trump was the biggest Jewish fanboy you could imagine - Grand Marshal of the Salute to Israel! It also explains the US's incredibly sycophantic foreign policy towards Israel and intense effort to stamp out antisemitism, whilst anti-white rhetoric is much more tolerable (see Sarah Jeong's tweets about white men for instance, compare to Kanye West's comments about Jews that got him commercially vaporized). I am fully in agreement with you that whites are not in charge in America.

But can you not tell if someone is white?

That is not the point. The point is whether I can tell it someone identifies as a member of the white nation. The answer is no.

Plus the US has done lots of conquest in its time.

But that was not the basis of your claim that the US is an empire. If it had been, we would not be having this conversation.

First and foremost, Jews, as is immediately obvious from a quick glance at who leads the US,

This makes exactly zero sense as a defense of your original claim that the US is an empire ruling over a bunch of internal nations.

The US has many different ethnic groups in it, not many different nations.

I think that quite a few (572 federally recognized ones) Native American tribes consider themselves nations.

I like Bloom's definition of a nation - the same people living in the same place. The Native American tribes on reservations definitely have this character.

I do not know if any other groups in the US are sufficiently segregated to count as a nation. I think in Canada, the Quebecois would have obviously been a nation had they split in 1995, so presumably, they were close to being one at the time.

Yes, the Native American tribes might well qualify as nations. But not the ethnic groups that OP is talking about. And the Quebecois are an obvious contrast to those groups. And a contrast to Chinese-Canadians, and Indian-Canadians. Heck, the Quebecois might in fact be a nation, since many nations (eg, Kurds, Basques) don't have their own states at this time.

I would add the Welsh and Scots to your list as obvious nations without states. Would you consider the Gullah people in Carolinas to be close to a nation, if a little too small at 200k?

Based on what little I know about the Gullah people, no.