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Culture War Roundup for the week of October 2, 2023

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Mass migration has never been higher than under Sunak in Britain.

I think you need to consider your post. You are praising Indians rulers of UK as others have done so. Doesn't this show you share some of this mentality?

At best it is just Suela who is ineffectively pushing back. But considering talk in combination with opposite action has been commonly seen by the Torries for decades and even others behaving likewise to Sulla, why trust her.

Be more stingy with your praise for politicians until they have done enough to earn it.

What I'm curious about is why so many of the native Tories (Boris Johnson, George Osborne, David Cameron) were so open-bordery. Aristocratic disdain for the native proles? Desire for cheaper servants? Regular cosmopolitan posturing?

It probably also has something to do with why they made gay marriage legal, enforce zero carbon agenda, promoted hate speech laws, and in fact expanded the authoritarian culturally left wing state quite a bit and enforced affirmative action in the party. And entrenching groups like hope not hate as activist organisations that are powerful within the state. Oh and the fact that Cameron selected members of the party based on being culturally left wing enough and excluded others for being right wing. Before that Blair also empowered NGOs.

It also has something to do with right wingers being gullible and willing to vote for them after doing these things. The Torries have been promising for decades to reduce migration. Cameron also said he would control it. If right wingers were more intolerant like leftists and more demanding and condemning and willing to abandon political parties promoting false promises and go to other right wing parties of a more genuine and right wing sort, then maybe politicians would be inlined to keep their promises so they can keep their chairs.

Alas, unlike the never satisfied even when winning leftist, many a right winger is easily satisfied by little when they are losing.

Unlike the people here who have been praising this while it has been happening and always seen moderation and based torries, or based Indian Torries, I would recommend to people who are interested in this phenomenon Peter Hitchen's books or articles about these events who called it as he saw it. Like the Cameron Delusion for example or abolition of Britain that focused on Blair. In all honesty I have read parts of the first and articles, speeches/debates from Hitchens, so you can get some of the content in that manner too.

Anyway, talk is cheap, only action on issues like migration matters. When it comes to politicians by the results you will judge them.

I am more concerned with continuing western civilization and their cultural institutions which does include Democracy.

I don’t have a huge concern with maintaining racial purity. I have a big concern with the west importing huge amount of low IQ groups which will be a permenent underclass and if they become the majority would force political situations that occur in the Middle East and Africa.

How can you continue western civilization without western people? its an absurdity. I don't think nations should allow too many foreigners of the same race neither. But if there a little bit of diversity it aint the end of the world as that doesn't undermine the rights of the ethnic group. Note, since you are an American you can define your nation as a multi-ethnic one but that still necessitates restrictions on immigration or else the original American historical nation and comprised ethnic groups will no longer exist.

Ironically your way of thinking probably leads to more dangerous path over the idea that nations have rights. Like the ideas of groups who think their ethnic group is superior invading others. It seems you are ok with colonialism if it is done by a smarter group.

How about what is happening is bad both for the reasons you say and because genocide, colonialism, being discriminated by foreigners and local antinative racists is undesirable. It genuinely is a bad thing for people to be replaced in their own homeland and the discrimination and hatred of their history is a byproduct of said proccess you choose to align with.

which does include Democracy.

You think the behavior of the Tories and friends and what Britain has become with the authoritarian hate speech laws, with the NGOs marching into power, and the public voting for less migration, not for hate speech laws and getting them. Is that democracy to you? What about elites excluding rightists from political power?

Western civilization is about much more than just democracy. You can have democracy without western civilization and you can have western civilization without democracy. And you can have a tyrannical situation that calls itself democracy, when it is an oppressive regime.

Democracy, I was taught in the past was more than just the tyranny of the majority. That supposedly it respected certain rights and principles, and were organized in respecting the rights of the native peoples such as

You cannot be for democracy and be against national self determination and sovereignty. Any regime that replaces its people fails to be representative of their interests and well being and is really wearing the concept as a skin suit having adopted a different ideology and goal. Hence the political power that enacts agendas contrary to populace and criminalizes dissent to mass migration, while also discriminating against the native populace as happening in Britain. Cultural Marxism like class Marxism which claimed to be the most democratic regime of all, is far from that. So, I am sorry but your wishy washy ways fail to preserve western civilization and have already degenerated the democracy that used to exist to something worse.

Here is a quote by someone who has been part of western civilization for you:

"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."

"The power under the Constitution will always be in the people. It is entrusted for certain defined purposes, and for a certain limited period, to representatives of their own choosing; and whenever it is executed contrary to their interest, or not agreeable to their wishes, their servants can, and undoubtedly will be recalled."

I view western civilization as an idea and not a people.

I would best describe myself as a Christian and an old school neoliberal. I wouldn’t disagree with immigration at all if I believed in blank slatism.

I don’t have any issues with colonialism. But that’s because I think there are group differences in IQ.

Your idea of western civilization makes no sense. Democracy and being colonized are incompatible.

And also other basic human rights. Colonialism, and foreign conquest comes along and this applies today too with discrimination at their expense, demonization of their history, with the colonized being second class people. There can be more or less nasty versions of it, but it tends to be nasty.

Also, like western people carry their culture and sense of ancestry with them, so do people outside of western civilization who will bring their civilization with them and under the logic where western civilization is particularly guilty, it is going to be imposed. People carry civilization with them and those who support colonialism at their expense lack the attitude of those who manage in small numbers to assimilate foreign ethnic groups by imposing to them the native identity. This aint happening.

Of course western civilization did have a history of colonilization but at the expense of others.

When it was western (in the broad sense)countries being colonized, lets say that democracy didn't work well. The results of being under the thrall of Ottomans, Communists (with overepresentation of certain smart ethnic groups). Quite different to supporting being colonized yourself.

Also, the Germans have historically been more successful than their neighbors. Even now Germany has an important lead in patents per capita. Japan has also been much more successful in modernity than China. And yet their empires were rather oppressive and bloody. Being smart or even smarter than others does not give you a right to control their country and property, the smart slave master becomes an oppressor.

Of course, there is much to say about the historical trajectory of colonialism. Whether the Communist, or nazi or Italian fascist, or Japanese imperialist version it worked awfully with a litany of warcrimes. While other forms of colonialism which were more of a mixed bag included their own share of human rights abuses.

You aren't really making any sense and your dismissal of the enormous agency problems of foreigners mistreating those foreign to theirs betrays a lack of understanding of history. Or that you don't care about massive abuses that are the result of your pro colonialism ideology.

I find it funny that in the overton window of many in the motte colonialism is more kosher than immigration restrictionism. This type of political correctness to neoconservatism both lacks a moral highground and leads to the destruction of the people who abide by them. If you are going to be immoral, at least being selfish immoral is more understandable to me. This is worst of both worlds. Colonialism is good... now that it is at my expense.

The fact that over 90% of new corporate jobs of S and P 100 in accordance to bloomberg have went to nonwhites after BLM isn't only bad because of the IQ/HBD issue!

Property rights are superior to commie extremism in class, and national group rights are superior to the alternative which as we see ends up aligning with the evils of colonialism. Thank you for helping me make my point of where that logic leads to. An International justice which is about national self determination, sovereignity and nation states respecting each other rights, is the best system humanity has come with, and is a more moral and even progressive (but not leftist) force than multinational empites, or marxist nationalism that plays a motte and bailey between pretensions of universalism but also allowing tribalism and targeting specifically right wing associated ethnic groups for destruction and discrimination, by making their tribalism as specifically immoral.

Democracy and being colonized are not incompatible if intelligence isn’t equal between groups. In that case a utilitarian argument is fine for colonization.

Not it is incompatible, even when intelligence isn't equal between groups. You seem to be operating with a model of colonization that is hypothetical and not how it ends up applying in practice, and how it worked historically.

On net colonization was good. Your trying to make me own anything that was bad during the process which I do disagree with.

Most of the ex colonized world is doing better without colonization so no. Also, the benefits of colonizations relate to things that can be done without colonization, like the spread of institutions and technology. Funnilly enough, some places on net benefited from colonization and then also on net benefited from kicking the colonizers out which set up extractive institutions.

Things are quite different in a world which is already interconnected. At the end of the day you are proposing something much worse.

And Japanese imperialism and nazi and Soviet imperialism is part of the history of colonization.

Also colonization is incompatible with democracy for the colonized. You do own the bad things about colonization since you support it.

I do think there are certain areas of the world that are so badly governed and incompetent that they would benefit if they let competent foreigners run more things. But colonization includes in it quite more than that, and a framework of being dominated by a foreign empire which does tend to relate to abuses of the native population. That is different from eing self determinant but hiring competent foreigners to build things and run but still loyal to your nation state. Such arrangements are probably better off for various african countries than trying to make it so blacks run everything. What is happening with China building things there for example.

I don't think you disagree with the bad aspects of colonialism in the way you expressed yourself.