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Israel-Gaza Megathread #1

This is a megathread for any posts on the conflict between (so far, and so far as I know) Hamas and the Israeli government, as well as related geopolitics. Culture War thread rules apply.

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This topic perhaps more than others is impossible to find good analysis of. Could some of you help me understand the arguments around something?

I routinely see people call Gaza "an open air prison". But...isnt' Egypt participating in this open air imprisonment? Egypt has a border with Gaza. If the Israelis are imprisoning the Gazans, then aren't the Egyptians doing the same thing?

And why would these two groups coordinate on this? Same question goes for: shutting of water/electricity. Why would Egypt help Israel with this? Why doesn't Egypt simply give the Gazans the water they need?

edit: I think my question was unclear here. I understand the obvious answers which are basically: Hamas/Gaza are terrorists. Of course Egypt doesn't want them. What I'm asking for is for somebody to steelman the liberal position that Gaza is an "open air prison" and that this is Israel's fault.

Egypt is a military dictatorship, which couped away the elected president Morsi a few years ago. Morsi was an Islamist, and very close to the Muslim Brothers.

Hamas is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brothers, and as recent events showed, they had all the time to organize, and are doing a pretty good job in being a thorn in their enemies' side - which is these days mainly Israel.

If you were running Egypt, would you want to facilitate communication and transfer of persons and goods with a territory controlled by an organization with good ties to your main domestic opponent/enemy?