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Israel-Gaza Megathread #2

This is a refreshed megathread for any posts on the conflict between (so far, and so far as I know) Hamas and the Israeli government, as well as related geopolitics. Culture War thread rules apply.

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Note that the Palestinians have no good plan for how they would materially improve the lives of their citizens if Israel sudden disappeared in the blink of an eye beyond going in an feeding off the surplus left behind.

The Palestinians would, if Israel disappeared and they took over all its land, have the water, food, ports, etc. that they could develop. There are undoubtedly millions or billions of dollars that could flow from Islam-dominant countries to help them as well.

even today there is a very large contingent of the world that supports those who get their political inspiration from the Prince of Darkness

Yawn. Every time someone comes up with such an explanation, they should probably do due diligence and consider what those supporters would actually say. It's not writing for everyone to argue that one side of an issue is Satanic...except in cases where actual Satanists are involved, I suppose.

Palestinians had plenty of water and food before the present crisis. They also had a port that wasn't blockaded until they elected a regime with the explicit goal of genociding Israelis.

Every time someone comes up with such an explanation, they should probably do due diligence and consider what those supporters would actually say.

Tribal societies in the Middle East don't go by Western ideas of tolerance and compassion. The supporters of Hamas would directly laud actions that are considered evil in the West for precisely the same aspects of them that make them considered evil in the West. They slaughter innocents and post about it to social media, because they're the kind of people who get joy from slaughtering innocents and posting it to social media.

If you mean that they wouldn't literally invoke Satan, sure, but that misses the point.

Right, I should clarify. I meant specifically Western supporters of Hamas. I do not believe those people would ever frame things in light of Satan, and that's a very important distinction.