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Small-Scale Question Sunday for November 5, 2023

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

This is your opportunity to ask questions. No question too simple or too silly.

Culture war topics are accepted, and proposals for a better intro post are appreciated.

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2 separate questions in one.

  1. Have you ever considered getting an ADHD diagnosis? Mainly for easier access to Adderall? (Not all of us can get it in the streets). I've tried a similar drug recently and it was like a magic drug. I got 3 days worth of work done in half a day. I think I might actually have ADHD or some kind of disorder given how far above my baseline it got me. What's your overall opinion on the matter of taking drugs to be a better wage slave?
  2. Do you feel irrationally anxious about food waste? Even though individual food waste is probably a tiny fraction of all the waste that happens in a modern economy? The idea of food waste gives me the heeby jeeebies and this is most likely because I've been indoctrinated as much as a child. It just feels "wrong".

Re 1, I'm mostly where @2rafa is on Adderall. I used it to get stuff done in college on occasion, and yeah it was wild. I also found that I enjoyed it quite a bit, which deterred me from really ever using it anymore or ever trying a stimulant recreational drug.

As I've gotten older, I similarly enjoy the feeling of caffeine buzz, somewhat more in quality (though not as intense of course) than alcohol. Sometimes I'll find myself taking extra caffeine drinks not because I'm tired or need to focus, but for the buzziness.

I constantly have to cycle down my caffeine tolerance, so that I can build it back up again. Possibly relatedly, I can fall asleep on caffeine quite easily, and sometimes if I'm already tired (fatigued or lacking in sleep), it knocks me the fuck out and I'll sleep sounder on a cup of coffee than not. This is supposedly a symptom of ADHD, so, who knows. (@self_made_human is that true or am I mistake?). I don't know how exactly to describe it, but it works both as a stimulant/nootropic and as a sleepy drug sometimes at the same time.

Finally, and this is probably 100% placebo, but am I the only person who feels like they can snap themselves into adderall-esque state (with out the fun / high feeling)? It doesn't last nearly as long and it's not as intense, but on Adderall, my brain was in a state of focus / flow that I remember quite distinctly, and can basically 'recall it' when necessary to focus.

Finally, and this is probably 100% placebo, but am I the only person who feels like they can snap themselves into adderall-esque state (with out the fun / high feeling)?

At least two! It's probably a somewhat different mechanism, but I can just ... do that. I generally find the attitude that 'I don't want to do X but will take a pill to make me more motivated' disturbing. You do have the capability to be motivated at X if you desired it, you're just in a weird state where you want it in some abstract or socialized sense but not deeply enough to actually do it.