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Small-Scale Question Sunday for November 5, 2023

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

This is your opportunity to ask questions. No question too simple or too silly.

Culture war topics are accepted, and proposals for a better intro post are appreciated.

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I struggle to think of what the Russell conjugations could even be for things like not using the turn signal or driving slowly in the passing lane on a two-lane highway for miles. I experience virtually no road rage at all even when another driver does something exceedingly dangerous, because I can usually imagine an innocent explanation and I've made those mistakes myself on occasion. But inconsiderate actions which are not plausibly the result of some mistake or lapse of attention make my blood boil and, if my wife's not in the car, profanity fly.

Use your fucking turn signal.

Use your fucking turn signal.

Driving is one of the activities that erodes my faith in humanity. People just don't care, and there is no direct consequences to their behaviour, so they will be lazy. Changing lanes without indicating (even in a multi-lane round about), tailgating, petty refusal to let people merge in front of them etc.

I'm reminded of that old joke about 50% of the population being below average intelligence. Frankly I'm amazed at how many traffic accidents don't happen.

I use it on a need-to-know basis -- many people seem to think 'changing into the lane in front of me' == 'cutting me off' and will accelerate to prevent that; those people don't need to know.

The problem is that you may not be a perfect judge of when someone needs to know your intention to turn. What if someone sees that your turn signal is off and thus assumes you intend to stay in your lane, so they think it's fine if they accelerate? Now you've just increased the risk of a collision if you happen to try to merge into his lane coincidentally simultaneously to his acceleration, as well as increasing the likelihood that both of you think the other guy is an asshole, doing your small part to further enshittify the driving culture wherever you live.

And lane changing wasn't even what I was thinking of when I mentioned the turn signal. I had in mind turns at intersections and going into and out of parking lots, driveways, etc.

hat if someone sees that your turn signal is off and thus assumes you intend to stay in your lane, so they think it's fine if they accelerate?

They will be too late, because I've already accelerated and pulled in front of them. I don't, like do this randomly without looking -- drive long enough in this kind of traffic and you know exactly what that guy is up to.

I had in mind turns at intersections and going into and out of parking lots, driveways, etc.

If I'm turning right or left, traffic at upcoming intersections do need to know -- also roundabouts, which a lot of people miss. (annoyingly)

Traffic behind me may or may not need to know; left turns most likely, but unless you are pretty close behind me it's probably none of your business if I'm turning right.