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Dedicated Pessimist

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joined 2022 September 05 01:12:53 UTC


User ID: 333


Dedicated Pessimist

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 01:12:53 UTC


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User ID: 333

I'm pretty sure the reason only 40% of men reproduced historically is because it was so difficult to get to Alaska before planes were invented.

You may as well ask why the sea is blue and why the stars don't fall out of the sky.

I have a half baked idea. Nationalise and centralise the training of state police under a 'National Police Bureau' (a joint exercise between say the FBI and US Marshal Service) similar to how the National Guard operates.

Then once trained, the police are deployed to their home state to operate under local command and control (eg police chief under the mayor/governor) to allay fears of federal control of the police forces. It could also be an avenue for internal investigation so local cops can't cover up bad shootings/dirty cops. Certain incidents automatically escalate to a review from out of the state investigators.

This standardisation of best practice vetting and training will eliminate some low hanging fruit leading to bad shootings and other incidents. Much less hiring of people that should never have become cops. Much less crazy bad training methods (like training your cops that kneeling on people's necks is a legitimate restraint technique).

If they didn't want to hold onto the racial angle so tightly, they could also use Justine Damond.

Yeah, this isn't 'cop was stood down pending the outcome of an internal investigation'. He was straight up fired and hit with 3 counts of first degree murder.

The district attorney could have gone with that for optics/political reasons, but I think its more likely that the police executive would have also used their '0.1% top ability to read the situation' from the footage and come to the correct decision.

Basically. There's various youtubes and articles out there about the difference between military (1000 yards/meters+ center of mass) and police snipers (<200 yards/meters head shots) and what they aim for. Assassins are in the later category. Today's events is a case in point. Look how close the shooter got.

Kushner is too pro Israel and is on the nose.

Do you think so? He is inexperienced. That said the memetic force would be very strong to push him through.

He got domed by the secret service Counter Assault Team within seconds of opening up. They couldn't prevent the attack, but their reaction was incredible.

Which candidate would the Republicans have pushed if Trump was killed?

I think they will attempt this sure. I don't think they'll be successful. They can't arbitrate reality to the extent required against events like this and biden's performance to facilitate a Democrat win. Something else could possibly happen between now and the election, but as it stands, I'd say the prediction markets are fairly accurate.

Well, it's certainly on the map now.

Trump winning at 69% on Polymarket. Biden at 16%.

Exactly. Rhetorical weapons like this were only ever created to be fired in one direction. MSM and Wikpedia editors will do everything they can to disallow an acknowledgment of 'both sides' for the term.

Asking the important questions.

It'll be interesting to see if the assassin was a local or (more likely) someone that came from out of town to have a crack at Trump during his last rally before the Republican convention.

Oh he's got an opinion all right. First (ex)president since Reagan wounded in an assassination attempt, but it's somehow a nothing-burger.

"I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin"

Set aside the kayfabe that a president is the one in charge and making all the decisions in the executive branch. The main part of his role is as a figurehead and he can't even do that. Making clownish mistakes like this in matters of high end foreign policy is terrible optics for the US like you've said.

I can only image some PR wonk in his team came up with the idea of "Joe, you need a win to distract from this whole senior thing, so lets try to set up a show where you're brokering peace in the Ukraine" or some such nonsense. Then Biden does what he does and digs his hole even deeper.

When Biden says stuff like 'we're gonna defend Taiwan' and the White House clarifies it as 'no the one China policy hasn't changed and we've signed no treaty' what does that mean?

To be fair, Trump used to fire from the hip with comments and tweets and the white house would then have to scramble to realign and 'clarify' his statements.

I cobbled together a home gym from various suppliers (Half rack, FID Bench, Barbell, 100kg of weight plates) for a really reasonable price. Goodbye gym fees.

His death was literally the worst moment on the show. He died from G, in a clearly post production scene. What?

"I have to go now, my planet needs me"

I've just started with Vagrus:The Riven Realms, which is a combination Roadwarden, Sunless Seas with a bit of Darkest Dungeon combat. Really enjoying it. Great if you like merchant caravan style games in a fantasy post apocalyptic setting.

Moderate? I don't think 4 cups of coffee a day is moderate, at least personally. And for a 77 year old?

I might be caffeine sensitive, but it's not a small thing.

Agreed. Hostile architecture is a part of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (also known as the tragedy of the commons). You can blame hard and awkward seating in McDonalds and your local bar and cafe for the same reasons.

What are the downsides of using it on a onetime basis? Would you act erratic without a tolerance or any experience with using?