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Dedicated Pessimist

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joined 2022 September 05 01:12:53 UTC


User ID: 333


Dedicated Pessimist

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 01:12:53 UTC


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User ID: 333

The response and escalation of this whole thing is completely disproportionate and seems to be part of the recent 'Violence against Women' moral panic.

Frankly I find it pretty disgusting that the politicians and media have used this to get some easy free points at the expense of minors. Meanwhile kids are running around stabbing people and it doesn't draw the same level of vitriol that these boys did for their poor choice of category names for their ranking system.

Edit: Two of the boys have now been expelled. Can't really blame the principal once it exploded in national media, but I think this should have been a suspension at worst.

Surprisingly, (or perhaps unsurprisingly to some of you), many people, especially women, are saying they would rather be stuck with a bear than a man.

This is just due to signalling and/or trolling. Ask high school kids what their sexual identity is, having one of the options be 'attack helicopter' and be amazed.

Also, some women have the 'men are violent and dangerous' egregor living in their head rent free. A poll like this is an opportunity to let the world know that this is the case.

She said maybe, then the day of said she was tired. I asked her out to lunch instead since I didn't have another free evening this week. She confirmed this morning for today at 1:00. By the time I replied, she'd already unmatched with me.

This behaviour is common with the apps. Just flakey unavailability due to juggling multiple potential options. Next time if she says maybe and doesn't suggest an alternative, she means no.

She said yes, shouted "Text me! :)" as I walked away. No reply to that text message sent later that day with my #. No reply to the text I sent today asking about tomorrow. There will be no further texts.

This is also sadly not unheard of. Don't let it get you down. If you can approach one girl IRL, you can approach more, and many will follow through on meeting you.

If it happens all the time (not just on hinge), then you need to change something.

It would be interesting to have a yearly poll about our users' political beliefs.

I think you're right. It's clearly more right wing then it was on reddit. I don't think it's hard right, but there's something to Scott's post about witch tolerance.

I understand this is kinda like the concept of Moneyball. I never watched it tho.

Just go watch it. It is exactly what you are talking about. Except Hollywood.

It's just standard internal vs external Locus of Control.

It doesn't matter what your politics or background is. An external locus of control is poisonous and will result in worse outcomes over your lifetime.

This concept gets obfuscated with people trolling 'just pull yourself up by your bootstraps' when there are clearly external factors preventing success. Even in those cases when the deck is stacked against you, you are better off doing what you can with what you have rather than just giving up and succumbing to Learned Helplessness.

Its never too young for The Hock. Set them up for their first solo camping trip by the age of 5 and they'll be wrestling bears by 10.

I don't think it's unfair to want your wife to stay reasonably slim if you are also making effort to stay reasonably slim. If there is some genuine medical reason for her being unable to maintain her weight (eg hormonal/depression) then that should be addressed first.

The mechanism? I think I need to get ripped.

Not a bad plan, but consider getting into proper weightlifting. 3 x 30-45 minute sessions per week can do wonders without needing to radically change your diet.

Netanyahu said that these deaths were unfortunate, but 'this happens in wartime'. If that's the case, a loss of international support through sloppy rules of engagement is also 'just something that happens in wartime', so Israel needs to wear it.

There are allegedly rumours that there was a terrorist suspect the IDF thought had entered the convoy at the WCK warehouse, but actually stayed behind. That was allegedly enough to trigger the order from someone. (Some discussion on /r/credibledefence)

Edit: 2 Officers fired for the stuff up

You will figure out your value fairly quickly if you make an effort to be objective. You will be able to judge by the quality of partners that you can attract for a second date (if using apps) or first date (if you met at an event). Set your expectations to that and you should be ok. Also stay away from Tinder. I've heard Hinge and Bumble are the apps to use in the West.

You can maximise your potential by working out, buying some well fitted (and not overtight) fashionable clothes (check out some fashion subreddits if necessary), and regularly socialising at mixed gender irl events. This single sentence covers about 80-90% of seduction theory on increasing your attractiveness.

A final word regarding apps. They can be soul crushing if you haven't had experience app dating. Matches will disappear for no apparent reason, or otherwise flake before dates. Try not to take this personally, and take breaks from app dating if you need to.

I find that meeting partners at irl singles or social events is much more productive. You get to show all facets of yourself and both of you can be more sure of what you are getting before you go on a first date. Your irl 'matches' are probably the best thing to calibrate your dating value expectations to.

I was on the internet this week

That was your first mistake.

It is clear that what educational and social institutions want are meek, inoffensive and productive men who do not question the rules of society. This is in direct contrast to what young men want, which is to be outspoken, to be popular with women, to be socially and economically successful. No role model ever produced or selected by the state could manage this, particularly not when operating under the notion that it must maintain women's liberation, which itself requires the stifling of men. I question for how much longer this approach will be kept in place.

Market forces will kill any initiative like this. There is no demand for role models that don't teach young men what they want to learn (at least from the young men themselves).

The same thing happened with injecting progressive politics hamfistedly into tv, movies and video games. The market will just flow around and find what it demands elsewhere.

They exist. They've been known to operate, not just in the South China Sea, but in the South Pacific and even farther abroad. They sometimes operate illegally (eg within the Galapagos Islands), or just unsustainably in international waters. I don't know about intentionally doing economic harm, but the overfishing part seems real. Also the Chinese government used to subsidise fuel for it's fishing fleets which directly contributed to their impact.

Most of the sources here are a few years old. I'm not sure of the current status of these fleets. The New York Times said in 2022, the fleet basically camped permanently off the cost of South America (paywall).

What your narrative doesn't explain is why the US is considering dropping charges now

There are several potentially unrelated items:

  • Britain is close to making a decision on extradition of Assange to the US

  • Australia Parliament in February this year decided to formally request the US to drop the charges against Assange

  • Biden made the stray comment after being asked by a US reporter during a visit by the Japanese Prime Minister

  • The AUKUS alliance is currently looking at expanding to include Japan

  • The Australian PM said something today about the release of Assange as being in Australia's National Interest

My guess is that its just a slow response from the US government in considering Australia's request from February because of the multiple levels/departments of the US government that have an interest in this. Also there is a very low chance (~10% chance) that some of this is about keeping Australia happy by throwing them a bone at the same time they're looking at upgrading a regional alliance.

I wouldn't say 'any', but 'some' would be prudent.

Basically any of these alternate sexualities like 'sapiosexual' or whatever, deserves a raised eyebrow.

I found it on the nose that Pacific Drive was set in 1998 before the black lives matter movement and development of some of the more obscure sexuality flags.

Imagine playing Battlefield Vietnam with the ability to unlock MAGA skins for your M16.

The Labor and Green Parties seem to have have been lobbied for the last few years to make freedom for Assange actual policy of the Australian Govt. There has been crossbench support from the far left (Greens), centre left (Labor) and even some from the centre right (Liberal party) and independents, with the majority of support on the left side of the aisle.

Assange's father met with the then leader of the opposition (now PM) Albanese back in 2022 and even earlier to discuss the possibility of Assange's release. At the time there wasn't enough political support to push for his release, but Albanese seemed supportive.

When the Labor party came into power, Albanese became PM and Labor supported policies started making their way through parliament. This article says that a February 2024 UK High Court hearing gave impetus to putting a motion before the Australian Parliament.

From the article -

"The House of Representatives voted by 86 to 42 in favour of a motion that said, directly, that the United Kingdom and the United States should bring things to a close so Assange can return home to his family in Australia. Those in favour included Anthony Albanese and the prime minister’s Labor colleagues."

tldr - There has always been support and lobbying to free Assange in Australia (focused mainly within the left wing), but its only recently that enough political power was focused by the impetus of the UK actually looking like it was sending Assange to the US that things finally coalesced into official Australian Government policy.


In Australia, you can spend 15 minutes unprotected in the sun over Summer as a white person and not get sunburned.

That said, SPF 15 sunscreen/moisturiser is great for general daily regular use. I use it in Winter too if I think I'll be spending more than 15 minutes at a time outside.

Australia is not the world though.

My issue isn't that the lead women had trash personalities. I'm actually really happy when #currentyear writes women and minorities as bad people. The issue is largely that the lead characters seemed to be badly written male characters that were gender swapped.

Also the 'murderer(s)' breaks suspension of disbelief. It's just a badly written detective show that some bright executive thought it would be a good idea to bolt the franchise's name onto.


But what has happened is that many critics, podcasters, even Issa Lopez, the director, are blaming the backlash on sexism and misogyny.

This was a forgone conclusion. The finale thread on /r/TrueDetective has a few comments (cough) predicting this deflection.

I often come across events in a shallow way (like Musk's Grok AI) that I don't have the time/knowledge to write up, but I'm kind of hoping someone else will comment on.

What do people think about a 'Culture War Request Thread' where people without the time (or wordsmithing skills) can suggest current hot topics that others may be interested in investigating/developing?

Has this been considered or tried before? Would it drain energy from the main thread? Is the main thread fine in the sense of 'if no one has made a top level post, its probably not that interesting' sense?

There is interesting coverage by Asmongold (A major gamer influencer) where he drew the direct link between game studios hiring these DEI consultants > Good ESG rating > More funding from Blackrock/Vanguard subsidiaries.

Also some major anti-woke movie critics like Critical Drinker have also picked up on Sweet Baby even though its out of their wheelhouse. The interest there was the direct evidence of creators hiring DEI consultancies to improve ESG.

Basically there is evidence now of the chain of causality of injecting DEI into content to attract investment, while before there was only suspicions.

I'm the same in living on the outskirts of a city. I'm just done with congested inner city living. I recently lived in a secure central city apartment (through COVID) and I will never go back. I was so sick of walking out my apartment door and having to talk to people while all I wanted to do was have a walk in solitude in a natural environment. I couldn't have it. Everything from the overly polite suit wear concierge to service people, or people from all over the world talking incessantly over the din of city vehicles. I just couldn't stand it any more and moved out and will not go back.

I think city outskirts (or an hour away from a city) is probably the best of both worlds. Enough access to peace and quiet, with proximity to all the amenities you could want (at least if you were willing to make the trip).

I note that he studiously avoids describing the losers in his equity based system. Or what happens when ALL tribes start collectively 'bargaining' for better outcomes?

Just terrible incentives all around.

If you go check out some heavily progressive spaces, some seem to be against Biden for not being progressive enough. This is probably an olive branch to them in the lead up to the elections. Devout Christians are largely voting republican and I think he's gambling he will gain more votes than he loses. I'm guessing this is a pure election play. There is no way Biden's team didn't know that this would be antagonistic.