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Culture War Roundup for the week of November 13, 2023

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Update on the Paul Kessler death from last week (link to Gattsurus post from last week's thread):

Police have arrested the Palestinian supporting computer science professor that allegedly swung a megaphone at Kessler; a pro-Israel counter protestor, resulting in the latter falling down and hitting his head leading to death.

"Loay Alnaji, 50, was taken into custody Thursday morning and is charged with involuntary manslaughter and battery causing serious bodily injury, officials said."


"Alnaji, of Moorpark, was being held Thursday night on $1 million bail, according to online records."


"Both charges he faces are felonies, the Ventura County District Attorney's Office said. It said both counts have special allegations that Alnaji personally inflicted great bodily injury,which is a type of enhancement.


"California penal code defines involuntary manslaughter as when someone is killed by an unlawful act less severe than a felony or by a lawful act that might produce death in an unlawful manner or without due caution."

I know there was a fair bit of speculation around whether he would or would not be charged, but it seems like the cops think they might have enough evidence to make this stick (even though they are still asking people to come forward if they were a witness or have video). Either that or they've decided they'd better do everything they can to dodge the political consequences of not prosecuting with so much signal boosting from jewish advocacy groups.

@gattsuru linked an earlier post by @FCfromSSC that opines that Blue Tribers are less likely to face consequences of these sorts of scuffles. If that theory is correct than perhaps Jewish Zionists still rate higher than Palestinians on the progressive stack and in situations like this the lower ranking Blue Triber will face punishment more like the Red Tribe.

Also, if you're going to go to a protest and be a maskless speaker it seems like you should do whatever you can to avoid scuffling. Without a mask Alnaji didn't have the option of leaving the scene with his anonymity intact.

@gattsuru linked an earlier post by @FCfromSSC that opines that Blue Tribers are less likely to face consequences of these sorts of scuffles. If that theory is correct than perhaps Jewish Zionists still rate higher than Palestinians on the progressive stack and in situations like this the lower ranking Blue Triber will face punishment more like the Red Tribe.

That's why the whole Israel / Palestine is such juicy culture war bait.

Western Jews are the most privileged group in the history of the world. But, because of positive in-group biases and working together, they have managed to get diversity carveouts that other whites have not.

The progressive stack is not about fairness, it's about power. Or, to quote Voltaire (maybe), "to find out who rules over you, ask who you are not allowed to criticize".

A lot of the current conflict is people noticing this and trying to apply the same standards to Jews that have heretofore only been applied to other whites. Nevertheless, I don't expect these new standards to stick. I expect the assaulter to face a heavy sentence.

Or, to quote Voltaire (maybe), "to find out who rules over you, ask who you are not allowed to criticize".

It was a neo-nazi convicted pedophile named Kevin Alfred Strom.

That's hilarious. Please tell me he also said "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent".