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Friday Fun Thread for November 17, 2023

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I'm a simple man. I strayed into my first relatively nicer whiskey for my 40th birthday. A bottle of Dalmore 12 Year. I kind of fucking love it. I'm used to enjoying the taste of whiskey for a moment or two and then knocking it back before the burn/aftertaste kicks in. The longer I keep Dalmore in my mouth, the better it taste though. I guess you really do get what you pay for.

Keep going IMO. An 18 year old expression of the same juice is going to be VERY good if you're happy w the 12.

Milk the bottle for 4+ years to justify the price. Easy

I still haven't had any Dalmore drams for some reason. The 12 sounds like it has the kind of sherry-heavy character that I love in scotch. I'll have to pick some up!

The other day, I was staring at Dalmore Cigar Malt and wondering if it's worth the price. One of my local bars has pours of it for a non-crazy price that I'm meaning to try one of these days.

I was super tempted by the Cigar Malt when I was shopping. I often have my whiskey with a cigar! But, the bump from an $80 bottle to a $120 bottle was just too rich for my taste. I'm just stingy like that.