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Transnational Thanksgiving (comes one day early)

Posting this a day early because I won’t be around tomorrow.

This is a weekly thread for people to discuss international news, foreign policy or IR history. I usually start off with coverage of some current events from a mix of countries I follow personally and countries I think the forum lives in or might be interested in. Feel free as well to drop in with coverage of countries you’re interested in, talk about ongoing dynamics like the wars in Israel or Ukraine, or even just whatever you’re reading.

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until it turned out they can't just go and do this.

Is this even true? Didn't Poland and the Baltic states build a literal wall?

It's currently not possible in the sense that a top civil servant in charge of looking at whether what government does is legal looked at the government's proposed bill to do this and decreed that it doesn't offer enough guarantees for actual chance of seeking asylum.

Of course this is slightly ridiculous since the currently accepted and valid method of just closing all entry points expect one which is literally the northernmost border entry point in Finland in November in the middle of nowhere is intended to functionally hinder asylum seeker entry from Russia as much as functionally possible, but that's how it still is. Of course it's possible that the government will find some legal workaround and close the border anyway - they're certainly still looking at how to do this.