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Transnational Thursday for January 11, 2024

Transnational Thursday is a thread for people to discuss international news, foreign policy or international relations history. Feel free as well to drop in with coverage of countries you’re interested in, talk about ongoing dynamics like the wars in Israel or Ukraine, or even just whatever you’re reading.

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For while there still exists Bulgarian, Finnish, and Portugese musicians, their reach is limited to their own countries, and even there US artists are more popular.

Nonsense, looking at quickly googled stats for Poland I see in top 10 mostly Polish artists and "artists". One list where foreign one was top 1 she was Canadian.

This user has blocked you. You are still welcome to reply but you will be held to a higher standard of civility than you would be otherwise

WTF? Why I am going to be held to a higher standard of civility just because @some mass blocks everyone?

At the old place abuse of the blocking feature was itself a moddable offense; I’ve never seen anyone actually get modded for responding to @some despite him blocking literally everyone for no apparent reason. Stands to reason that that form letter may not be 100% literal in this particular case.

I wonder what the site looks like to him, with so many comments gone. (I assume that's what it does, I've never blocked someone myself.)

Comments are hidden but it seems that trace of comment is still visible (I just decided to block @some in a matching response, especially as I remember repeated strong claims completely mismatching reality, likely they made more similar but not on topics I know well)