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Feral Aryan Femininity: Blonde Women as Bioweapons

10,000 word long-take I wrote on the history of female warriors, North European human Sacrifice rituals, Girardian mimetic selection, and the incompatibility of the west's current conceptions of Freedom and women's liberation.

What occured in the forests of Germany and on the Eurasian steppe for 1000s of years was one of the most extreme experiments in selective breeding and selective killing practised anywhere on earth. The Aztec and Maya were the only ones with a ritual breeding/killing program so extreme

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Are mail-order-brides selected for being prettier than average in their home countries?

From what I've seen, they aren't. Sugar babies are, but most mail-order brides I've seen were plain Janes marrying plain Joes of the same relative status.

My (very limited) experience is the opposite. I know two, now older, Filipina mail order brides, one of whom I knew when she first came over here. She was quite pretty, tall, thin, and is, probably not insignificantly, either half or quarter Spanish (I forget which). She has a number of other female relatives who became mail order brides, and I’m guessing they were probably similarly attractive. I don’t know what my other mail order bride acquaintance looked like when she was young, but her daughters are both attractive, if a bit short, so I’m guessing she was good-looking when young as well.

I think this ties into the distinction @orthoxerox touches on between mail-order brides and sugar babies, or something like it. For example, is Melania a 'mail order bride'? In a way, she's a Slavic woman from a poor country who married an old fat American for (we presume) financial reasons. But, on the other hand, Trump was a billionaire and could easily have a found a pretty American 25 years younger to marry, as many of his peers did and do. At the same time, one could just as easily imagine Melania marrying some super-rich Slovenian. Marrying a billionaire is hypergamous for someone of any nationality. The mail order bride phenomenon distinctly captures 'average' Western men marrying women from much poorer countries. Similarly, if a handsome and successful Western guy who could date pretty women of his background and class happens to marry a pretty Filipina he meets online, is this a mail order bride scenario? Again, not really, I'd say.

Are they? My extensive 90 Day Fiancé viewership doesn’t suggest so.

Yeah, that’s what I’m asking, I genuinely don’t know. Every mail order bride I’ve met in person has been old enough that she’s not turning heads anymore even if she was when she walked down the aisle.

I have no doubt mail order bride sites advertise ‘most beautiful women of Ukraine’ or whatever, it’d be kind of dumb not to. But are Ukrainian women who become mail order brides on average more attractive than ones who stay home? No doubt this is complicated substantially by heavy use of makeup in photographs taken for the obvious data sources(that is, the mail order bride sites themselves).

This seems like an important datapoint to check on your argument with Maiqthetrue.