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Friday Fun Thread for April 12, 2024

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Mein gott. For a girl you certainly don't like seeing your nominal faction treated well.

I'm not quite at a stage in my life where I think this is a good idea, though I'm modestly confident you're joking. Or maybe you're just pissed off on behalf of your brother.

No, he's reached the stage where he can attempt on a new crop of sisters and juniors. He just has negative game, so uppity juniors likely get confused as to whats going on with him.

I still wouldn't call him entirely past help, but you know him better than I do. I just feel bad for the dude.

I'm not a woman, I just was assigned as the matchmaking aunty because the women failed. To be best girl one must be a man.

The big unspoken issue is the fact that he only looks indian, and he fails at presenting as such to the indian community of aunties, hence the failures within the opaque (but, frankly, not incomprehensible) Indian matchmaking dynamics. Yet at the same time he is, if judging as a white man, terribly normie, besotted with the self consciousness of a man who, like many of us here, is/was plagued by self consciousness and a small degree of 'optimization' paralysis in pursuing strategies to make oneself more competent at attracting the other sex. Difficult to help a man who wargames any date he's on to Inevitable Failure and then acts that way throughout a date.

My apologies for misgendering you, though I think that's an acceptable error if you go on calling yourself one of the matchmaking aunties for so long lol.

Have you tried getting him drunk? Well, at least mildly tipsy, so he's not so in his own head dying of anxiety?

Drunk indians go 'baseline personality x10 (i.e. more gregarious or more anxious)' and then just pass out. There is no clearing the clouds.

Re the misgendering, you can blame it on a long history of being aunty killer, and that translates into being part of the Trusted Circle once time went on. Fun as it is to drink with the uncles and reminisce about rambunctious youthful escapades, I can at least learn something about how to make deep fried cheese samosas from the aunties in the kitchen. And as a man I can still drink shitloads of whisky even in there, so its the best of both worlds.