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BANNED USER: Repeatedly posting trollish "death to my outgroup"




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joined 2022 September 14 13:15:07 UTC


User ID: 1194

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Repeatedly posting trollish "death to my outgroup"



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 14 13:15:07 UTC


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User ID: 1194

Banned by: @Amadan

if sexual morality should not be about consent, then what do you think it should be about?

it was not women who were sent to die in wars started by the nazis.

How do you think parenting should be improved, and what are the values that you want society to agree upon?

christianity as it was originally intended and christianity as was traditionally understood in societies since shortly after becoming the state religion of the roman empire are two very different things. you can't govern a society around a religion that is based around the idea that the world is ending soon, hence the corruption was inevitable.

, forcible institutionalization of chronic hard-drug abusers,

why would you need to do this if you do the other things? unless you are only talking about violent drug users when you mention abusers, this would end up punishing innocent people too.

Violent crime, on the other hand, is a purely negative phenomenon, not resulting from any process that’s otherwise positive, and its perpetrators are, generally, almost cartoonishly easy to identify and apprehend if the state is given the proper resources and has the will to utilize those resources effectively.

Its good for the people gaining money and status from succeeding in it. They perceive themselves as more successful or better off than if they were working some minimum wage job which is the best they can do in the legal labor market.

Im pretty sure that cocaine does not turn all of its users into violent criminals, but lets imagine that it does. In that case my response is that I don't want my tax money going to contribute to the state trying to eliminate this trade because I would rather keep that money to myself and do something else with it.

I think people need to stop talking about the holocaust, groups of people kill other groups all the time, and usually they kill them in the ancestral land of the victims, and usually they kill them in such a way that no one hears of those groups again. In fact the jewish scriptures record such events being perpetrated by the jews themselves, why do we never hear about the amalekite or philistine genocides? Why don't we ever hear about all the right wing jews in israel that support the genocide of arabs and other non-jews in their country? What happened to the jews was not that bad by historical standards, and you could argue that they had it coming given that they were taking advantage of another race for 2000 years on that race's land, furthermore the jews had ample opportunities to assimilate into their host societies, the descendents of those jews who chose to become christian were not targetted in the holocaust afterall. The only reason we hear so much about the holocaust is that jews use it as a propaganda theme to make people think they are victims deserving of special treatment or something. The jews are currently the group with the highest rate of geniuses and billionaires and theyre still taking advantage of others, they dont deserve any sympathy.

Someone who dies and is buried in a graveyard goes to the grave. But christians also say that he goes to heaven or hell. As far as I understand it, its impossible to go to two different places at the same time, so what gives? If that phrase is not to be taken literally, then they should start using a more sincere phrase to describe that notion, maybe like 'a copy of him is created in heaven/hell', or 'recreated in heaven/hell'.

you can address drug addiction induced violence by punishing the violent people, its unfair to ban the drug thereby punishing nonviolent users.

There is no absolute true personal freedom in the ideal platonic sense, because one's behaviors are inevitably heavily influenced by the incentives present in one's environment (and one's ancestral environments via the behavioral impact of evolution, instincts that modern environments can trigger or not). The same person born in two different environments will act in completely different ways.

To the extent that people can alter the environment, the environment should be the result of decisions that individuals freely make, as long as they are not denying the freedom of others.

So why not ensure an environment that has a greater tendency to result in men being inventors, athletes, entrepreneurs, sex gods, artists, warriors, powerlifters, engineers, and scholars instead of gluttons, addicts, weaklings, poofters, premature ejaculators, and degenerates? (Unless you're advocating for absolute libertarianism for the youngest children too, heroin for 3 year olds, then you're going to have to make this choice anyway about which kind of adult their young childhood filters them towards being.) Is the second category really "freer" because they were born in a society that made it easier to fall to their temptations and they "voluntarily" did? Free to do what? Rot?

Yes the second category is truly freer because people are not prevented from being tempted into certain behaviors. If you are someone who has a strong desire not to become a certain way, then you should be able to resist the temptation to, if you can not then that just reveals your true preferences meaning you were not understanding yourself accurately when you thought it was something that you dislike.

This is a very naive view of psychology, neurology, and human behavior that denies the definitions of, among other words, "temptation", "procrastination", and "addiction". Sure our desires are a part of ourselves, but so are parasites. It is well-known that humans don't always behave as they would genuinely prefer to in their most decisive thoughts if they had more willpower. Thus willpower is the essence of true liberty itself. So shouldn't a properly libertarian society have as its first aim maximizing the willpower, discipline, etc. of its citizens such that they can always make the choice they'll wish they had made tomorrow?

Parasites are a part of ourselves that we generally desire to get rid of. Now some people could desire to get rid of certain temptations but doing that would conflict with other people's freedom to tempt them, and so would not be acceptable, and no that doesn't mean the tempters are reducing your freedom, it just means you lack willpower. "It is well-known that humans don't always behave as they would genuinely prefer to if they were different people" is approaching tautology.. This is the first time I am hearing that libertarianism is about maximizing willpower and discipline of the populace.

Really? That's the only issue people have with heroin addictions? That they're disgusting and repulsive? Not that they can take over people's lives to the point of precluding engaging in basically all productive and/or prosocial behaviors? That people are driven to buy heroin instead of buying their kids food, driven to do heroin instead of writing that book they had in mind, driven to steal to afford their addiction, driven do heroin instead of accomplishing anything?

Yeah, those are the potential tradeoffs of a heroin addiction, some people choose to go through with it regardless.

Does retroactive choice not factor into your analysis of liberty here at all either? Most people who get addicted to heroin, even if they "chose" to try it at first in the moment, say that if they could they'd love to go back and choose the opposite. Does that choice not matter? Is true liberty merely the liberty to regret your decisions?

They would love to go back and choose the opposite, but that's not a choice that they have.

I don't think his views are unpopular around here, just the opposite, alot of people here have a lot of sympathy for orthodox religions even if they are not themselves believers, and this shows from looking at comment ratings. If you look at his posting history, you will find that posts where he defends or promotes his religion usually garner plenty of upvotes on net. Meanwhile posts on this forum that are critical of religious orthodoxy usually are unable to get off the ground in terms of rating.

Also one of the reasons why it can be productive to say things in a tone that is more provocative than is necessary is because it increases the chance of drawing engagement, which can overall makeup for the unpleasantness of the post that sparked it.

What does the strip club visit have to do with your point about homeless people, strip clubs don't cause anyone issues that they didn't put themselves into. I dislike the word degeneracy, because it implies that innocent activities are malicious and that the people who do them are bad people, I dont think that sort of slander should be allowed in a forum like this. Its like a leftist calling rightwingers racist and fascist.

Giving a homeless person candy is a legitimate act of charity, I am not sure why your criticising that. Homeless people are chronically hungry, and feeding the poor is helping them, its definitely not harming them. It also makes them feel like other people care about them.

Why did this feminist ideology become so pervasive in the first place? I think its because many people see pregnancy, childbirth, and caring for infants as burdensome and unpleasant, while having a career makes you financially independent and wealthier.

You are right about there being a pressure to conform, but its better that people are tolerant of different choices such as becoming a mother early or not doing so, rather than shaming one or the other.

The problem with religious pressure as opposed to secular pressure to conform and not disappoint is that the former is more coercive. Religion prevents certain patterns of behavior by calling them evil and scaring people with eternal consequences in hell for engaging in them. This results in people breaking the norm to be treated with hostility and disgust, that is if they get past the fear of divine punishment in the first place.

Edit: I also fail to see why you think that feminist propaganda is being pushed upon young females and crowding out pronatal messages not only in the west, but also in places like greece, china, and thailand which all have well below replacement birth rates.

What do you mean when you say that people are propagandized into an ideology? I find antinatalist views persuasive because I think there is some truth to what they are saying using reason and evidence to come to that conclusion. Propaganda is when you are repeatedly told one side of the story and are ignorant of the other.

Authoritarians denying rights and non threatening speech being suppressed as threatening are both problems, the best you can do is hope that whoever is in charge of enforcing free speech does not falter either way. I would say its pretty easy to tell whats threatening and whats not, if they are promoting anger and disgust toward people who engage in innocent activities, that is probably a threat, but if they are convincing people that said activities are bad for them and they should stop for their own sake, that is no worry.

There are a complex set of economic arguments for why minimum wage might be good. It has to do with elasticities of prices, monopsony, and some complex models. But luckily ~100% of people arguing for minimum wage don't know any of those arguments. If you brought out those arguments to try and knock them down they'd just get annoyed and angry at you. "No, I support a higher minimum wage because people should be paid enough to survive!"

I think they are more thinking along the lines of why is it that some of the other employees of the firm they work for earn manyfold as much as they do and that they are thinking about minimum wage increases for them being funded by decreases in the wages of the higher earners, but in reality that scenario requires the government to regulate all wages not just the minimum.

if catholicism is anti-non-catholicism then why should not non-catholics be anti-catholicism?

a dead person is a person whose brain is not functioning, a nonfunctional brain can not feel pain and thus can not be tortured, therefore a person can not be tortured if he is dead.

an alive person is a person whose brain is functioning, only a functioning brain can feel pain and thus be tortured, therefore a person can only be tortured if he is alive.

a person whose brain has stopped functioning can only be tortured if his brain is made functional, thus transitioning him from being a dead person to an alive person, in other words, by reviving him.

"the basilisk" can only torture a dead person if it revives him first, making his nonfunctional brain functional again.

a brain consists only of matter, therefore to change the brain state from nonfunctional to functional one must change the matter comprising the brain.

matter that cannot be accessed cannot be changed, therefore the basilisk can only torture a dead person if it can access the matter comprising his brain.

this is a necessary but not sufficient condition, i.e. obviously the brain state can not change from functional to nonfunctional only by accessing one atom from it.

also if the brain's matter has been transformed enough such as by being burned, its hard to say that its still a nonfunctional brain, rather than just a pile of ashes.

everyone should go to heaven. we should have been born in heaven.

in reality, i don't have a good reason to believe that i am going anywhere except the grave when i die. i think this afterlife stuff is wishful thinking at best, but cynically its deceitful manipulation.

This was the height of a moral crusade by Church and State to punish the wicked so that the good may live in peace.

But yet the same church says that we are supposed to suffer in this life and that we will get eternal peace in the next so this life doesn't even matter etc etc.

hell is not justice. infinite punishment for finite wrongdoing can not be just. no one should be sleeping easy because they think people they don't like are going to hell.

People still believe in Truth.

So youre saying people did not believe false things before the 21st century?

I have an extremely strong revulsion for gaslighting. I viscerally experience it as intrusion into the brain, and into that which brain exists for

But I don't see you keeping that same energy when posters here start talking about christianity as if it were true.

But then couldn't I define my community as limited to my family and excuse myself for stealing from everybody else?

its easy for you to say as a man that banning birth control is no big deal, but imagine you were a woman seeking to avoid the problems of pregnancy and childbirth, you would probably have a different perspective. but even from the man's point of view, pregnant women are less enjoyable to make love with because most men find big pregnant bellies to be unattractive, also giving birth stretches out the vagina making sex less pleasurable, young children cry a lot disrupting your sleep, stubborn ones can test your patience, and other problems that im not aware of because i dont have experience with them lol. forcing people to make babies by taking away their birth control is a form of enslavement and i would hope that former birth control users would have the moral integrity to not take away from younger folks what they themselves took advantage of during their time.