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joined 2022 September 04 19:23:51 UTC


User ID: 104



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User ID: 104

The Captive Mind - Czeslaw Milosz

Imo criminally underrated communist dissident literature. You may have heard of it first from that Moldbug post about Scott.

It started as a collection of essays which center on the theme of how an artist reacts in the face of a totalitarian system which demands he submit his talents to the whims of the party.

Someone on here recommended a book to teach yourself proper swimming technique. My front crawl has always been weak and I’d like to finally clean up my form. Does anyone remember the name of the book?

How good do you need to be with computers to get on Urbit? Would you recommend a computer-normie invest some time getting online?

What’s the name of this game that I’m supposed to hate and stop playing?

Clearly there is something, perhaps 'Prussian' in Poland, that makes them enjoy their cleanliness, and their peace.

Come on now, this is well into the territory of suspicion. Poland isn’t that clean and orderly. Poles visiting Germany, always remark about the famous Ordnung muss sein, and I too agree with them.

The short answer is yes. Poland was dirt poor and no longer wanted to be a European backwater. Twenty years ago European progressivism was a tiny unimportant worry compared to what it is today, and to this day even Polish Varsovians are regularly surprised by how different the West is to their expectations.

Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd

Do you drink coffee or anything besides water before the evening?

I’m reading Cormac McCarthys new book, The Passenger. I’m enjoying it

I don’t know if I’d call this “extreme”, because she was drunk. People get into drunken altercations with this amount of heat all the time, and I don’t expect humans to remember to not say that one special word while their inhibitions against violence melt away. It’s not as if this event led to the discovery of a secret KKK membership that she had been holding while sober.

I don’t think these even deserves news coverage honestly.

there is a difference between “you should have lingering doubt in the face of certainty that you know what exactly is trying to be communicated” and “you should have doubt about things you absolutely know are true”.

“I purposefully did not mention I was thinking about modulo math and let you assume I meant the common notion of + “ doesn’t really convince me of anything except that people disagree about what it means to be dishonest.

Based on his reputation and without reading what he wrote, no I don’t think he was being dishonest. I assume he was doing some weird philosophy and never at any moment entertained the possibility that meat and potatoes real life counting was hanging in jeopardy. I don’t think he was going around and saying “you should worry about reality and trusting your lying eyes because of some fancy math that you probably don’t need and doesn’t apply to counting physical objects”

It’s not a fallacy because I assume the content of his argument is not the content of your argument. I’m unable to comment on what he wrote. I have told you what I take issue with in your argument and it isn’t the part where you say Bertrand Russel said it too.

No, this is a bizarre reading of the situation. Goodbye

I want Trump to have his twitter back because I like jokes, and Trump is a very funny man.

“Musk needs government subsidies for his companies” is not sufficient to assume “the establishment has direct control over Musk’s adventures in twitter”. This strikes me as conspiratorial thinking. There are plenty of ways that the Musk-establishment relationship could be coloured without him being an enthusiastic and willing member, or otherwise a directly and forcibly controlled party.

Spend more than a few seconds considering what it means to have been burnt by allies before. Poland does not have the same eternal confidence in NATO that you do, and in terms of feeling existentially threatened as a Nation they fall closer to Israel/Jews than they do the average nation. Poles are a deeply skeptical and cynical people and I still don’t think any of them have the same theory about why the army is expanding now. Understand that these people’s relation to history is one of dreaming their past leaders armed themselves to the teeth in weapons and xenophobia while cleaning the toilets of the nations who at worst invaded them and best abandoned them.

I highly doubt Poland is not pursuing nukes because they’re uninterested. Why do you think Israel pretends to not have nukes?

If Poland is skeptical that their allies will defend them from Russia, why should they hope that Russia will refrain from nuking them? What good are tanks when one faces complete destruction?

Ask Ukraine?

Obligatory, rest in peace


This sensation peaked for me on the B&R podcast interview when asked if she recognizes how weird her twitter poll questions are. She didn’t say she doesn’t know why her questions are weird, she didn’t assert the questions shouldnt be weird, she denied that she was aware they are weird(Even Jesse uncharacteristically commented on this later, finding this this too much). Smells too much like she’s wearing Spergface and not doing a great job at it.

Ok so you would be totally happy if Ukrainians demolished the whole city and port alongside the statue?

I can absolutely notice the higher intellect of most posters here than me, and I think many lurkers are in the same boat.

if you figure something good out, let me know, please

Why do you have doubts about the majority of Ukraine being anti Russia?

That’s definitely the imposed perception, especially given the “R”, in TERF, but I think it’s a strategic move to paint any non-conservative trans-skeptic woman as merely sex negative, extreme, or reacting to trauma from cis-males.