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User ID: 104



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User ID: 104

Jesse is also a hypocrite when it comes to hate speech against whites. A couple of episodes ago he was faced with the example of Saira Rao, who called Zionists “bloodthirsty” in one tweet, but rails endlessly about whites. He sputtered out nonsense trying to justify why her real sin was crypto-antisemitism but overt anti white tweets are kosher. Groups that are scared get priority over groups that aren’t his. His principles have their limits. Katie is much more of a freethinker.

Episode 192: 00:17:00

Walt has a lot of patience with Tracing.

Tracing chill the fuck out dude

Just an example; “you’re like a communist who still praises Mao”. Walt doesn’t praise Hitler, does he? Nobody expects soft democratic socialists to feel shame about their prior opinions about the bourgeoisie.

I imagine they aren’t too concerned because their solutions to mental health are largely outside the acceptable purview of policy. If enforcing people make culturally Christian choices to live a wholesome mentally stable life free of vice is intolerable to the secular Center left, to a conservative politician their hands are tied.

“Don’t make me pay for your sex drugs and rock and roll if you want them so bad” essentially.

The most charitable read here is that Musk thinks Wikipedia deserves less money, not no money, and, like, ok Elon, I think you deserve less money and if you don't care about that opinion, why should they?

Musk isn’t running a charity. If Redditors want to convince companies that launching satellites on SpaceX rockets into space is a bad deal financially, they can make that argument.

“Musk needs government subsidies for his companies” is not sufficient to assume “the establishment has direct control over Musk’s adventures in twitter”. This strikes me as conspiratorial thinking. There are plenty of ways that the Musk-establishment relationship could be coloured without him being an enthusiastic and willing member, or otherwise a directly and forcibly controlled party.

I don’t know if I’d call this “extreme”, because she was drunk. People get into drunken altercations with this amount of heat all the time, and I don’t expect humans to remember to not say that one special word while their inhibitions against violence melt away. It’s not as if this event led to the discovery of a secret KKK membership that she had been holding while sober.

I don’t think these even deserves news coverage honestly.

there is a difference between “you should have lingering doubt in the face of certainty that you know what exactly is trying to be communicated” and “you should have doubt about things you absolutely know are true”.

“I purposefully did not mention I was thinking about modulo math and let you assume I meant the common notion of + “ doesn’t really convince me of anything except that people disagree about what it means to be dishonest.

That’s definitely the imposed perception, especially given the “R”, in TERF, but I think it’s a strategic move to paint any non-conservative trans-skeptic woman as merely sex negative, extreme, or reacting to trauma from cis-males.

I can absolutely notice the higher intellect of most posters here than me, and I think many lurkers are in the same boat.

I want Trump to have his twitter back because I like jokes, and Trump is a very funny man.

Doesn’t feel like that on the ground. Polish people are Shreks, their support for LGBT can be understood as “do whatever you want out of my swamp”, have all the negative rights you want, such that Im not expected to grant you positive freedom. Polish people react to rumours of LGBT flags in Western courthouses, schools, and libraries with a shock that chooses between “this is terrible” and “this is so terrible it must be PIS Stalinist propaganda to scare me away from the west”.

This sensation peaked for me on the B&R podcast interview when asked if she recognizes how weird her twitter poll questions are. She didn’t say she doesn’t know why her questions are weird, she didn’t assert the questions shouldnt be weird, she denied that she was aware they are weird(Even Jesse uncharacteristically commented on this later, finding this this too much). Smells too much like she’s wearing Spergface and not doing a great job at it.

Humans don’t typically have moral systems(and the ones that do do not operate on that system 99% of the time), and applying Philosophy-as-a-sport doesn’t make them suddenly bad people. Humans have a huge number of values which become inconsistent in specific scenarios, and Aella’s question is all heat and no light. Professional and dignified philosophers have demonstrated the same much more tactfully in the past, why did she not do the same? It’s molesting neurotypical people’s brains, and she is smart enough to know that(I recognize she says she doesn’t “get” why people don’t like these questions, I think she’s lying). This appears to me as an egoistic and irresponsible display of her social position. The normies are smart to know when they are being fucked with.

4D chess theory:

Elon is trying to teach the western internet users about the current Electricity situation in South Africa

Why would you like that, it’s not solely a neoliberal project, it’s clearly much far reaching than “neoliberal”, and especially rich considering it was vastly overrepresented in the left before it was present anywhere else including the neoliberal Center.

A Jewish American manager just forbade our European office from doing a Secret Santa precisely because Christianity might offend people who don’t celebrate Christmas.

I recommend you put a little more effort into your writing. It’s a little too dense, you could pepper in some examples of what the words you are taking for granted mean for clarity.

Currently it comes across as more of a cocky hot take declaration with a mic drop, (in my opinion)

Dems haven’t gotten tired of screaming over nothing yet, ergo, there is still some screaming left for them to do.

Nah, there being an ocean of half-believers makes it easier for people to leap to total belief. It’s easier to compare your virtue against a hypocrite than a total alien.

What if you were executed at gitmo that would be so crazy

Is actually a good response, what is she actually getting at with this question? It’s just a hard question and no clear lesson at the end of it. Shit, can my disgust reaction of child sex come into conflict with my desire for a child to be happy before death? woah dude that’s wild.

I really don’t see what moral discovery she’s made. How about you ask me what I would do if this story happened to someone else and how I would react to hearing about it? The answer is “I would feel sad for their difficult situation in which I am epistemically paralyzed to help or judge”. That’s my answer, Aella, this isn’t philosophy, this is “would you rather fuck your dad or your mom”, and casually throwing this on twitter is probably inspiring a bunch of similar behaviour amongst impressionable young adults.

Please make more of these, I’m a Bailey suppOORTER


The short answer is yes. Poland was dirt poor and no longer wanted to be a European backwater. Twenty years ago European progressivism was a tiny unimportant worry compared to what it is today, and to this day even Polish Varsovians are regularly surprised by how different the West is to their expectations.

(Poor poetic execution of an idea) His justification for Jewish particularism is their trauma, but also they are a group he conveniently belongs too. His feelings that “it’s creepy” are entirely subjective, and he’s granting his own group special status based on it.

You’re not that Indian guy who moved to London and then had a lengthy post about noblesse oblige are you?